Saul Alinsky said ‘Even though you are at war with the system, don’t call it an opposing army … join it and undermine it as a fifth column from within. Revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude. First, sell the people on change itself, the audacity of hope and yes we can. Propose moderate changes, which will open doors to radical agendas: once you organize people around something, which is commonly agreed upon, such as pollution, then an organized people is on the move. From there, it’s a short, natural step to radical pollution’.” [emphasis added] David Horowitz’s “The Alinsky Model”

Green Czar Van Jones, an Alinsky disciple and avowed Communist, was appointed by Obama’s minders to jump-start an anti-pollution revolution. They, including Obama, were official members of Chicago’s, now-defunct New Party (aka now-defunct ACORN aka MoveOn). For 2020’s presidential election, Biden’s minders have already tagged AOC, and her Green New Deal’s communist agenda, for a prominent position in his administration. Ditto for Beto, who’ll be in charge of gun seizures … your guns!

Two or three American generations, know nothing about our pre-Obama, real America, anti-Communist country. Après-college in Chicago, Obama was a “community organizer”, who taught Alinsky’s tutorial. Obama idolizes the guy and often plagiarizes him. So does Hillary; she wrote her term paper at Wellesley on him. He’s been the Democrats’ playbook for decades.

Before Election Day 2008, Obama boasted, “We are five days away from fundamentally changing America!” Now, before Election Day 2020, Biden uses the same treasonous words. So do pro-Illegals, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and other well-paid, well-indoctrinated, pro-Marxist thugs. We have been warned!