Today, instead of Nicaraguans and Russians parachuting into a small town, there are communist Chinese and communist Russians invading us by way of cyber-intrusions, surveillance, black-outs, deadly viruses, and grid attacks across the entire United States.

In the old Red Dawn, the town was quickly secured by military occupation and gun seizures. The men were imprisoned in a re-education camp, which was secured by a 7’ high, chain-linked fence with barbed wire on top.

Recently, we have a president of questionable authenticity threatening to strip us of our second amendment rights by invoking gun control by executive order.  In part, this order would demand we register not only our guns, but the location where they are stored.  The only reason our government would need to know where our guns are stored is to seize them and render us incapable of defending ourselves.  Other lefties are suggesting Trump supporters need to be disarmed and sent to re-education camps.  Sound familiar?

One must wonder if the American government is working for the communists rather than the American people.