Just when sane people thought they’d caught a break with Democrats’ never-ending spending sprees, Democrats, led by Rep. Joaquin Castro, are calling for ramming DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) amnesty for millions of illegals through Congress before Republicans become House majority.

He says, “It’s a quick process for illegals to become naturalized citizens. Whether it’s attaching it to a larger bill or whether it’s a standalone bill, it’s going to require some kind of negotiation and participation from Republicans in order to do it.”

Let’s hope that Republicans’ participation consists of telling Democrats “No!”. Can someone please explain to Democrats that we’re already out of money … thanks to them? If they can pull-off another spending spree bill in their lame duck session, we will be starting 2023 with an even worse mess. Stop it! Call your Democrat “representatives” (if you call them that!). In Montana, that would be Tester (202-224-2467).