It is not funny anymore. Somebody please put Biden back in the basement. He gave Putin a list of 16 sectors which are “off-limits” for cyber-attacks. In other words, if hacked, the ones on that list would do the most damage to America. It is beyond astounding! If giving America’s adversaries a list of “best” targets isn’t treason, then what is? Imagine if Trump had done something that stupid.  It would be like telling the school-yard bully which pocket not to search for your lunch money.

Not only that, before Biden got to Russia he had already given-away America’s best leverage. That would be the Russia-to-Germany pipeline. Biden cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline in America, financially destroying American families and American oil independence, and gave Russia a pipeline! Biden gave Putin a pipeline with nothing in return! Biden boasts, “America is back!”. Back to where? Back to the back of the world classroom, that’s where. Who is the anti-America puppeteer? Heaven forbid that Trump was still President! He was a big “meanie”, who fought for “America First!”.