Of course, the Coronavirus crisis is serious and I’m glad the President is addressing it forcefully and effectively.

We as Americans have a right to expect that our leaders come together to address crises effectively. But I’m concerned that’s not being done here.

But I’m starting to think that the Democrats are so desperate to politicize any issue and use it to attack the President, even if it harms the American people, to the point of illness:

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D., N.J.) expressed frustration with her Democratic colleagues at a recent town hall, admitting they block legislation because they “don’t want to give the president a win.”

Speaking at a Livingston, New Jersey, town hall on Thursday, Sherrill revealed the “shockingly different mindset” of congressional Democrats who prioritize resisting President Donald Trump over passing legislation that could help their constituents.

“When I go, you know, I’ve gone up to people and said, ‘I need to get this piece of legislation passed,’ and they say ‘Oh yeah, we just passed it,'” Sherrill said. “I said, ‘Yeah, we just passed it. I need the Senate to pass it and I need the president to sign it,’ and they said ‘Well, we don’t want to give the president a win.'”

Lately, this seems to have extended to politicizing the response to the Coronavirus.

While Trump works to steady the American economy and keep people safe – which he has worked to do constantly for three years – the Dems are playing politics and accusing the President of racism, which seems to be their go-to move:

“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, we’ve seen not only the spreading of the virus but also a rapid spreading of racism and xenophobia,” said Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley, in remarks delivered during a House hearing. “This painful rhetoric has consequences. Restaurants across Boston’s Chinatown have seen up to an 80 percent drop in business and I believe this has everything to do with the rapid spread of misinformation and paranoia.”

That was after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram Live called it “straight up racism” for people to avoid “patroning” – that is, patronizing – her district’s Chinese restaurants, out of fears of coronavirus.

And that was right around the time Joe Biden, from the campaign trail, slammed Trump as a racist for calling the Wuhan virus a “foreign virus” that originated in China – even though it did originate in China. In the Wuhan district of China, in fact. Thus the name: Wuhan coronavirus.

This is enough. The REAL sickness here is the Democrats who are willing to sacrifice the good of the American people for political vitriol.

From accusing all Americans of being racist, to trying to include abortion funding in the Coronavirus bill, our Congresswoman has proven herself a danger to our community and to the country.

I am truly humbled by the support my campaign has received and pleased that my message is resonating. I AM YOU – I live where you live, I eat where you eat, I work where you work, I sit in the same traffic you do.

I’m fighting the virus just like you are. And I expect our politicians to work with the President for the common good!

That’s why I am honored to have the support of the New York State GOP, as well as our district’s local GOP units, to defeat the obnoxious Marxist AOC! Now, I have a big fundraising deadline March 31. I need to raise another $48,400 to keep up with AOC!

I need your help to send a strong message to the Democrats, with the largest donation you can afford – whether it’s $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, all the way to the Federal maximum of $2800 per individual, to help me meet my goal as soon as possible.

It’s time to stop with the sick hatred of Trump. Let’s unite to defeat a common foe!

God bless,

John Cummings

P.S. Every time you see her on TV, remember that AOC is owned by the radical Soros/Steyer wing of the Socialist left! I need your help to stop her today!



Paid for by Cummings for Congress