The crisis in Venezuela is dire. U.S. diplomats left the beleaguered country weeks ago. Nicholas Maduro, its illegitimate, socialist dictator, is starving the people. The only water to be had is sewage. Electrical power has been out for weeks. Even for hospitals, there’s been no mercy. Thousands of innocent people, including new born babies, are being murdered in our own backyard. Pres. Trump sent tons of food and medical aid; but, Maduro’s well-paid thugs burned it at the border.

Not only is what’s happening there an obscene blight on humanity, it’s an enormous threat to U.S. national security and an octopus of evil with horrific global complications! Venezuela’s National Assembly, the people, the U.S. and 60 other countries, recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s legitimate President. Maduro, of course, does not. Communist Russia and Cuba are propping-up the monster! Russian planes are flying in-and-out of Caracus every day with troops and military equipment. Yet, FAKE NEWS and Democrats are “crickets” on the scariest Western Hemisphere situation since the Bay of Pigs. A surprise “Red Dawn” in middle-America is not beyond the realm of imagination.

Maduro has imprisoned five Americans and thousands of Guaido supporters … even taking his chief adviser at AK-gunpoint! It’s what socialist dictators do! With Russia in the mix, sanctions on Venezuela and telling Maduro to leave have been a waste of time. Sanctions on Russia, probably, won’t work either. Venezuela’s oil is the thickest, richest in the world. Putin wants to own it and to refine it. He’ll fight for it! Maduro is just a pawn to him; and, he certainly could care less about the plight of the Venezuelan people.

No matter what decision Pres. Trump makes about this huge threat to America, FAKE NEWS and Democrats will call it “bad”. They’ll twist it into another anti-Trump scenario, all the way into November 2020. They hate this president more than they love America and its legal citizenry.