We the People are not as stupid as Democrats appear to think. Conversely, it is their lies and stupidity that are destroying America and creating one after another national security crisis.

A few of multiple examples:

Millions of unvetted illegals have poured into America since Jan. 20, 2021. Many are mules for Cartel-sponsored human trafficking and killer-drugs (especially Fentanyl). Democrats (purposefully or stupidly) ended Trump’s border policies, that were keeping Americans safe. It is a self-inflicted, national security catastrophe. When they, purposefully end Trump’s Title 42, the crisis at our Southern border will exponentially become much worse and more dangerous for everyday Americans. Stupid? Who’s stupid?

Democrats gave Taliban $86-billion in military equipment and left behind tens of thousands of innocent Americans and their metrics in Afghanistan, knowing full well they’d be murdered, raped and tortured. Stupid or treason?

Between screwing-up the Afghanistan withdrawal and Biden’s dementia, enemies are emboldened. Russia invaded Ukraine. Jung Un restarted his nuke-testing. XI imprisoned 26-million Chinese in Shanghai and is licking his chops for an easy takeover of Taiwan. And, Biden has Putin working as America’s proxy-negotiator with Iran! Are Democrats idiots or doing this on purpose?

Led by a “Squad” of stupidity, Democrats declared war on fossil fuel and gave away America’s energy independence. They’re ridding America of its emergency supplies and begging for dirty oil around the world. That stupidity has destroyed supply chains and national security.

Democrat-backed Antifa and Black Lives Matter led 574 riots, killing 25 people and injuring thousands, during 2020, while Trump ran for reelection. These same, well-paid “protestors” led the 1/6 insurrection. Right before the 2024 election, a Democrat committee will, no doubt, try to criminally slam Trump with it. Congress may be, but everyday Americans are not stupid