Years after Columbus discovered the Americas, Europeans found the northern part of that continent. Settling it was difficult; but, by the 17th century, they did.

Native Americans were already in America when the foreigners began arriving. Among them were white indentured servants. West Africans and Europeans profited immensely by selling servants and slaves before and after voyages to the New World. By 1607, Jamestown was their best client. In 1620, a ship delivered “90 young, black maidens” to Jamestown.

Farms grew into plantations. White landowners bought both black slaves and the white indentured servants. In 1865, under President Lincoln and, after a civil war over the evil of people-owning-people, the 13th amendment was ratified. It very specifically freed both groups with the words “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, …”. Unlike  newly freed non-black people, many black slaves received ’40 acres and a mule’ as reparations, a fact Al Sharpton and other ‘reparations for slaves’ advocates are either ignorant of or are ignoring.

Today, cruel cartels are making millions, if not billions, by selling women and children of all colors as sex slaves. By the end of 2020, Trump had mostly eliminated these barbaric operations from the United States. Sadly, Biden invoked ‘open borders’, which allows cartels to be back in business in North America.

Since reparations to black slaves were paid-in-full in 1865, one has to wonder when will reparations be paid to the progeny of white indentured servants and who will be responsible for reparations to those sold into sex-slavery because of reckless open border polices.