Saul Alinsky, a self-declared America-hater, who “admired Lucifer”, hailed from Chicago. Obama (aka Barry Sotero) swore by Alinsky’s “community organizing” ideas; and, Hillary loved him so much that she wrote a 92-page term paper about him, titled “There’s Only the Fight”. In “Dreams from My Father”, Obama credits Alinsky for a huge influence on his life. Today, not just for Obama-wannabes, Alinsky’s “Rules for Revolution” has become the Democrats’ playbook. It’s extremely dangerous for any American, especially young Americans, to not know who Saul Alinsky was … and still is.

Though Alinsky died in 1972, his evil intentions and strategies live on. He saw America as “oppressive, unjust and a system worth burning”. His doctrine was that “the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution” and that the best way to advance a radical agenda is deception. For example, rather than simply picketing a speaker, go dressed-up as a KKK member, carrying pro-speaker signs. Media will run with the false “branding” message over-&-over-&-over until gullible people actually believe that the person is a white supremacist. Yeah, it’s dirty and sleazy; but, it’s effective!

“Selling utopia” is deception a’la Alinsky at its best! Perfecto! … free everything …“Green New Deal”, globalism, open (unprotected) borders, no poverty, no war, no racism, perfect harmony or whatever the voters want to hear! The “end” is power; the “means” be damned!