O my! There is nothing like a 4AM sky! I positioned my rocker and watched (in amazement, as usual), as Scout and Kit Carson took up their protective posts. Someday the “boogieman” is going to have to attempt to get me, just so I can see my “secret service” spring into action! However, this morning I come before the universe with a holiday specific question. This is July the 3rd, 1776. I am a Founding Father, about to sign, on the morrow, what will, in all probability, be my death warrant. In most cases, I have a family, a farm or business, an education and a good life. What the hell am I thinking? Has the subjugation of the British crown, become so unbearable? What do I really know of the events of the day, as I depend upon newspapers, freedom-oriented publications (no more reliable than those of the 21st century), rumors and hearsay, for my information? I fear desperately for my life, my family, my fortune and my sacred honor, but, fear more the loss of liberty! It is the courage to overcome these fears that has driven us to sign The Declaration of Independence! Give me Liberty, or give me death, and may God have mercy on our souls. These United States of America, being born in the midst of fear, confusion and chaos, but to Fathers of great courage and conviction! Men with wisdom beyond their years, visions of a prophet and a relentless faith in God. 241 years later, their creation is dying. Those charged with preserving it for posterity (we the people) have no heart, no self-respect, no integrity, no honor and no faith in God. Our last hope is tied to a movement of the few remaining Americans believing in the values and principles of those Founding Fathers and led by a non-partisan patriot elected because of his unique leadership skills and courage. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!!! Form an army and fight for your country!