At the end of the Obama era (or, so we thought), one Hollywood expert, Ellen DeGeneres, said ….. “8 years, no scandals”.

Well … that’s except for Fast & Furious, Uranium, Benghazi, IRS Targeting, FISA fraud, covered-up death of 22 Navy Seals, Spygate, Solyndra, open borders, sanctuary cities, Catch & Release, cages built for imprisoning “illegal” women & children, Hillary’s 33,000 subpoenaed emails destroyed, “classified” level positions for 5 Muslim Brotherhood members, Egypt/ Morsi/Hillary/Obama/Black Muslims election conspiracy, anti-Netanyahu election interference, joking about “no shovel-ready jobs” on late night tv, “Reset” with Russia, fake Russian dossier, Iran Deal, North Korea screw-up, Increased deficit by $11-trillion, worldwide apology tour, Reggie Love/”blow”, releasing almost all al Qaeda prisoners from Gitmo, reneging on “Red Line” (resulting in death to thousands of innocents), indiscriminate drone-bombing (killing thousands of innocents), endless lies about unaffordable healthcare and more. At his last D.C. Prayer Breakfast, Obama’s parting comment was “Christians ought to get off of their high horses”.