Critical Race Theory is a threat to America’s national security … period! DOJ Merrik Garland’s son-in-law is allegedly responsible for introducing (at a huge profit) CRT and its evil tentacles of indoctrination into K-12 public school. Once a curriculum is embedded in a system as big as public education, it is extremely difficult to extricate it. Though not the beginning, it somewhat raised its ugly head during Obama’s regime.

Finally, the perfect “Trojan Horse” emerged … Biden’s administration! CRT’s sinister effectiveness bubbled-over to a public point of no return. Not only did Biden’s appointees (including Garland) know full well how anti-American (treasonous) it was, but so did Schumer’s Democrat majority (including Tester 202-224-2644), Pelosi’s Democrat majority, Big Tech, Big Democrat donors, Soros, unions, Big Business, Big Pharma, Fake News and “K”-Street … crickets!

CRT is Marxist … period! It’s been thoroughly entrenched … not only into academia, but also into every branch of military service. Americans were warned that their worst enemy would come from within. Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch) said, “If CRT persists in the training of future officers, they will see the enemy as their fellow Americans.” Jesus’s first command to His apostles at Getheseme was “stay awake!”