There is little difference between socialism and communism. Both lead to Marxism and seek global dominance. All three of those “isms” are evil. Their objective is to gain control of industry, business, property, communication, law enforcement, education, censorship, language/definitions and the very souls of human beings. As early as kindergarten, their diabolical indoctrination begins on young, impressionable children and unsuspecting parents; from then on there’s slow, purposeful and, almost unrecognizable, deprivation of truth about American history, its Creator, its flag, its national anthem, its Declaration of Independence and its Constitution . Socialists, Communists and Marxists would like to “fundamentally transform America”.

America stands for democracy. Unlike socialism, communism and Marxism, democracy means due process, equal justice under its laws, freedom and God-given inalienable rights! There is no two-tiered legal system. Citizens are entitled to a speedy trial by an impartial jury (didn’t happen to the Bundys). American citizens are innocent until proven guilty (didn’t happen to Ronny Jackson, a twice deployed, well-vetted doctor to several presidents). American citizens are not thrown into solitary confinement for weeks and months on end (currently happening to many American citizens). Americans are not threatened to lie. Citizens have a right to freely express their grievances. Parents have a right to know what their children are being taught. Under democracy, there is no wholesale round-up of legal American citizens. Not to be confused with legitimate refugees, “illegal immigrants” are illegal. Socialists, Communists and Marxists would like to “fundamentally transform America”.


Amendments 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 14 and 23 are under siege now! Any American citizen, who does not want to “fundamentally change America” should call their representative in either house of Congress now!