This week, the U.S. Senate is working to pass one of the most historic pieces of conservation legislation in decades, the Great American Outdoors Act. I have been working night and day to get my bipartisan bill passed and signed into law.

For more information on the bill click, HERE.

Here’s the floor speech I gave on Monday before the first procedural vote moving the Great American Outdoors Act forward in the Senate.

Click HERE to watch the full speech.

And here is my statement after voting to move forward on the Great American Outdoors Act in the Senate on Monday.

Click HERE to watch the full statement.


On Tuesday, I spoke on the Senate floor again. This time with my Senate colleagues on the importance of getting this legislation passed.

Click HERE to watch the full speech.

I also joined my colleagues in a press conference on Tuesday to share why getting the Great American Outdoors Act across the finish line is so critical for Montana and this country.

Click HERE to watch my remarks.

Here’s a video of Mac Minard the Executive Director of Montana Outfitters and Guides Association praising the Great American Outdoors Act.

Click HERE to watch Mac’s comments.

For more information on my work on defending Montana’s public lands, click HERE.

Best Wishes,

Steve Daines
United States Senate