Between the storms at 2 AM, the clouds are racing past a full white moon. The rumblings of wind blown tin roofing sending me, Scout, and Kit out to inspect for damages. The three of us circled the house, wind whistling through the trees, driving just the lightest rain, only to confirm everything was still in place. The next round will be here shortly, with possible tornadoes and golf ball size hail. We’re used to being up for lesser reasons, so, we’ll be here and we’ll be ready, Not that we can fight our Mother nature. Fortunately I baked myself a cherry pie last night so I won’t be going hungry.

4 AM was clear and cold, I checked on it from upstairs, and crawled back into bed. Slept til 5 and felt that I’d been blessed. My mind was running reruns of all the sports I played, from age of 3 to 55. I relived it all. The good, the bad, the ugly. Remembering names and places, and often even faces. From front yards, back yards, alleyways, and parking lots, to football fields in Germany, and golf courses round the world. I took a football to Vietnam, (no real idea of war and what was coming), which they took away for throwing passes in the jungle. 1950 through 2005, it went by in an instant. Softball, baseball, football, basketball, golf, tennis, water skiing, snow skiing, pool, boxing, dancing, chess, hunting, fishing, and the rest, each required a volume on their own, and, yet, I viewed it all while trying to get back to sleep. And, then, an awesome sunrise spread across the eastern sky in a kaleidoscope of pastel pinks and purples, acting as the credits for my movie.

Filling up a midnight moon, like turning on a light, illuminates the world around you, allowing you to see. It seems to never change. Some times its brown, some times green, and sometimes has an icy sheen, but, make no mistake, no matter how exquisite, this has been your prison cell, your pasture where you graze. You serve here a life sentence, with no parole for good behavior. Your bed, your room, your house, your car, wherever you might think you are. Your city, state, and country, or any place on this planet, in this tiny universe, becomes your outer walls. And when you’ve reached those boundaries, you discover you are still on the inside looking out. Even when, as one with God, your soul is soaring, His Love the wind beneath your wings, you look into infinity, and find it really isn’t.

Scout says to me,”blah, blah, blah, I told you not to eat that cheese and sausage”

4 AM sky, cold and clear. God’s Love and infinity’s wisdom have my ear. Stop, look, and listen, is all God really asks. Feed your heart, mind, body, and soul, among your daily tasks. Then share that Love with all who care, asking them to join you there! Feeling you in my 4 AM sky!

What’s on your mind at 11 PM, FB wants to know. The dog has waked you from 3 hour’s sleep,(pretty good for me), demanding to be escorted down the stairs, and you want to know what I’m thinking? My leg is killing me as I hobble down the steps, one by one, both hands upon the rail. Apparently my right knee MCL has gone the way of my left. And FB wants to know what I am thinking? The moon and stars are swirling in a mix of chunky clouds. I look up from the puter to see Scout and Kit sleeping together , Girl Scout in the chair and Kit Carson on the ottoman, right next to her. ( Now, I am thinking Ghost Busters, end of the world warning,”dogs and cats, sleeping together”!) And you still want to know what I’m thinking? Well, I am thinking,”what’s the point?” The wisdom of infinity says,”there is no point” FB asks the same of you,”what is on your mind?”
The moon and stars, from 1 to 3 AM, played hide and seek among the balls of fluffy clouds. I’m guessing it was the clouds that moved, (the other prospect would be too scary), and gaps , that got larger with the passing night, exposed a half a yellow moon, and one by one, each shining star was given equal time on stage. To look beyond confining clouds, and see infinity, is a gift God gives to all who seek. Sights seen only by the heart and an essence felt only by the soul. We are one with God, and therefore with each other. Why then, would we even contemplate the horrors we enact, or condone, upon each other? Someone please explain the goodness of a war, or the useful idiots(like myself), allowing themselves to be led to slaughter those they do not know, or be slaughtered by the same? Have I mentioned humans are too dumb to live? Too evil to exist? These ugly truths will get you up at 1 AM and mar the magnificence of God’s magic midnight if you let them. PTSD? Or, simply being human?
Breath taking cold and a pre-dawn sky of awe inspiring brilliance. A tiny ribbon, of almost red, stretches across the horizon, tying the fading dark of night to the coming light of day. Amazing just how fast the earth is spinning, yet, we don’t feel a thing, but, stand and watch the sun rise, knowing that it never moves at all. The ribbon turns pastel pink to white and blue, while bringing into focus the tree-lined silhouettes. Allowing you to see the magic of the horses as they are walking through those trees on the backside of the pond, en route to cross the fields of frosted grass, and pass on to the barn. And, just like that, another day is underway. ENJOY!
A half moon at midnight, lighting up the land. Tracking it since 7 PM when it put us both to bed, and again at 9:30 when Raven wanted out. It moved from over Tracey’s house , to sinking over Billy’s, leaving a bijillion stars in its wake. And, in the midst of all of that, there was Love. For you, for me, for all of us. A universe that laughed at man for his arrogance, and his ignorance, and lack of common sense. Wisdom, going every day to waste, for want of one to seek it. A human race that lacks the courage, to listen to the truth. That chooses, instead, to live lives based on lies and illusions produced by man himself. We are such silly people, and hypocrites to the core. Once again, man’s language is inadequate, and incapable of communicating that which needs no explanation.

2 AM, no sky and north wind roaring through the tree tops. Dixie has become the main driver of midnight missions. Her pancreas and insulin imbalance makes her drink too much and , being blind, we worry about her getting out to pee.(however, I most imagine we see about the same in the dark) Still, Scout and Kit accompany us down and out. Full realization of the wonders taking place around and through us requires a conscious effort to get beyond the bonds of the physical world, and I just can’t let go of the hope I might go back to bed, or eat more apple pie. Times like this make me aware of how shallow I really am. I’m sure I’ll try for divinely deeper thoughts at 4 AM.

Lonely jumped all over me in the grungy grey of 4 AM. A common malady among those who choose “the path less traveled”. But, nothing you have not come to live with over a lifetime on this journey. There, I’m over it.
Wearing my 4 AM sky, cold and wet, and back inside. I am thankful for history. A collection of memories, from which, I am free to pick and choose a vision of what lays beyond the rain. I have selected a moonless, star-filled backdrop, with hints of infinity in forever blackness. Silhouettes of tree-lined horizons, adorn its borders. God’s Love provides the energy to bring it all to life within my heart. And suddenly I’m sharing, with every soul in need. Obtaining clearance for us all to soar outside our broken bodies, in a light display too bright for human sight. With sounds too pure for human ears, and no ugly human thoughts at all. What a beautiful way to start the second day of 2020!
The special thing about the first 4 AM sky of 2020, was that it was no more special than the last of 2019! God’s Love is constant, and always special.
Pre-dawn pastels light the eastern horizon as they bleed slowly into morning, proclaiming the coming of one last day this year. It appears to be a magnificent canvas, upon which to paint a 2019 finale. Splatter peace and joy, and Love, and laughter, using all the bright colors your palette has to offer. Gut up and finish strong! Happy New Year!!
A moonless midnight is clear and bright. Orion standing tall, in the midst of all his warrior stars, is defending the coming of yet another year,(although, I doubt he considers it to be anything other than just another day). Baking the last pie of 2019 for Mike and Linda’s new neighbors, with everything finished , cleaned up, and put away by 1:30 AM. The “so much to be thankful for” far out weighs the”so much to complain about” when looking back, and looking forward is frightening at best. Place each step carefully in the coming year. Love as many and as often as you can, and hate no one, nor your circumstances. One of my favorite sayings goes something like this,”may the wind be always at your back, and the path come up gently to meet your feet.” Have a fabulous New Year, and I hope to convey more Love and wisdom from the 4 AM sky next year,”if the good Lord’s willing, and the creek don’t rise”
In the brilliant clear and unrelenting light of day, it becomes apparent we have allowed 2019 to get away. There is so little time in life and few say their’s well spent, we reach the end of all of it, and wonder where it went. We swear to do much better in this, a brand new year. Kinder , smarter, better people and to put our butts in gear. If 70 years of wisdom counts, in figuring this stuff out, you won’t be the least surprised to know I have my doubts. So good luck with your resolutions, and don’t be looking for solutions. Just get out there and spread good cheer, and have yourself a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Wow! Went to bed at 9 PM with half a moon lighting up a clear sky. 3 AM and a couple of clouds cluttered an otherwise clear and star . filled moonless morning. Sausage , egg, cheese, and avocado, with Hawaiian bread toast and apple butter, doing dishes, feeding dogs, distributing pills, loving on Girl Scout, watching Fox & Friends First,eating a homemade chocolate chip cookie with a spoon full of stewed apricots, and checking on Facebook, before slipping back out for a 4 AM sky. Where did it go? Orion, April’s Big Dipper, and an array of other stars, visible at 3, were now tucked away beneath , an, all consuming blanket of grey clouds. Forcing us to focus on God’s Love and all our friends in need of His healing, mind, body, heart, and soul. Tricia and her father, Jolene, Debbie, Linda H, Linda W, Pam G, my Deb, unfortunately the list goes on forever. Fortunately God’s Love is endless with plenty to go around. You have but to seek, and ye shall find.

The glory of a brand new day! The softly shifting colors dancing before the rising sun. We pass this way but once, and each night begins a new day, so catch as many of these shows as your soul can handle. Then take the gift of a fresh canvas and paint yourself a beautiful Loving life.

1:30 AM, I have been up for an hour, gazed at a cold clear sky, accepted God’s gifts, Love, wisdom, common sense, distributed pills for the day’s consumption, threw together a delicious omelette, ham, egg, cheese, tomatoes, with a slice of avocado, cleaned up my mess, watched impeachment reruns, and posted this on Facebook. The dogs are sleeping, waiting to respond to whatever comes next. That may be our message of the day. Take what life throws at you, deal with it, and be ready to respond to whatever comes next. Or, go back to bed, and hide your head, as I think I shall do.

How do you describe the indescribable? Where do you find enough adjectives within our one dimensional language to convey the infinite depth of a 4 AM sky? The beauty of a bizillion stars,(yes, I counted them), sparkling in the darkness of a crystal clear moonless midnight? The essence of God’s Love permeating your heart and soul? The mind meld with the wisdom of all eternity? And, then be tasked to do it everyday. And, who would assign that impossible mission to the most inadequate, irrelevant, unworthy human among us? Is it possible God made a mistake?

Residual clouds, from last night’s storm, linger in my 2 AM midnight. A few million stars manage to be seen in the windows to forever. God’s peace and Love ooze over you and soak into your pores, like honey on a soft warm biscuit. (these food analogies must be a bi-product of the holidays) Common sense connects you to the wisdom of the universe, and we are prone to ponder that proverbial question,”why?”. If you have the answer, please share. (“because” is not an answer).

4 AM brought just enough rain,(12 drops), to tease a pond that needs to rise 2 feet. But, the clouds linger. Blocking out our stargate to the universe. Open your heart, and understand, that , you, are the universe. You are the portal through which all love flows.

And, the midnight morning came. Paper thin puffy clouds were shuffling across the moonless sky, blotting out the stars. Scout and I soaked it in, like biscuits sopping gravy, We are one with all that ever was, or will be. So, why is it, we let the irrelevant, rhetorical, bullshit of the physical plane drag us down? We have access to all the answers, we have only to ask the right questions.

A solid 3 hours sleep! Unfortunately, a Thanksgiving Day, over-fed gut, and less than exciting football on TV, put me to sleep at 7:30. 10:30 wake up call and an hour of laying in bed trying, unsuccessfully, to keep my mind from engaging put me outside with Scout, looking up into a crystal clear forever. Giving thanks for God’s Love, wisdom. and common sense, gave way to praying for healing in those whose lives we touched. Pushed as much Love into the 4 AM sky as my pathetic little heart could generate,(hoping it would be well received), and came back inside to carve the leftover ham, placing it in containers to be refrigerated and saved for those great sandwiches I’ll be eating until I can no longer stand to look at them and feed the rest to my dogs. Thankful for the Thanksgiving found in a 4 AM sky at midnight.

If you think you have nothing to be thankful for , standing beneath a crystal clear 4 AM sky, or at the alter of a 6 AM pre-dawn eastern horizon, you have no soul. Yes, I distributed pills, baked a pie, took a shower, cleaned the kitchen, and loved my dogs, all before stepping into the Love and infinity of a Thanksgiving Day, 4 AM sky! Happy Thanksgiving one and all!

Explosions in the storms of 11 PM blew holes in the clouds, and chunks fell to earth in gallon buckets. By the time it passed, at midnight, there were stars peering through the gaps. 2 AM was mostly clear with Orion standing out directly overhead. The 4 AM sky brought back delicate puffs of white, that managed to diminish, if not block out, most of the points of light. Sucking up God’s Love, from the 11 PM storms to the 4 AM peace, re-energized my heart, and pushed me past the low-energy depression of yesterday. I have distributed pills, baked 4 pecan pies,(and cleaned the kitchen of course), written this post, loved on my dogs, psyched myself up for the activities of the day, which include shoeing a horse at 8, training horses from 9 to noon, filling gas bottles in Crystal Springs, have a tooth added to my dentures in Gallman, and getting home for Deb, before taking a nap. Definitely a nap!

I don’t care if I live to be 100, and, thereby forced to watch 36,500 sunrises, I will marvel at the beauty, and count each one a blessing.The pastel colors beneath a still bright Venus star, adorn an eastern horizon that strains to give birth to a brand new day! Just as the moon watches, as it settles to the west, in bittersweet amazement, knowing this will be her replacement. Showing her faith in God, and all that is, she whispers, like Arnold Schwartzeneger,”I’ll be back!”

The 4 AM sky didn’t make it. The partly clear visibility of 1, 2, and 3 AM was buried by thin clouds, blocking the stars from view. ….I am sorry , Sometimes, depression, like a fog, rolls in from nowhere and saps my energy, rendering me even more useless than usual. But, like fog, this too shall pass.


1 AM leads to 2 as the full moon moves west and Orion sits above us, dimmed, but not diminished. Funny that Veteran’s Day should be on 11-11, my special number in life. I was honored to have placed a wreath on the Vietnam Wall in DC,for the 11th Armored Cavalry, on 11-11, 2011, at 11:11 AM, after an extraordinary set of unique circumstances. My buddy Rick and I landed in Australia on 11-11, at 11:11 AM to begin a 30 day adventure, exploring that country. My ex-wife Sandy and our kids lived at 1111 Mackie in Carrollton, north of Dallas. And on, and on, too many accounts to mention. So, as I am set to step into my 4 AM sky I once again ask “why”? BTW, we need a “day” for veteran’s families and dependents.

So, I have dealt with physical pain for 70 years, cuts, bruises, breaks, sprains, strains, and a myriad of malladies collected from an active life of sports, horses, construction, being clumsy, and growing old. I have healed or learned to live with these. But, I have never learned how to deal with injuries to my heart.

A bright moon in a cloudless sky illuminates the landscape and accentuates the tree-lined silhouettes. Scout dog and Kit, cloaked in deepest black coats, stand out on a near white gravel driveway, as they provide for my security.God’s Love flows in, around, and through me, doing all it can to cleanse my heart. The wisdom of infinity displays the answer to every question ever asked, but, records them in common sense, a language man no longer speaks.It is like having that word, or that name, on the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t spit it out. Midnight, one and two AM slide by, redundant in their starry splendor. Daylight’s Sunday sunrise shines across Tracey’s foggy pond and reflects off The Free Will Aviary Cafe chandelier in golden beams that pass through The Looking Glass to tell me I fell asleep in the recliner and missed my 4 AM sky!

OMG! The heavy depression associated with a broken heart is weighing me down. I took the dog we found last week to Copiah Animal Shelter, where they feel confident they can find him a home. The extra chaos of trying to fit in another dog was upsetting Deb. She has been declining, but this was causing high anxiety, and more incoherent behavior. He was a great dog and deserves better .I am very sad.

The creeping clouds of midnight become the waffle clouds of 2 AM. Stars shimmer sensuously through the intermittent gaps and a crisp cold collection of calm and breezy air tweeks my cheeks.Girl Scout, still jealous and upset with me for allowing the lost dog to cuddle and ride in her truck, reluctantly stands guard. I take a little extra as I suck up God’s midnight morning Love, in order to give it back at four, to all who need it more.Baking pies while waiting, cut short for lack of Karo. Thank God for Fox First at 3 AM. I’ve Love to share, with friends in need, at 4AM, or I’d go back to bed.

Interesting 4 AM sky. Not because it was beautiful and tickled your soul, but because it happened twice! Shared it with Scout, went back in the house, set the clocks back an hour, and took advantage of a second opportunity to soak up Love and wisdom. Now it is 10 minutes before 6 AM and the predawn pastels are painting pink the eastern horizon. Not sure what good it is to change time. Just another inept attempt by man to play God.

Every morning I am awe-struck by the majestic magnitude of the 4 AM sky. There are not enough superlatives, not enough adjectives, not enough words, to describe the very essence of God’s Love. I think of the captive, charged with writing “1,001 Arabian Nights”, and I feel his pain. Finding a new message, a new story, using the same tired words found in the same inadequate language. Fortunately for me, God furnishes the story, the message, and the interpretation, asking of me, only that I find the words to convey them to that one heart in need, at that moment. The package comes with all the Love, all the wisdom, and all the common sense one man’s heart, mind, and soul can handle, yet does not include pencil, paper, or instructions on how to share!! I know Love is the answer, and I never seem to ask the right question.

Cold and clear at midnight and again at 4 AM. Feel it in your heart and soul and let the darkness of the physical world go. Orion starts in the east at 11:00 PM ( when Scout woke me after 3 hours sleep) , marching steadily higher into a 4 AM sky. The Love and prayers, for all in need, are waiting to be retreived. I know, that as for me, collecting all my heart can hold each morning, is what gets me through the day.Thanks to all who place them there, keep them coming please.
Well, winter’s wicked weather has arrived. Cold driving rain at 2 AM, and predictions of 33* for tomorrow’s Thursday.I’ve been preparing for days, upgrading and building new cabinets to protect waterheaters and exposed pipes.( The experience of old fat white men, for whom, this is not their first rodeo.) We’ll still fall prey to the occasional busted pipe, but, such is the cost of living in the country.

Orion ,and his army of stars, push back the patchy clouds of 4 AM, clearing the dome for 5 AM viewing. Aaah, you can see forever,(yet, it is never what you think). God’s Love suffocates the physical world, allowing peace and wisdom to rule your heart and soul. Take the time to be thankful, and let your soul explore infinity. Viewing insignificant life forms, on an insignificant planet, in an insignicant universe, objectively from afar, certainly tends to reduce the self importance that clogs the flow of God’s pure Love.

Isn’t it exciting what you see in the darkness of a cloud covered 4 AM sky! The bright white, of an otherwise coal black Girl Scout, reflects enough light to identify her, as she patrols the perimeter of my operating area. I notice that I acknowledge the presence of the past hiding in the treeline, but somehow no longer,(or, at least on this morning), feel the dread or fear. I recognize that being able to stand erect and walk into the morning’s midnight is a privilege, and a blessing, that should never be taken for granted. Love permeates your heart and soul, allowing you to see all things. Wisdom guides your steps, and common sense connects you . I pray for all my friends that want it and share my boundless Love with a 4 AM sky that takes it where its needed. Get you some and pass it on.
4!:00 AM and the sky continues to fall. Moving me back inside, where I chicken-fry tenderized venison gifted to me by the big game hunters that live next door.Best stuff I ever ate, thank you Billy McKee,(actually Gunner got it with a bow). I treated the dogs by pouring the grease over their dry dog food. By 2 AM we had all eaten too much and washed the dishes. As soon as I finish this I will be curling up next to them. Gentle rain, full bellies, warm beds, lots of love, and college football to look forward to! Rain outs can be awesome!

The 4 Am sky is falling. Cold and wet. Invigorating and refreshing.Cancels the outdoor activity. Suggests a return to bed. And, so, I listened. 8 AM, the sky still falls, I feel well rested, as does Scout, I’m sure. She oddly chooses to sleep under the bed, instead of in it,(definitely not a Texas woman). She moves with me like a shadow, from room to room, or back outside,(which seems to be her favorite).We’ll be confined to quarters on this day, and that’s OK, because we sorely need the rain. And, that might be the message. Into each one’s life must fall a little rain. Perspective, perception, play parts in how we view it. The Free Will Aviary Cafe is covered with bright red cardinals that choose to ignore it all together, as they share a breakfast buffet.

So clear at 4 AM, one could almost see all the way from now til then! A chubby crescent moon and Orion in his shiny armor stand guard over a bizillion points of light, that must surely be the” holes in the floor of heaven”, refered to in a song, through which, pours God’s Love , so bright, if not broken into stars, you could not look upon it. You feel the magic instantly as Love courses through your heart and steals your soul for some early morning soaring. It is one of those backdrops that deserves a meteor shower or something more dramatic. We have to settle for a pastel pink and orange predawn sky, leading to an explosion of sunlight, telling us its time to go to work. Training horses is not work and we are privileged to be trusted with the task. Life comes with a million moving parts, and this particular part of mine is perfect!

Living in a shadow box, with 50 shades of grey, on a cloud covered Tuesday morning/midnight at 1:30 AM. Dogs and nature get me up so I won’t miss a thing. No moon, no stars, no falling space trash, no rain, no thunder, no lightening, No Kit(he sometimes waits for 4 AM sky), no rhyme, or reason. The silence of the silhouettes is screaming in my head,”there are none so blind, as those who will not see!”. Open up your heart and soul to see what dreams may come! God’s Love is just an essence, to be felt , not seen or heard. An energy that brings forth life, resulting in acts of Love and kindness, when left to run its course. And wisdom seldom shows itself, among the human race, although, its all around us, all the time, waiting only on the use of common sense to connect us to its peace. God loves to drag this weird stuff from me, and make me write it down, so all the world can call me “fool” and treat me like a clown.

Midnight madness! Go to bed before nine and you can count on being up to watch the midnight stars.(which, by the way, are barely visible through the clouds). Girl Scout, Kit, and Dixie, agree that any time is alright as long as you are there.( Johnny Mathes again). Need for the rain to hold off, as we have 2 horses to start this morning for a friend around the corner. The Light of Love fills your heart and charges your soul , even in this darkness, so you might have it to fall back on in your darkest hour. The fear of PTSD and the depression of a lonely caregiver are no match for God’s healing Light. The trick is to remember to reach out when you are drowning.

Counting blessings on a Sunday, how appropriate. Starting with a perfect 4 AM sky that rolls into a perfect sunrise. Through the looking glass, (that doubles as a sliding door),is The Free Will Aviary Cafe, wrapped in sunrise gold, glistening off every dew-covered blade of grass and Tracey’s pond. This morning’s breakfast crowd consists of scarlet cardinals, bright blue jays, and big fat dove that survived the season. I am feeling no pain related to yesterday’s horseshoeing adventure. We drove 2 hours,(each way), to do 10 head,(5 trims, 5 shoes), for a long time account and friend that goes on a ride every year at this time. Pride in a job well done, pride in the skills displayed by the partner that I trained, pleasure in sharing time with friends I see only twice a year, and the financial reward that always seems to be there just when we need it. Thankful to Tracey for watching Deb for me, as it took a half day, I could not have taken otherwise. The joy of being so aware of cat and dog security and the Love and devotion they represent. The lunch we’ll share with Deb’s brother, and his wife, her life long friend, that selfishly makes me happy to see her getting out. The restaurant is owned by a shoeing account friend and fellow vet,(that shares my PTSD), and his awesome wife. I count my Facebook friends among those blessings, (for listening when I need to vent). I could literally go on forever, but, the point is clear, that while I am thankful for my many material world gifts, the blessings that mean the most are rooted in God’s Love, and kindness, and the privilege to be healthy enough to be aware of, and never take for granted. See life through your heart and soul, and be a blessing to those around you.

Halloween’s spiderweb clouds are draped across a half a moon and Orion’s head and shoulders.The 1 AM midnight morning has moved from cool to cold. Scout and Kit never comment or complain. I threaten to set up a fire ring near Scout’s grave so we can all share the heart warming glow, and maybe cook some strips of meat, or other camping snacks.God Loves a campfire. Opening hearts to fill them with His Love.The mind is entertained by hypnotic dancing flames. It may never come to pass as procrastination seems to rule my days. (denial will not let me call it depression) And so, I shuffle onward through the fog, seeking “what dreams may come”

Extraordinary clarity in a 2 AM sky. Orion, and a brigade of his star troopers, surround a half moon that lights the land. How is this possible? Watching a thousand full moon nights has shown me stars and the all consuming light of a full moon are not compatible. Meanwhile, the wisdom of infinity enlightens all who seek, and wraps you in the cocoon of peace that comes from knowing simple truth. Common sense connects us with the answers, while, ignorance prevents us from asking the right questions. God’s Love tries to inundate our hearts, while we do all we can to block Him by worshipping man’s pathetic world. All of this flows through your senses in the moment you open heart, mind, and soul to receive it. You can share the Love, whether or not it is reciprocal, but to share wisdom requires an open mind and the humility to accept it. By tne time daylight rolls around, arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity have retaken my feeble mind as I shuffle onward through the fog. Girl Scout says she’s with me, no matter what.

4 AM, the same 2/3’s of a moon, that entertained yesterday, and a solo star, are all that manage to penitrate a soft layer of non-raining clouds. Scout and I greet another day. Cool, almost cold, air greets us back, and dictates the agenda for its use, winter prep. Horses first, training and shoeing, then building cabinets to house waterheaters and exposed water lines.What does that have to do with God’s Love, you might ask? You tell me.

The 4 AM sky is showing off 2/3’s a moon in a sorta-clear field of stars. The clouds are broken up into delightful little pieces too flimsy to block visibility. The air is crisp and Love rules the day. I am too tired to convey all I am asked.

Wow! Silver slivers in a 3 AM sky forecast the fog of 4. Dixie, now mostly blind from cataracts I guess, feels her way around a front yard, she once sprinted back and forth across. We are all getting older and falling apart one piece at a time. Onward through the fog!
Johnny Mathes, “in the misty moonlight” Played in the background of my mind as I stared into the rain of a 4 AM sky, at 2 AM. Pleasant memories of a childhood gone awry. What ever happened to slow dancing? Girl Scout and Kit don’t mind dancing in the rain. Somehow it is not the same.
We walked to the barn beneath a mottled silver ceiling, with a twilight’s worth of softened light, filtering through it from a full moon on the other side. Girl Scout ran ahead, just as the Scout dog before her, while Kit maintained his rear guard protocols. All the way to the front pasture, checking on horses, the painted ones reflecting moonbeams off their white coats, as all stood peacefully , grazing, sleeping, or whatever. All the while, praying for peace and healing upon the McKee family, as they suffer through the declining health of Billy’s grandfather. They are more than good neighbors, they are family, and what hurts them, hurts us. Shouldn’t the whole world feel that same Love? Returning to the house, I watch in astonishment as Girl Scout, and Kit, maintain their security. Scout leading me up the drive, with Kit, dragging behind about 20′ to cover my six. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, since I have witnessed it every midnight morning for at least four years. The original Scout passing his role to the newest. Loyalty, dedication, and Love, taken for granted far more than it is acknowledged. Be aware, be kind, and be grateful.
Moonrise was large, full, and magnificent. By 3 AM it was still full, but about half its size. The barely cloudy sky was the perfect backdrop, and the stars sparkling in the east were the perfect compliment, as it gracefully eased towards the western horizon. The crisp fall air embraced me, inside and out, as I filled my lungs, my heart, my mind, and soul. Joy is the only word ,in our pathetically inadequate language, that comes to mind to describe the feeling of exhilarating euphoria experienced in the sharing of God’s Love in a 4 AM sky.The same feeling I derive from awesome photography, of awesome places, and skies, shared with us by friends like Jim Mahar, Gary Hamilton, Bruce Biege, Trey Smith, Tracey Gardner, Barbara Blanton, Tamara Hahn, Kelly “Marco Polo” Buchanan, and so many more. They provide a glimpse of an incredible world, not visible from my prison cell, that I would, otherwise, never get to experience. Thank you so much. I like to think, quite arrogantly so, that by passing along God’s 4 AM messages, I am giving you a glimpse of the beauty inside your Loving heart, and, in some small way, repaying you for your kindness. I suppose today’s message might be, that we all come bearing gifts, and not to share them is a sin.
Aaah, when its cloudy, 3,4,and 5 AM skies all look the same. However, each still has its own message. Stop, look, and listen, but, more importantly, FEEL it with your heart.
4 AM reflects the sunlight off a near-full moon and filters it through heavy, low hanging clouds, to produce the silver beams and shadows dancing as it sets behind the treeline silhouettes. We walk to the barn in reverent silence, Scout taking point and reconning the perimeter while Kit maintains security to the rear. Both are very black, but very visible against the white gravel of the driveway in the subdued morning moonlight.Something is wrong. I just realized my feet aren’t hurting for the first time in ten years. How. or why, I don’t really care. We walk back to the house,(comfortably for a change), Scout in front, Kit in back, providing security, until we all three go through the front door together. That, my friends, is Love. Immersed in the essence of God’s Love, as it permiates the pre-dawn air.
80% of a moon on the western horizon puts out enough light to obliterate half a universe of stars, and flood the 2 AM landscape. Girl Scout and Kit are staying close, waiting for me to make a move. Fall and Love are in the air. The peace of horses, dogs, and cats, allowing me to co-exist in their world, just as long as I feed them, is exhilarating. In the blink of an eye, I am one with God and all infinity, absorbing Love and wisdom through an osmosis process far beyond my comprehension. So, I take it all for granted, and search the sky for space trash, falling to the earth. ( romantically known as shooting stars) Let’s see “what dreams may come” in the 4 AM sky.

Midnight moonlight moves me. Scout and Dixie dragged me out of bed and down the stairs so we could meet up with Kit outside, and marvel at the magic.A clear sky defused the soft moonbeams, barely waking Orion, as he lay sleeping on the eastern horizon. The whole world waits with wonder, his ascension and the silent setting of the moon. Cool fall air carries God’s fresh new Love, deep into the waiting heart, and a peaceful mind receives the gift of wisdom from infinity. Perfect balance sends souls soaring into oneness with a universe of all that’s ever been. This moment lasts forever if you let it.

Standing in the predawn mist, revelling in the pre-fall chill,(70*). Girl Scout sitting in sentry pose, scouring the perimeter for evil-doers. Low-hanging heavy clouds reflecting the artificial light of man’s communities, next to the cherry-orange ,announcing the rising sun. Sorry I don’t have the energy, or the talent, to do it rhetorical justice.

2 AM and waiting on 4, the dogs and cat, run out the door. The sky is clear, thank God I’m here. White wicker rocker, pulled back onto the drive, keeps grass dwelling creatures, from eating me alive. Kit, chasing Scout, around my chair, ensuring security, while I’m there.I turn an eye, unto the sky, which says to me,” Quit rhyming fool!” I holler back,”That just ain’t cool”. But, mine is not to reason “why”, mine is but to do and die.
So, let’s talk about God’s awesome Love, the spiritual energy that bonds all living things, not just to each other, but to this endless universe. Awareness of this fact, is all it takes , to dip into this spring fed well, and quench your thirsting heart, and soul, with all the Love and wisdom you can handle. It puts a troubled mind at ease and leads you back to peace. Your aura , once more, burning bright, experiencing this morning’s night. ( sorry, i just can’t help myself) My guard detail is hard at work. Dixie sleeps beside me in my writing recliner. Kit is barely 2 feet away, curled on the seat of a straight back chair, while Raven sprawls all over the floor, and Girl Scout stretches the length of a leather couch. Mutual trust, them in me, and me in them. They feel safe enough to drop defenses, and I fear nothing when they’re with me. One piece of gravel moves on the drive outside , and full blown chaos would ensue, and God help the party coming through that door unannounced! Love binds us all together in a symbiotic relationship. Man, to woman, parent to child, neighbor to neighbor, and so on. The secret is to know your role and play it well. God’s messages come out of nowhere! It is fun to see them, once he makes me write them down. For now, the 4 AM sky awaits! (hate to disturb my guard detail)

The 4 AM sky began at 1 this morning. Moonless stars, not affording enough light to haul the 5 gallon jugs of diesel to the barn, so, Scout and I took the gas powered cart. (yes, it seemed a little sacreligious to rape the peace and quiet of the night by cranking the engine). Orion ,getting stronger, assured me he would have infinity secured by 4 AM. Did not see Kit, but, that does not mean he was not there. Oh wow, there is God’s message for the day. (if I have to explain, then you probably lack the faith to see it anyway.)

2AM was just your typical awesome sky. The moon, waiting in the wings to be pushed forward by the sun, was having little affect upon the night. The brilliance of Orion as he rose to meet the challenge of the darkness. The host of many million stars , running forever, into infinity. The all consuming Love, and wisdom , free for those who seek. Girl Scout at my feet, Kit Carson on the hood of my truck, (parked rudely in his spot), and all the peace, one heart can stand! The common sense, on any subject you dial up, is plain and simple.Race, gender, sex, citizenship, crime, religion, whatever, yet, no one wants to listen. Humans are stupid, need I say more?

Wallowing in wealth, as I view my lavish lifestyle, available to all, but enjoyed by so few. The treasures of a 4 AM sky , being guarded by Orion, his celestial armies, Girl Scout, Kit, and me. An endless star-filled universe, like diamonds on display, the wisdom of infinity, the peace of common sense, all energized and floating in a sea of God’s Love. Many have as much, but no man has more than me.

I truly believe an awesome sunrise to be part of a Master plan to energize your heart and soul, and help you make it through the day. What a privilege and a thrill to be part of that each morning!

Up and out at 2 AM, Orion there to greet us. We winked, nodded, and paid homage to the prelude to the 4 AM sky. We took fresh Love and wisdom, then marched back in to fix a steak, egg, bean, and cheese fajita. Once Texan, always Texan.Cooked, cleaned, ate, prepared the daily meds, fed my dogs, and watched the 3 AM Fox First, before going back out for the 4 AM sky.Very dark in the moonless midnight morning mist. How can there be so much water in the air when there has been no rain in several years now? Roses and grass that receive extra water, do better than those that don’t. (compliments of Captain Obvious).

If we are to have a civil war, as Thomas Jefferson would have done by now, then it needs to happen now, while an American is commander and chief. It will surely be between the tyrannical socialists of the democrat party, their “useful idiot” followers, “never Trumpers”, and the American people that follow the American president they elected to drain the DC swamp and restore the constitution. It is past time to engage the military to remove and arrest the clear and present danger attempting the coup and takeover.

Waking for a moonless midnight morning. Girl Scout, Kit, and Dixie, acting like its 4 AM. Kit lays claim to the driveway, Girl Scout stays with me, and Dixie disappears in the darkness. Orion has not yet pulled himself into view, but a thousand points of light preceed him, marching across heaven’s dome, like a trillion times before. God’s Love goes on forever, but, not so the robots here on earth. I feel my body wearing out, a little more each day. I’ll be giving back God’s gift of life, and thank Him very much, for blessing me with passage on this planet. I’ve screwed up, way more than got it right, but what few times went like they should, were more than enough to make it all worthwhile. Oh, and today is my good friend Rick’s birthday, and, being politically correct, I wish him much happiness. Yesterday I shook the big strong hands of men that I admire, and felt the honesty in their smiles. Life is a compilation of moments, choose wisely which you remember.

Orion is my morning friend. He meets me as I walk outside. He stands as silent sentry, protecting Scout dogs, Kit, and me. Chasing 4 AM sky at 3, has led me to discover the horse trough water I left on, running full blast last night . too tired to tell you God’s message for the day. Maybe that was it.

All the way across the 2:30 AM sky it streaked, from west to east. The shooting star I have been hunting for days, maybe even weeks, takes but a second,(or two at most), to traverse my limited view of my singular perspective, of an infinite universe. Instant joy and gratification mix with gratitude and humility, bubbling over in uncontrolled laughter and happiness. What are the odds that you will be looking at the right area of the star covered dome, at the right time, for that split second? It is nothing short of a miracle and a gift from God. ( Or, possibly, just another piece of space trash, crashing to earth, and you got lucky enough to see it) Either way, it filled my heart and stirred my soul. Girl Scout, laying at my feet, said nothing. I think she missed it.

4 AM and, for the moment, my puter is allowing me to write about the spectacular simplicity of this midnight morning masterpiece. What strikes me first is the softness of the sky. A jillion stars, all moving at a speed we can not comprehend, meteors, space trash, sun burps, and other volatile activity, woven into the fabric of the comforter that caresses my soul. Standing beneath forever, allowing God’s Love to renew my heart and infinity’s wisdom to wash across my mind, I can’t help but feel sorrow and compassion for those who never get to experience the essence of life. My Girl Scout sits beside me, and just like lightening, Love flows from heaven to earth, and through our common bond. We are one with all that is, or ever will be.


Clear skies illuminated by a nearly-full moon, accentuated silhouettes and shadows. Refracted light of day lit up the landscape, while still allowing certain stars to shine. Orion made the cut, and could be seen, all be it faintly, as he snuck into the eastern vista. The midnight sun of 3 AM exposed the antics of my guards. The Girl Scout and Kit Carson, walked with me as I checked on water troughs, and stopped, as I did, to wait on them to fill. No bad guys, to save me from this morning, caused boredom in the ranks, and led to cat and doggie games exploding all about.Running here and paw slapping there, until I moved along. Love is dedication. Love is loyalty. Love is the dependability of a 4 AM sky, which now watches as the giant orange moon casts shadows from the silhouettes as it bids the night,”adieu”. And then it is gone. Analogies and metaphors are all that we have left.
Perhaps, comparing life to flowers is the best. From a seed they grow, being fed and nurtured by so many, as through the stages of their lives they pass. Growing roots and building stems until, at last, they blossom. Sharing beauty for all the world, to see and judge, before passing on to fertilize the next generation. Aaah, the fun of a 4 AM sky.

Contemplating life at 2 AM, with my small world, revolving in the redundant universe of planets, moons, and stars. A golden moon, 2/3s full of refracted yellow sunlight, sets slowly, but surely in the west.Girl Scout, Kit, and I survey the clouds to our south and stars to the north. It is all that we can see from the prison window of this physical world. Billions more, around this globe, incarcerated just the same. The freedom of the soul to soar is sorta like a pardon. We blend in with the light of God’s pure Love to know the heart of every unit in all eternity. Now, the trick is to focus that energy where you need it most. Only you know where that is.

30 minutes after midnight and here I sit with Scout and Kit. 2/3s a yellow moon is well on its way to being gone, but furnishes all the lighting necessary to watch them do their job. Scout’s headstone right in front, Girl Scout laying on my left foot and Kit Carson 4 feet to my right.. God’s Love is all around and common sense and wisdom abound. We watch the cloud covered dome, looking for what, I just don’t know. Then infinity fills your mind with its simplicity and truth, telling you that common sense is the connection between its vastness and the human condition,(that, of course,is stupidity, born of ignorance) Applying common sense is like asking, at last, the right question. All answers,(at least those to which we are entitled) exist within our consciousness , our portal to “the all that ever was, or will be”. Common sense is knowing how and what to ask.

Each night begins a new day! Midnight thirty and here we stand beneath the stars. Some of which will still be around for my 4 AM sky. Seems more like “late night” than “early morning” , but some of us had to wake to see it. I hope I have enough on record, in the event I lose my sight. I want always for infinity to have these images to flash across the big screen of my soul. To remind me of the Love and wisdom, and the essence of it all. I want to feel the cool gentle breeze upon my skin that teases of a coming fall, (of course, anyone from the south knows there is no such thing as “fall”, only, too hot, and too cold, with a 24 hour transition if you’re lucky). But, I’ll be glad to play the cards that I’ve been dealt, and pretend they’re pocket aces.

t 4 AM Orion was much clearer, as were all his troops. They provided the same peace in the valley,(or on the hill in Terry). The ringing in my ears shuts out a lot of midnight morning sounds, but I rejoice in all I hear, see, and feel. This would be a great day to die.So many have been, yet here I am. I must be doing what I should, just not well enough to finish. I will work harder.

Scout and I in the peace of a moonless 2:30 AM sky. Kit, I’m sure, is somewhere in the silhouettes and shadows. God’s Love refreshes my soul and pushes out the demons of the physical world. The wisdom and the common sense of a million yesterdays gone by, like low hanging fruit, wait patiently for passers-by. We need only ask, in order to receive. This morning, I requested of infinity, the CDs from my past. Specifically the lover that woke me from my sleep. Sorry, but honor, political correctness, and probably the rules of FB, prevents me sharing any further. Since our lives are an illusion, and yesterday is all we have, it makes good sense to fill it with great memories for moments such as this..We’ll be back at 4 AM to be thankful for our sky.

4 AM therapy. Standing tall in the driveway, feet apart, arms crossed, head back, mind open, heart receptive, eyes wide viewing wonders with appreciation of my many gifts and blessings. From complaining as I tried to put on socks, to understanding what a small price to pay for life outside my bubble. My Girl Scout and Kit Carson relocated to protect me, they now lay in the gravel at my feet. Loyalty and Love, a sense of duty and commitment. The very fabric of my prison. I consider it an honor , sacrificing my life for another, and wonder how they must feel. I have a feeling they would say, “blah, blah, blah” Scout just called me back outside to catch another incredible sunrise! Film at 11.

Laying outside, engulfed by 4 AM sky. Scout and Kit, holding down their positions, at my feet and in the drive. Fill your lungs, your mind, your soul, and take enough to share. Orion marching west once more, protecting all these treasures. A lack of moon, makes stars shine brighter.The grandeur of the 4 AM sky! Moonless as it was, required only minimal optical adjustments to see the world just fine. I moved my rocker from the grass onto the gravel, in an effort to escape blood sucking bugs, and Scout and Kit made appropriate shifts in security. Dwelling on the “groundhog effect” of life, I wondered how I affected the universe by changing my perspective? Just then a chaotic chorus of coyotes erupted in the gulley, not 200 yards away. Included yips and howls of maybe 20. At the same time, my eyes being drawn that way, I was treated to flaming space trash, streaking to its end, along the southwestern horizon. So much for “groundhog day”, you don’t see this every day.

I know not what to say. It is obvious, each night begins a new day. Moonless midnight mornings with wall to wall wonder.Am I supposed to thank Dixie for waking me, and dragging me downstairs? 1 AM is overrated no matter how you get there. Whether you stay up all night , or wake up just to see it. It seems forever since I stayed in bed til 4 AM. I still relish my 4 AM sky and venture back outside to share, to listen, and to learn each morning. Then, it is not long til predawn skies promote those pastel pinks, producing dawn’s delights. However, with all that said, I am declaring “bullshit” and going back to bed.

I know for sure the 4 AM sky will differ from this partly starry 1:30 AM version. Though, Dixie, Scout, Kit , and myself, pay homage to the one above. Thankful just to tilt my head, and not throw up, or stumble to the ground, and thankful for the other senses, including sight and sound, that lets you enjoy the midnight morning. Keenly aware, as well,that there are so many undefined characteristics that allow us to experience the very essence of God’s Love, the air around us, or the sensation of a soaring soul.

2 AM , waiting on 4, but not expecting any change. 100% cloud cover. Dixie, Scout, and Kit, don’t seem to mind returning to the house without having spent time in the rocker. Does anyone doubt our universal insignificance? Whether I share God with my loyal audience of 2, or somehow find a way to reach the world, infinity won’t even blink. That Love resides within your heart, yet energizes every moving part in all the universe. We are a part of all that is, or ever was, but don’t let that swell your head. A single cell within our body is every bit as influencial . Imagining ourselves as somehow involved in this grand symbiotic relationship is far beyond our comprehension. The secret is to lay back and “let it be”. Let go of all you think you know.

To show you how my mind works, or to verify that it doesn’t. I am sitting here remembering last week I could not stand up, or lay down, and most concluded inner ear infection. So, if nothing from the outside can get in, infection must be coming from within. ( yes, that rhyme is intentional) Does that mean my brain is rotting? That decay is setting in? That might explain the trash emitted from my mouth.

2 AM was messy moonless moving clouds, passing over endless shining stars. Scout and Dixie took turns standing on Scout’s headstone at my feet. Looking down and looking up, both perspectives generating Love and joy. Mosquitos break my connection with the universe, as rain clouds and Direct TV. 6’2″, 240 lbs vs 1/4 inch tall and 0 lbs. Why do I lose so many fights? There really is no winning. For when I do get lucky and smash one in a reflex swat, I feel guilty. Like this guy had a family, or, thinking like a Hindu, this was my great uncle Albert! Too shallow to consider our symbiotic relationship, or maybe just to lazy, I view it simply as annoying. God knows the earth and universe see us in just that way!

Aaah, got to sleep at 10 PM and didn’t wake up til almost 2 AM! My life is back on track.Scout gets an “assist” for whining by the bed and getting me outside to see a yellow quarter moon, slipping upward in the eastern sky, as it hides behind a patch of marbled clouds. (Swirling shades of white to gray mixed into dark of night) The air is cool and damp. The Love is pure and clean. Scout’s rocking chair is beckoning.( I need the wisdom waiting there) However, coming straight from bed, I’m wearing only nylon shorts, and mosquitos can be heard throughout the land, revving up their engines and sharpening their straws. So, I’ll saunter back inside and suit up in “star watch gear” to watch the sky til 4 AM, while basking in infinity and thumbing through the pages of my life. Your history is not bad reading, once you enhance it through the prism of your memory. (I mostly just look at the pictures) And, by the way, that is God’s message for the day. (Sorry,a poet can not help himself)
4 AM sky finds half a moon above an eastern horizon. Casting shadows off my security team. Still low enough to share the stage with stars, and now, a few light morning clouds. The peace I left at midnight still permeates the air, as you fill your lungs. Bed at 8 PM, up at 11:11, outside with a magic moonless milky way til 1 AM, inside setting up the pills and shots, while heating the leftover pasta, recording sky adventures, and going back to bed at 2. Obviously up and out at 4 AM and inside again with you. Does anyone else live their life in pieces? My Girl Scout is finding it quite annoying, and, maybe, I am too. Looking to grab another hour and a shower, before starting all over.


Milky Way at midnight, the stars are out again.Sometimes, hidden by the clouds for long enough, we fall into the “out of sight, out of mind” syndrome. We are such foolish little creatures.I was appreciating a simple thing, like being able to once again tilt my head back, when a streaking piece of burning space trash made me giggle Love is deep and the universe goes on forever, or does it? And does it really matter? We know what little we will ever know, before we;re even born. Then bury that beneath “man’s wisdom” so it can never be retrieved. A soul can not soar when anchored to the physical world..

The coyotes ran before 4. A moonless sky, so tell me why? Thought they howled at big full moons, yet, here they are, yipping, barking, and moving quickly through the wet weather creek bed(drainage ditch) that crosses our pasture. Girl Scout, hackles up, barks a challenge, daring these outlaws to threaten me. Kit steps out next to her, and asks her to think about this. Sounds like a pack of about 20. Gone, as if never existing, and the sounds of 4 AM return. An analogy of life itself. Run, while you can. Howl at the moon.Live and love as if tomorrow never comes! It doesn’t.

And so, another gorgeous day in paradise explodes softly in the eastern sky! Pastels, pink to white to blue, stir the songbird’s sonnets back to life. To start each day at peace, only to allow ourselves to build to a chaotic crescendo that which drives men mad. Let it go “Flo”!! Live as one with Love. Bake more pecan pies,( for others, not yourself) Linda and Lonnie are the lucky recipients of today’s frustration therapy.

3 AM to a 4 AM sky. Time well spent. It is taking longer to scrape off the slime of the physical world, in order to facilitate communication with God’s Love and wisdom.If I were not honor bound to giving care on this plane, I would escape to the spiritual. Instead, my security team and I, are walking to the barn, beneath a moonless, star filled infinity.Girl Scout is more active than usual, running into the darkness, while barking out warnings. Kit responds by closing , to better protect me from unseen evil. Rounding the corner past the tack room, I am greeted with a hint of that aroma which strikes fear in the hearts of dog owners in the country…..Skunk! I quickly deduce this to be the cause of Scout’s heightened alert status, and turn the team around, double timing back to headquarters. Relieved to find Scout passing the “sniff” test, I usher us all back inside. If only,”do-overs” in real life were that easy. Oh yeah, this IS real life. This is my life.

The 4 AM sky! How does one define, that which has no limitations, no boundaries, and represents all that ever was? Simple visuals are in constant motion, and by the time you form your words, your thoughts, and write them down, the universe itself has moved on. Taking pictures, mental, or physical, you still manage only to capture the past. Oh well, I am but a poor, dumb, horseshoer,( if not humble), and should not trouble myself with human explanations, for that which can not be explained. However, I enjoy sharing my morning experience, if only to read what I write , to better understand the moment. I am a short story kind of guy, not a novelist, whose intention it is to keep these brief , so as not to lose the readers, like myself, with short attention spans. 4 AM found Orion, returning in the east, pushing up a quarter moon, as Venus gracefully lowered herself behind the silhouettes to the west. Cat and dog security, maintained their vigil,for more than an hour, never leaving me unguarded, as I watched infinity transpire. One man’s trash(in this case space type), is truly another man’s treasure, as we witness its flaming demise, and call them shooting stars. Scout tells me I am rambling and I need to go trim horses for my barber/therapist/friend Debbie. So VERY much infinity to cover. So little time. Love you Scout

Forming fog and drifting thin white clouds, shroud the clear skies that once were 2 AM. But, a 4 AM sky has an essence, all its own. Seek the Love and ye shall find.

Instant gratification in a moonless 2 AM sky. I looked to the west, where at 8 PM a yellow 1/4 moon had been setting, to find a clearly defined Milky Way, among a myriad of stars. No sooner had I gotten good at gazing into God, but a burst of burning space trash went shooting through it all. A smile, and giggles in my heart, seemed like an ungrateful, understated response, but, brought to mind my hole-in-one. During a golf tournament in Austin,( a lifetime ago), after playing golf since the age of 10, and having hit, what felt to be a million shots at as many par threes, one went in. While the rest of my foursome screamed and shouted, I merely smiled to myself and said “finally”. Somewhere in this is an analogy, and possibly a metaphor, but, surely, the joy of being part of something special. Maybe, we should see each day that way.

2 AM delight, without the lunar light, the stars were big and bright. The deluge of the day before, a memory, like so many more. We walked down to the barn. In part to check on things there, and, in part to test my security team. Both were fine.The middle stall still flooded from leaving on the water, and, Kit following in the darkness, with only his eyes reflecting back the flashlight beam.Girl Scout found a frog, and was busy patting it down, in search of explosives, or other threats. Scanning the pasture with the flashlight revealed two sets of eyes, attached to deer, and horses moving to the barn, expecting food, I most imagine. Peace in the valley(or on the hill) and I am blessed and spoiled. This time alone with God is what I will miss the most. So many suffer and struggle, I wish that I could help them all. Passing on God’s Love, encouragement, and wisdom is the best that I can do. Hopefully, He will use my words to touch the hearts in need.

WaaHoo! 4 AM sky with crescent moon and countless stars, a rocking chair, Girl Scout, Kit Carson, and an infinity of forgiveness. God simply offered Love with no strings attached. He did not ask where I had been, who I had been with, or why I thought I could handle life without Him. When I said,”I don’t know where I found the strength to make it through the last month”, He said,”Really?”. As He refilled my heart and recharged my soul.

The beauty of the 4 AM sky was not lost on me. A quarter moon was set against the black velvet darkness above an eastern horizon. Visible, like the smattering of stars, in the vacant spaces between the “cotton ball” clouds. I, more than most, know the joy, the Love, the wisdom, and the peace that wait for my heart. So, why can I not yet muster the emotional energy to cross the driveway and sit with Scout to take advantage of these gifts? That, then, is the dilemma of depression. You lose energy cause you don’t use energy. Then the gold in a predawn sky reminds you God’s Love, God’s energy, is all around and waits only for an invitation to rush back into your heart. Maybe tomorrow.

Overcast sky at 4 AM. Girl Scout and Kit Carson waiting to see where I go. Neither commented on my choice to go back inside, and both assumed security stances at my recliner. I have to start pushing myself to stay outside and listen with my heart, but, not today.

Wow! the 4AM sky was brutally honest this morning! Truth, so far beyond our comprehension, that there are not words to convey it. Let me just say that we make our lives way more difficult than they should be with our shallow interpretations and perceptions of “reality”. 

On another, or possibly the same, note, Scout and Kit accompanied me to the barn. Following their Dog and Cat Security Manual protocol to the letter. I am so thankful to have been given the awareness to observe this behavior. How many more simple, symbiotic, relationships exist in our lives? The SEARCH for that answer, IS the answer! Every atom, molecule, cell, creature, plant, being, is connected in the symbiotic symphony , we so rudely reduce to a one word definition… life. In my universe, God is Love,(His words, not mine), and Love is the source of all life .and all life is connected through a universal symbiosis, making each of us a note in the same song. Therefore, how self flagellating, ignorant, and irrelevant, is it for us to obsess about the stupidity and insanity in DC? Or, in any other tribulation we might imagine? In the proverbial wisdom of Jamaican rhetoric,”Don’t worry, be happy!”

Thin soft clouds drifting past a distant half moon, occasional stars exposed in the gaps. Kit is laying on the sidewalk, in the heat of the night, waiting for Scout and me to make an appearance at 4 AM. Scout runs ahead to kiss on him as though she hadn’t seen him in forever, then both assume their security duties.The visits have been short and shallow. While the 4 AM sky opens up before me, I lack the energy, or inspiration, to dip into its depth. A hardened heart resists God’s Love and a damaged soul remains grounded, unable to soar. But, intellectually, I know how blessed I am, and will keep coming back til I am once again one with all that is, or ever has been.

Is it just me, or does it seem, the most profound pontification flows from the mind of the tortured soul?

Listening to the wheels of the 4 AM train as it passes through Terry, Ms., blowing its whistle at the 2 crossings, never slowing down enough to hop on board, and leaving you to wonder,”what dreams may come”. Reminding you, as you stand on the tracks in the darkness of your tunnel, the light at the end is yet another train. It takes no energy to open your heart to God’s Love and let His light wash the darkness from your soul, and yet, I find my feet bogged down in worry and self pity, keeping me from opening that door. Fortunately, I have the memories of the teachings of the 4 AM sky to fall back on, and their reassurance, that, when I’m ready, infinity will take me back. Tomorrow is nothing more than today’s dreams. Dream big, dream bold, dream happy, and above all else, dream Love. “For the greatest of these is Love”

Thomas Paine. Do you think he knew the impact of his writing? I certainly feel my patriotic prose falls on too many deaf ears. Writing of truth, and “Common Sense” surely does not win friends, or, influence people.

Can’t reach, or be reached by my 4 AM sky. There is a physical world shroud clinging to my heart like Flex Seal! Nothing getting in, or out. I walk in darkness like the night, enjoying only the mono-plane visuals. When you’re swimming in depression, you can not see the ocean for the water. Or, put another way, from this path, you can not see the forest for the trees. Searching for an island, or a clearing. I feel God calling, but my self pity won’t let me listen.

Fast moving clouds at 4 AM sliding between us and 2/3’s of a full moon, remind us that “this too shall pass”. Hopefully, an accurate analogy of depression as it dims the light in your life.

4 AM turns into 5. Stars fade into predawn light. Girl Scout and Kit Carson get together on Scout’s headstone. 21 months, 3 hours, and 27 minutes since his last breath, laying on the floor in my arms. I realize I come here every morning to visit, not just the memory of a friend, but a piece of my heart. So many dimensions. So many planes of existence. So many perspectives. All changing a million times a moment. All relevant only to your concept of reality. Your “truth”. And, there it sits, exposed by the light of day, for all to see, yet no two people on this planet see it exactly the same. Aah, the infinite wisdom of a 4 AM sky! So far above our pay grade. So far beyond our comprehension. Blah, blah, blah, and then we die.

4 AM sky. Always revealing. Always right. Always loving. Always entertaining. Always rejuvenating. Always teaching. Always over our heads.So, why do we not listen? The simple answer to all things,”LISTEN”, “LOVE”, and “LEARN”. Why isn’t that taught in universities? Children graduate thinking they know, not just something, but everything. Little baby 23 year olds want to tell 70 year old grandparents ‘how the cow ate the cabbage”. “LISTEN, LOVE, and LEARN”

One aspect of a 4 AM sky is solace, ( to console, alleviation of grief or anxiety, a source of relief or consolation). Dip your heart in God’s Love and let it heal you. Depression will fight to keep you away when your soul is begging you to stay. Been a tough month, and the light at the end of the tunnel has most certainly been a train, but I’ll be back, for the solace and so much more.

Four AM finds me looking up into a gentle rain, appreciating its cleansing and spiritually renewing qualities. I have been away for 2 weeks, fighting the Crusade against Alzheimer’s and its demons. We suffered many losses at the hands of confusion, anger, frustration, fear, loneliness, ignorance, belligerence, belittling, and the rest, on both sides. Depression kept me from the 4 AM sky, where I could have healed my wounds. Deb was back yesterday, for the whole day, for the first time since being sucked into the darkness on May 19. Maybe meds are working. Maybe God is taking pity on us both. She does not remember the battles of before. That is a good thing. Aah, the peace of 4 AM.

Deb is back to pruning roses and pointing out “honey do’s”. It is good for my heart to see her happy, if even for a moment. Let the “lows” of the past week be a wake up call. Alzheimer’s is very real, very tragic, very sad, very confusing, and very terrifying for its victims. They do not want to leave the security of their “home” and familiar surroundings. They do not want to be exposed to crowds,(even family). Alzheimer’s Association , educational material, states this very clearly. I encouraged her to go to Birmingham for her grandson’s high school graduation. My fault. I had been noticing increased frequency of “sundowner” affects and failed to adjust her medication. My fault. I knew weapons and car keys needed to be kept out of reach, but did not think we were at that stage, yet. My fault. Her actions were pleading for help, and I failed to see, or respond. My fault. We expect others to understand, and forgive her behavior, when we don’t understand it ourselves,(and we live with it 24/7). My fault. Now, that I am aware of how deeply depressed and afraid she is, at all times, if I don’t do everything I can to ease her pain, it will be My Fault. I submit these posts to get the guilt off my chest and share the burden, but, also, to hopefully educate other caregivers that might be starting out on the same journey. Love is still the answer. Do not expect Alzheimer’s victims to come to you, or see your point of view. If you Love them, if you care, you must go to them.

he 4 AM sky was far too deep this morning! Humanity is drowning in an ocean of ignorance, even as the universe offers all answers. A few sane souls tread these ugly waters, while the rest of us attempt to pull them under. Better men than me have tried to share this message since the dawn of time. “Why?” has always been the question, and “Love” has always been the answer. I’m exhausted Scout.

Scout and Kit were stumbling over each other trying to be the first out the gate, to get ahead of me, and tumble into the moonlight just beyond. A half moon dodges giant cotton balls at 4 AM to share its light . Like twilight in the evening, the immediate area is clearly visible, still melting into the darkness of the distance. Girl Scout lays by Scout’s marker, (instead of at my feet), and Kit rolls in the driveway’s dirt behind me. All is surely right with God’s world. But, hey now, what about me? Am I not still lonely and depressed? How can I possibly be? Scout, and Scout, and Kit, and even Face Book friends are all around to hold me up when I get down. God’s Love, our common bond, in every heart. Ah, the morning message,” Reaching out is reaching in”. Love works like this, “the more you share, the more you have”. The clouds have moved along and we sit here basking in the glow of half a midnight sun and the wisdom of all infinity. What we do with it is still up to us.

Life and Love at 4 AM. More than half a yellow moon provides the light to see it all unfold. The Girl Scout at my feet, Kit Carson at my back, the sounds of waking wonders pulsing through the air, all wrapped in the essence of Love, and being one with God. Bullfrogs, roosters, distant dogs, highway noise, and freight trains furnish background interference. Inhale the crisp clean message of the day. Fill your lungs, your heart, your soul, as it doesn’t cost a thing. Memories and fantasies, and thoughts of “what dreams may come”, pass through you, erasing failed attempts of yesterday, while preparing you for today. Loaded up with Love, and wisdom, and even common sense, you are given, once again, a palette full of vibrant colors and an empty canvas. What picture will you paint ?

Alzheimer’s? Tau tangles? Beta-amyloid proteins? Dementia ? Old age? Does it matter the cause, if there is no cure? As a loved one, or caregiver, what matters is how to cope. Alzheimer’s Associations will give you all kinds of guidelines, based on records and research of millions who have come before. Rhetorically,”If you can keep your head, when all about are losing their’s, and blaming it on you”, this line had to be written by an Alzheimer’s caregiver. But, so much easier said than done. Deb rode with her brother to Birmingham, Al. on Sunday, for her grandson’s high school graduation, and spent all day Monday telling me of her visit to Nashville. Being an idiot, I attempted to correct her. In a firefight (gun battle) it is not easy to stick to the game plan, when you are busy trying to stay alive by keeping your head down and firing back. Dealing with this neurological disorder, there is no firing back, and, if you keep your head down, and your mouth shut, you are attacked for ignoring her. Basically, the caregiver’s role is to stick your head up, and take one for the team, all the while, knowing nothing can save either of you. Depression becomes the very sad, and very cruel, reality for both. Thank you for listening

“What’s on your mind?” The question Facebook asks, and we all seek to answer. ” I don’t know”, “nothing”, and “everything”, would be among the conclusions. Sitting out for hours, beneath the thin gray lace of passing clouds that allow the moon, and even stars, to shine through intermittent gaps, one contemplates the great beyond, the endless inner being, and the heart and soul that ties it all together with God’s Love. We realize ” What’s on our mind” is whatever we were programmed with. We can not comprehend creation, life, nor its finality. Poets, prophets, written words, and all collected records, indicate the redundancy and futility of man to think beyond his own existence and survival. And, yet, we are far too arrogant to accept irrelevance. Oh, yes, gray hair would be my answer.

When full moons cast shadows in the night, and watching cat and dog pretend to fight, tells you all is right in this 4 AM twilight. Sitting here at 2:30 AM in mindless meditation, when Scout jumps up and whispers in a muffled growl, to announce the arrival of visitors, Max and Sandy. Then rushes out to greet them in true southern hospitality. Sandy was Scout’s girlfriend from many years ago, and lives with Tracey. We have some great pictures of them naked in a # 2 washtub as babies. She’ll sneak over sometimes late at night to mourn her missing lover. Raven won’t let her on the property if she’s outside. There’s so much here to see and feel. The sights, the sounds, the Love.

4 AM sky with oh so much to share. Full moon setting in the west, allowing stars to show their best. Girl Scout laying next to the crumpled wicker rocker memorial at Scout’s headstone, instead of next to me. Yesterday’s sky was full of cerebral inspiration and motivation, it made me really want to share the knowledge. and, so I did, and lost it all to cyber space. This morning found me searching for that wisdom, but finding graphic personal records. I have truly had a good time on this journey. (most of which can not be shared). It all flies by , it is hard to get control and slow it down so you can focus on one image. Swimming round the visions, there is always Vietnam. Today it is an 8 inch cannon with a barrel that must be 20 feet long, positioned over our APC in the middle of the night. When it begins to fire its mission, the APC jumps off the ground, the inside panels are blown lose, and the occupants are sentenced to a life of ringing ears. This is but a pixel in the photograph that is my life. Sex, sports, and serving others, its all there waiting to be retrieved. Pull up any memory and play it back in color and 3D. So many planes, so many dimensions, all happening at once. The tastes, the smells, the sounds, the feels,(physical, spiritual, emotional), all come with the show. Next time I’ll bring popcorn and take more time experiencing the good stuff. Kit is hacking up a hairball, somewhere in the shadows, and says security is calling it a night. The morning is exploding all across the pond and shutting down the fantasies. Replacing them with reality every bit as awesome. I hope you find a pearl in all this BS that helps you create a beautiful day.
The sun also rises. The world turns. Time waits for no man. All things are relative. Yin and yang. Blah, blah, blah, … We’ve heard it all before, but did we listen? Swimming in the depths of 4 AM infinity, having access to all the answers, I realize, I drown in ignorance, because I fail to ask the right questions. And, most of those questions are beyond my pay grade, or ability to comprehend. The Love, the wisdom, the common sense, the simplicity of life itself, engulfs us like an ocean. Like the single molecules, that make up all the seas, and never know that’s who they are, we humans on our journey, can not see the forest for the trees. ( finally figured out what that meant ). Oh well, a perfect pastel painting, depicting , yet another day, is rolling up an eastern sky and chasing stars away. A video begins to play, with gold leaf in the trees, and adorning smoke off Tracey’s pond. Red cardinals are eating breakfast at The Free Will Aviary Cafe, and, yes, my heart and soul are part of this, connected by God’s Love. As you walk the path less traveled, know that you are not just part of all existence , but, one with everything that has ever been, or will be. Treat yourself, and the universe around you, with Love and respect, for every bit of it is you.
WOW, “breathes there a man with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said,” OMG! ain’t a 4 AM sky special ?”!” (getting lost in punctuation is half the fun) So much happens in a moment. Sadly, I must first report the passing of another piece of me, The White Wicker Rocker collapsed this morning as I bent over to stroke the Girl Scout. Like me, it was just worn out, and decaying body parts could no longer carry the load assigned to it by life. Replacing the hand-woven wicker craftsmanship with a molded, one piece, plastic rocker, sort of embodies much of what is wrong today. The metaphors, similes, and analogies are oozing from its memory. The physical clarity of a 3 AM sky,( we shall refer to henceforth as 4 AM), greets you with applause from a kajillion points of light and Love. Unless, of course, they be saluting, the exit of the moon. A fabulous nocturnal performance, by a brilliant half a lunar light, now exiting stage right. Fading into the silhouettes of trees on the horizon. The vastness of infinity consumes me, and I am washed with Love and understanding. My inadequacy as a writer, yea verily, as a human being, precludes ability to share, that which so freely, and abundantly flows through me as a vessel. A conduit from “there to here”, “then to now”, and all points in between. History suggests man has always clogged the portals to enlightenment, with his own perceived “wisdom” and infantile forms of communication. Three shooting stars, and a good soul cleansing, later, finds me sitting here conveying “nothing” of the feelings I was asked to share.
832 straight days of rain and fog have cleared and cleaned the dome, allowing for extraordinarily clear views of a moonless 4 AM Sky. A trillion points of light, a milky way, a bullfrog, a hoot owl, a screech owl, tree frogs, road noise, constant ringing in my ears, and, oh, yes, an earth hugging shooting star(rarest of them all, streaked along behind the trees on the southern horizon). To do this morning’s spectacle justice would take more words than man created, more time than God allotted, and certainly more motivation than I have to share. Just know that it was like no other, nor, like any yet to come and I treasured it,(as i do them all), for the gift it truly was.
FOUND ONE! In a formidable, foggy, four AM Sky, (3 AM to be precise). Watched it wobble its first steps. The wait is always worth it. Seems to be a sorrel,(chestnut for you modern day horse people), with a star. However, it is soaking wet from birthing so we’ll have to wait for daylight to be sure. It is not one of ours, and won’t be living on the hill, so I did not risk back trouble, by imprinting,( picking it up and sharing a moment with the mother), it is big and healthy. Tracey and I admire in awe, from a short distance, and while we have both been through this many times, it never gets old. Song says something like,”Into this world of wonders, one more wonder came”! “Hello country bumpkin”. My spotlight now is fading,(there is an all too accurate metaphor in that), and we are left with only Tracey’s phone for light on this dark and foggy night. We’ll give them time alone, and come back with the sunrise to pester them once more.
A haze, predicting havoc, hangs on heaven’s hearth.More rain is in the forecast and gathers up to fall. One molecule, one drop, now two. begins the process, distorting the 4 AM view. Thank God for yesterday and crystal clear graphic recollection. Remembering the life we had, when stars were at their brightest. We once attracted all attention as we streaked across the sky, in total disbelief that burning out could ever catch us. As 4 AM is fading, from the fog and from the dawn, we find a way to cope with all we left behind. The memories,(our life), play back upon demand, each one enhanced , for good or bad, as need would have us script it. Pieces fall off, one by one, our shooting star is falling, God’s destiny is calling.We lose an arm, a leg, our minds, a lover, or a friend, and with each become less special to ourselves. I’ve always felt my lot in life was helping others hold their stars together. How arrogant! God and gravity will fix that for you.
Sitting in the 4 AM Sky, with dog and cat security, one can not help but feel important. While it may be only 50 shades of gray and wet, it still manages to be peaceful and full of gifts. Love, wisdom, common sense, and happiness among them. No baby foals,(redundant?), but a pleasant ride with Scout. Would human companionship, at this point, be comforting, or emphasize the loneliness?
The fog of 4 AM bounces my spotlight right back at me as I continue to search for a baby horse. Aah, so when we project things, good, or evil, from a foggy state of mind, we need to know it is cast right back on us.Spewing out of anger, ignorance, or even frustration, smells nasty when we wear it. Before,”sharing”, we should fill our heart with God’s Love, listen to infinity’s wisdom, and deliver our message with common sense. ( Another way of saying,”think before you speak”)

There is no way to convey the joy, the Love, the peace, the calm, the wisdom, and the “oneness” of, and with, God’s 4 AM sky. Deep and moonless, an infinite universal abyss beckons you to leap right in, and free-fall through all that’s ever been, is, or ever will be. A Milky Way filled with galaxies, each larger than our own, and a trillion billion individual stars, each perfectly defined, engulf the heart, the mind, and soul of the spiritual warrior, so humbly here below. No foals were found, but three shooting stars, expiring to the south, as they flamed out zipping east to west, and leaving sparkles for a tail, made up for the disappointment. I laughed out loud. My soul was being tickled. The threat of daylight, in the predawn twilight, chases away my dream’s facade. Leaving Girl Scout, Kit, Scout, and myself to wonder where it goes.” I’m tucked inside your heart” God says,”you’re free to feel it anytime. You have but to ask, and it is yours”.

No new foals, but the 4 AM sky is awesome. The Girl Scout made sure I was up by whining by the bed. I might have slept til 5 without her, thank you girl. Sitting in the white wicker rocker, getting lost in all it represents, while my security crew plays cat and dog, taking turns on Scout’s grave marker. As much as I love the light and sight of a big full moon, I believe my favorite sky is one without, that allows ALL stars to shine. Alone we “twinkle twinkle little star”, but, together, we are a light too bright to look upon. The Milky Way, and shooting stars, are indicators of a happiness in my day. My job now will be, don’t let it get away!

What’s on your mind, Randy? Inquiring minds and FB want to know. The vastness of a 2 AM Sky, painted in 50 shades of gray, among the shadows and the silhouettes, on a canvas of multi-layered clouds, and the infinity that hides behind them, really could not care less what an irrelevant piece of piss ant excrement thinks of anything. Actually, only arrogance and narcissism drive Randy to care about that which God allows him to write for others. The cleansing Love He uses to gently wipe from your wings the garbage of humanity, setting your soul free to soar once more, is there for one and all to share. Once ascending, beyond this shallow plane, you find your self looking back to see yourself in pain and pity’s prison, only to wonder, why would one wallow in such darkness, when the Light is there, just for the asking? What’s on your mind Randy? Infinity and beyond. A more meaningful question might be,”what is in your heart?”

Thunderstorms and lightening,(is that redundant?), driving our Great Dane from her sleeping spot downstairs to her security spot between Deb’s side of the bed and the wall. This, sometime around midnight, beginning the prelude to a 4 AM sky. Up and down, in and out, (sounds like sex, as I vaguely remember), unfortunately pertaining to dogs, cats, bladders,(for both), and eventually Scout demanding we get on with the morning’s duties. Out the door at 3 AM , making the rounds of mare checks and storm damage, negative on both, and paying homage , back at home, to Scout dog and all he represents. Standing beneath the rumbling clouds with light shows bouncing all through-out, you have to be in a state of awe and wonder. Sadly, in seeking analogies for this spectacle, I conjure up the ghastly recollections of the guns of war, exploding mortar tracks, and broken, burning, body parts. It is in fact “the beauty and the beast”, the “yin and yang” of life. Try to focus on the beauty.

Walking into an overcast 4 AM sky that wraps me in its peace. The Girl Scout leads me to the truck , jumping in when I open the door, anxious to check on the over due pregnant mare next door. It must be true that “a watched pot never boils”. She is as ready as we are I’m sure. Back with Scout we search the skies and find some gaps, between the clouds, revealing stars we thought were lost. Infinity is always there, or here, or everywhere. In hearts and minds and souls. Knowing that, creates the peace that only trust and faith can offer. God’s Love is omni-present and permeates each cell within our body. We are one with all that’s ever been, and all that’s yet to come. Feel powerful, feel irrelevant, but, feel something!

No new neighbors at 4 AM. But, once again the Girl Scout, Kit, and I sit with Scout beneath a cloudy sky. Watching my security team break into their morning “cat and dog” routine is hilarious. It would take volumes to describe their antics as they chase round and round my rocking chair, and use Scout’s grave marker as “base”. I search the weakness in the clouds for stars, and revel in the pre-dawn eastern softness, bouncing off those hanging on the horizon. The Love is warm and wet, and soaks my heart to running over. Bullfrogs, roosters, horses, dogs, birds, ringing ears, trains, highway noise, passing geese, and blessed silence, blend to create a familiar symphony of morning sounds. The peace, the wisdom, and the common sense are merely bonuses to living life at 4 AM!

Blood red crescent moon at 4 AM, goes from red to orange to yellow and white by 6 AM. Am I arrogant in thinking God does this just for me? Scout and I are soaking up the Love, the wisdom, and the common sense of endless star filled skies. We pass on all we can in hopes of helping those in need. It lingers there forever, so feel free to help yourself.

The perfect sphere that rose before sunset, traversed the sky, and now, glides gracefully away, before the dawn. Reflecting borrowed sunlight across a, seemingly, still landscape. The moon at 8 PM, 2 AM, and , of course, again at 4.The surreal silver shading, suggests supernatural sensations. Scout sleeps. I wander, as I wonder , about all that I behold. The Love, the wisdom, the common sense, the answers to all things,(within the limitations of our comprehension), and have to ask if it is more feeling than seeing? Orchestrated, sensual symphonies, fine tuned for every different ear? Do you see what I see, and interpret it the same? The trains, the frogs, the barking dogs, do we hear them just the same? Wouldn’t it be more fun, and probably beneficial, to share our minute differences , learning in the process, than to wage war on those who can not see our color “purple”, or hear our note “high C”? Love you Scout

3 AM foal patrol produces no new baby horses, but Scout and I get extra time beneath a 4 AM sky. Deep and moonless, with Milky Way clearly defined. The white wicker rocker, Girl Scout at my feet, Kit behind us in the drive, and Scout dog’s peace upon us as we rock, head back, in search of falling pieces. The universe goes rushing by, leaving only wisdom in its wake. Peace comes hard, as the stench of man’s stupidity clings to me like a leach. Infinity washes over me til , at last, I breathe the fresh clean common sense once more that God’s Love leaves behind. Why do we let the physical world impede our search for life? Enjoying now, a foggy dawn that feels like a descriptive answer to where I’m coming from, but, fog burns off allowing crystal clear interpretation, unlike the human being’s sad condition. Sorry, this thing went awry. I write what I am led to, not knowing where it goes. Its just so damn foggy !

My entourage was waiting by the door at 4. Girl Scout and Kit Carson stumbled over each other to get outside and set up security. I strolled into the moonlight with full confidence that I was safe from all threats. A moon that somehow went from about 80% to almost full, as it passed from east to west, across the dome we call our sky, met me at the door. The strongest stars still stand, but all the rest are washed away by overpowering illumination. Soon, it falls beneath the western treeline silhouettes to make way for the rising sun. Damn this world is fun! Love you Scout

4 AM skies have been far beyond awesome for days. Full golden moon, 1/2 golden moon, 1/4 golden moon, and a black velvet background for a million points of light. Each has led to a pastel pink, pre-dawn perfection that announces a new day’s sunrise. I have been so selfishly caught up in enjoying these gifts that I have had no time left to share on line. I have taken so many photos with my phone that I ran out of storage just when the good stuff was unfolding. Horses, dogs, cats, and springtime green have dominated my internal heart and soul camera equipment. I have taken a bizillion frames of God’s best work to try to pass along, but I am only human, and woefully inadequate for such a task.

2 AM had stars and clouds , that became all clouds by 4 , and rain before, and during , daylight hours. Strangely washed away the stress of yesterday’s and watered dreams of what may come. Watching all the looming green, beyond, and through the looking glass, suggests to me that this is heaven, (or maybe Iowa). The Love, the peace, of all things new, and starting over, I think that I shall call it Spring, and the Hope that burns eternal. Living for each exhilarating moment, while waiting, (as in the movie “Powder”), for that bolt of lightening to strike and take us home. So, be God’s Love in daylight, and the darkness of the night, and share with all your might.
I hate seeing so many personal attacks over someone’s position on the presidential candidates. In the beginning we were delighted to have these anti-establishment men, along with several others, running for office. I will still feel good about getting Ted or Donald. But, just for the record, and certainly not because my opinion means anything, ( after all I am not a movie star), here is my objective opinion and comparison;
1) Economy- Trump by a large margin
2)National defense- I rate them even. both will attempt to secure the border and strengthen the military
3) Restoring constitutional law- Cruz by a large margin
4) Foreign policy- Trump by a large margin ( he has leverage with every country in the world through business interests and relationships, the likes of which we have never seen in a president)
5)Management skills and the ability to work both sides of the aisle
(and this , after all, is what the job is really about)- Trump by a ridiculously large margin. He already owns most of the politicians in DC, both D and R, where Ted has alienated most in DC, both D and R. Ted, like Obama, has no experience running business or creating jobs, or more importantly, creating the teams necessary to accomplish this.
6)Constitutional eligibility- Trump
This opinion points out positives and does not get into rhetorically created character issues promoted mainly through social and propaganda media. From what I’ve seen , friends, family, and associates of both, have nothing but good things to say
In closing, I would say cut the crap. Judge the candidates on what they bring to the table to help restore an ailing America. And, as for the “never trump” or “never cruz” camps, get over yourselves and do what is best for your country!
Freaky 4 AM sky. Half a moon and one star stirred into a cauldron of gathering clouds. An airplane chemtrail stretched across the middle of the moon, reflecting lunar light. Still no foals to report, but Scout and I enjoy the time together hunting baby horses. And now, the sun is rising as the smoke boils up off Tracey’s pond.The greens are overwhelming and the leaves are motionless. No one is at the Free Will Aviary Cafe, yet, so I assume that is my cue to stock the buffet. We are taking Deb to New Orleans as part of birthday celebrations, and she has gotten up at 4 AM with me to start her ritual preparation. I tried to tell her she was 3 hours early and should go back to bed, but Alzheimer’s runs this show. She’s dressed and ready at 6 AM for Mike and Linda’s 9:30 pick up. She is bouncing off the walls, I think I’ll take cover, back in bed.
Wow! Reality through the looking glass. Just when I’m ready to share more of the mystical beauty of 4AM and all that is truth, and wonder in the predawn smoke coming off Tracey’s pond, God says to me,”and this, too, is part of that life”, as He illustrates His message by having Kit jump straight up in the air, next to The Free Will Aviary Cafe, and snag a young bluebird for breakfast! So while I pat myself on the back for rolling out a breakfast buffet, apparently, to die for, Kit is thanking me for baiting a trap. E=MC squared, yin and yang, life justifies death, or vise versa, and all that philosophical crap that is supposed to make us feel better when the “cat” kills our bird, sister, Scout, or loved one, one painful bite at a time. You look up from conveying this dark message only to find more bluebirds, blue jays, cardinals, dove, and light on Golden Pond. Turns out, life goes on. There are so many tangents, or paths, to take from here, but I will leave them for another day. Love you Scout
A golden moon, a large doubloon, sat in the east at 9 PM. We cashed it in for endless stars and a near full moon at 3 AM this morning. That is equivalent to a sunrise service. We ran back in to bake more pies, then out again for predawn skies. We checked for a baby, and shooting stars, then sat with Scout a while. Supposed to share my pecan pies, and exchange for awesome Easter dinner with Slays, Oswalts, Crains, and others. However, Deb has the creeping crud, ( another birthday gift from me) and all depends on how she feels, and if Alzheimer’s says that its ok. The weather is so perfect, coming out from under winter’s weary ways. I hope that everyone enjoys it, and thanks God for Easter’s glory! Takes me back to egg hunts and family softball games.( I like to remember winning both!) Was I ever really young?
 AM sky, with a moon so bright we’ll call it full. The big strong stars ; undaunted by the lunar beams, are standing out and shining back, at Girl Scout, Kit, and me. We dutifully check on the pregnant mare, and come back empty handed. Inside I’m baking pecan pies, for Easter dinner, Deb’s sister, and myself. Having to cancel horse trimming this morning, as I forgot this is Deb’s birthday, and I should be here when she wakes. The softness of a sunrise whispers to me through the window. Its siren’ s song, seducing, begging me to come outside. Trotting to a tantalizing trance I’m out the door absorbing all I can. The Love, the wisdom, and the common sense, roll off the heart like morning dew. Diamonds of that special dew are bringing back the down trodden roses, like wise-ones said it would. This is one of those perfect mornings, in which to rejoice, and be thankful. Love is all around. Find it, feel it, share it!
When your heart is overflowing with the gifts you get at 4 AM, you have to share with others. I take a million pictures through the lenses of my eyes, and store them in a heart with unlimited GB for data. (i don’t understand any of that, but it sounds so very cool) Pictures taken on our phones are so sadly one dimensional. My heart can handle sights, and sounds, and feelings, both physical and emotional, Then recall each detail with clarity when called upon to relive. The Great Dane laying on the deck, a thousand birds feed at The Free Will Aviary Cafe, sunrise still is breaking across Tracey’s mirrored pond, the joy so thick it hangs on you like honey. How selfish must I be, to keep so many blessings to myself. I try so hard to share, yet, feel woefully inadequate. With words, with acts, with thoughts, and prayers. How many old fat white men have come before and felt the exact same thing? To whom much is given, much is expected. But, it doesn’t come with instructions. It says simply,”God is Love”, now go share with all the world.
4 AM skies, the darkness of impenetrable rain laden clouds, broken by intermittent lightening, acting like a struggling neon bulb, so far away and high , you can’t see the bolts, and, only occasionally, hear the muffled thunder.. Peering through the red, swollen, burning eyes, that represent just one of the many symptoms of what surely must be the plague, I am made to understand that good health is not a right, but a reward for proper maintenance of mind, body, and soul. God admonishes me for abusing the priceless piece of equipment I was issued and then forgives, moves on, and leaves me to deal with the consequences of my disobedience.

2 AM holds no surprises. Raining when we crawled in bed , raining when Dixie demanded we get up. Sick as a dog when I went to bed early, just as sick when I forced myself to respond to Dixie’s demands.Steadily getting weaker, soar throat, runny nose, watering itchy eyes, mild fever, and chills. Other than that, soar muscles, back and feet, things are going well. My appointment with the VA dermatologist, as she burned off more “pre-cancerous” situations, was a foggy memory at best. But, you get home, and your greeted by dogs so happy to see you they shake, and a baby horse so cute he cures what ails you. Roses exploding before your very eyes and freshly mowed grass looking like artificial turf. God is good, but I think I’ll go lay down.

Well, I was rolling out a cool rendition of my 4AM sky , involving full moons, dark clouds, white fluffy clouds, star filled gaps in the cloud cover, a hint of sunrise glowing behind Tracey’s barn, and wisdom of the ages attempting to drowned you in understanding. But, just as I got going good, the puter blinked twice and was gone. It is a really spectacular invention, but can’t seem to handle being thrown across the room. Universal peace and love; out

A thumbnail moon and the soft light generated by a jillion tiny points greets a 4 AM sky. Basking in God’s Love and feeling guilty for cussing him over denying me this universal view all winter. Pretty, pink, pastels push forth a morning fit for a King, yet , even a pathetic peasant like me, is allowed to share in its riches. Smoke rising off Tracey’s pond, only to dissipate into the larger light of day, and now is turning pink to match. Now, it turns to gold, and follows the sun. What an incredible production! Next show, tomorrow morning! Admission is FREE! Scout and I wouldn’t miss it!

I wrote a 4 AM masterpiece, only to have it sucked away into some cyber universe black hole. Is that God censoring me?

What light through yonder window shines? Well, I can tell you at 1 AM it is not the moon, but, possibly, a thousand points of light! We settled back in the white wicker rocker by Scout’s headstone, laid our head back and gazed up at the heavens. The moonless sky revealed a jillion stars, and opened doors to an infinity, winter would have us think was gone for good. Girl Scout at my feet and Kit in the driveway right behind me. Order has returned to my 4 AM sky! Breathing in God’s Love and soaking up the wisdom, you think not, how much you miss it, til it is gone. Cat and dog games break out all around me, as if in some kind of celebratory native dance. If my feet didn’t hurt so badly I would have loved to join in. I assure you my heart was skipping along and jumping for joy. My soul was soaring far beyond the defecation man calls “life”. Physical world reality drags me down and bids me go check Tracey’s pasture for, yet, another baby horse. But, I’ll be back for a 4 AM sky.

A 4 AM sky(at 1:20) reminds you that all you call “life” is superficial illusion on the physical plane. Breathe deeply, suck in God’s Love, and become one with what matters. That which man calls “knowledge” is nothing more than his own shallow and limited creation, building a wall between himself and all God intended him to be. Maybe Scout will let me go back to sleep now.

went to bed at 6:30 PM, tough weekend, emotionally draining, dealing with Deb’s anxiety over her dog, Dixie, and the related Alzheimer’s reaction. But, we brought Dixie home yesterday, relieving her stress. So, Scout got me up at 11:30 PM, pointing out that I had been in bed too long.Into the darkness we strode, ride boldly ride, charging into an empty night time sky. Oh well, an excuse to toast Hawaiian bread rolls w/homemade plum jelly, and homemade chocolate chip cookies and milk. If this is as bad as it gets, I can handle it.

4 AM sky, wedged between the storms, is leaking only slightly, as it holds back morning stars. Scout and I are back on baby watch, with Tracey’s palomino mare, visiting here for breeding. Nothing to see this morning. Looking for life in all the wrong places?

In a 4 AM sky that shares no stars, we find no answers. Deb melted down last night, crying hysterically and cussing the world, ( and mostly me), because her dog (and caregiver of the past 9 years) was trapped in a cage in an empty vet clinic, closed for the weekend. She could not understand why she could not see her, or even why she was there. Dixie was diagnosed with diabetes, ( a pancreas not producing enough, if any, insulin, and a resulting high sugar count and other symptoms), and was taking 2 a day shots, and on a 24/7 IV drip to combat her dehydration. It was a tough call to leave her, but seemed like the best chance for recovery. In the meantime, you can not rationalize with Alzheimer’s, and can only watch helplessly, as the anxiety takes its toll. We wait now for a phone call from the vet tech, charged with coming in to care for animals over the weekend, to allow us to come see her dog.

OMG! In researching diabetes in dogs, I find that we have contributed 100% to Dixie’s problem. I also find that diet and exercise are critical to good health in humans as well! Who knew!

This morning’s 2 AM stars were diminished by Deb’s Dixie dog’s absence. She spent the night on IV at the vet’s. She was dehydrated from the effects to her system, the newly discovered diabetes was causing. Hopefully we found it in time to correct the glucose imbalance, thanks to Dr Michael and his clinic’s bloodwork capabilities. Rough night for Deb and, I am sure, for her Dixie, as they have not been apart over night in nine years. (that’s not exactly true. Deb has had 2 ER sleep overs in that time) As Deb’s number one caregiver, it goes without saying, how important Dixie is to this household’s well being.We are praying for a positive outcome, and being able to pick her up this morning. Will be making a sizable withdrawal, from all that Love and well wishes, deposited in our 4 AM sky by so many caring people.

Remnants of a savage storm are all that’s left by 3 AM. Pieces of a 4 AM sky are scattered all about. Cloud covered standing waters have become this year’s “norm”. That surely must account for the webs evolving between my fingers and toes. And the gills, while unattractive, have proven to be quite practical. The scaly skin identifies you as a biblically acceptable food source.Amphibious creatures,like those residing in the black lagoon, have become commonplace. But, who’s complaining? Surely not me. As I am old enough to know that April showers bring May flowers.( often, beating them to death, or drowning them)

The sun at six, still well below the eastern horizon, sneaks its rosy pinks beneath the ominous clouds, in a spectacular display of predawn pastels, that entices Scout and me to walk the pastures, front and back, seeking siren’s song of sunrise. As we absorb God’s gorgeous gifts of eastern origins, we are overwhelmingly aware of the lightening and related thunder behind us, that will burst into rain just as we reach the safety of a warm and cozy home. The “yin and yang” of life.

My security entourage escorts me to the barn. Cat and dog, coordinated protection techniques, keep me safe from house to barn and back. Since realizing , years ago, exactly what they were doing, it has been amazing to watch. Scout, past and present, will always take point and recon, sometimes, a hundred yards ahead, while Kit pulls up the rear, silently slipping in and out of shadows, as he guards my six. Once arriving, safely at my destination, they break into cat and dog games. Chasing each other at full speed in the darkness, killing time until I head back to the house, at which time they fall right back into security formation. How much do we miss in life by being unaware?

Soft white clouds are rolling in at 4 AM, taking out the stars as they come. Girl Scout, Kit, and I enjoy the cool, but tolerable temperature, that allows us to stay and study the shrinking gaps between them. Clouds , of any description, after the wet winter we have had, strike the paranoid fear of,”here we go again”, in our rain soaked hearts. Mom and baby horse have been confined to the arena where they will have access to a stall for protection against the predicted violent weather. There are many metaphors mingled in that last sentence, but I will go with something that includes God’s Love , shielding us from prophesied turmoil in our lives.My crew and I shall walk fearlessly through the darkness, to the barn, to check on our charges.Thank God for guardian angels in our lives.

Let me say that instead of watching a 4AM sky, I was watching the movie, “Monte Walsh”, and my buddy Scout, as he dreamed and squirmed on his cushion. It is a fact, I have a cowboy’s heart, and a poet’s soul. 8 good horses, a decent saddle, and a Scout dog. Our country is divided, not by race, but by those who understand how priceless is our freedom, and those who have no idea what I just said.

FB asks “what’s on your mind?” This morning I’ll convey how honored I am that God allows me to share His Love. To write about a new spring day as it grows out of the crystal clear wonder of a 4 AM sky. Walking with Scout, in a dew covered pasture that turns to frost and back to life giving drops in a matter of minutes, and being mesmerized by the magnificence of predawn light reflecting off a mirrored pond, as it announces the arrival of yet another day in paradise. The new colt, Stormy, epitomizes all that spring represents, bounding joyously around the other horses (who seem to be oblivious to his antics as they graze). The greening grass, the budding trees, the singing birds, the fresh clean Love you absorb almost without knowing, in some sort of spiritual osmosis, all happen in a nanosecond of consciousness. Our hearts, our minds, our very souls, would burst in an explosion of pure light, pure joy, and pure delight, were we able to conceive even a fraction of what God truly represents. I hate to waste a single drop of that which runneth over my cup, and so I make this humble effort to share. Please partake and pass it on.

A distant full moon, centered in a promissory ring of atmospheric moisture, predicts the coming rain. It shares the inner circle with one star, just one. 4 AM is a lesson, looking for a place to happen.Rhetorical analogies, and metaphors abound in this vast wasteland of wisdom. Surely, poets and thinkers throughout the ages have dipped into the depths of this infinity to find clarity, peace, and calm, in the eye of the human storm.

2 AM welcomes another paint foal on our hill. Tracey is a proud granma, and she and Trey watched over them as mom and baby got acquainted, ( it was more hectic than most ) An hour old and this baby was running around! Not sure baby and teets have gotten together yet, so we’ll be checking again shortly.Daylight will help.

A 2 AM chill is a small price to pay for a moonless crystal clear sky. Checking on mares who have decided never to foal and a Stormy baby horse , who has decided, after 6 days of life, to be just another horse in the pasture.Watched, in vain, for shooting stars, while filling my heart with God’s Love, and my head with the wisdom of the infinite universe.( So much goes in and never comes back out).

No moon, no stars, no new baby horses.4 AM is still an awesome event. As I walk the dark pastures I shall fear no evil. My Scout and my flashlight , they comfort me. I swear an occasional snowflake crosses the beam of light guiding my steps. The thunder of pounding paws passes next to me as Scout blows by at a full run. I have never seen a happier dog. She goes all out, entertaining herself, and the audience of one, I represent, constantly, then lays down and goes to sleep just as fast. But, let me see, yesterday, I’m up at 3 AM searching for baby horses, reveling in a quarter moon and sky at 4, sharing on FB, and watching FOX News til I leave at 6 to drive an hour and a half to Bassfield, MS., to work on 7 horses,( 2 half shoes, and 5 trims, mostly ill mannered), and drive an hour and a half home, where I fall into bed, (asleep before I hit the pillow), wake an hour later to go mow and work with Stormy, our 5 day old foal, change clothes, go to Walmart, (groceries and flowers for Scout’s grave), eat some of the rotisserie chicken and chicken salad as we feed the dogs, all the while dealing with Deb’s Alheimer’s, socializing with the neighbors, and keeping up with WGC golf from Austin, Tx, before finally sitting down to watch “whatever” on TV. Like Girl Scout, my life goes thundering past. I wonder if I appear as happy?

Clouds drift across a quarter moon and stars fight for open spaces as we wander here below seeking new life among our horses. 4 AM found no new foals,(how long can a woman put off the inevitable?). Come on girls! Meanwhile. Stormy, now almost 5 days old, sleeps under the protective, watchful eye of his Mom, in the pasture down front.The other horses keep their distance, but stay close enough to provide a defensive perimeter. Observing social behavior in all animals should be enough to let you know that we are no different and the only species that thinks we are unique is us. God is Love , and that is the image in which we are created. Seek and cultivate that Love, in yourself and all living things. Then, SHARE IT!

Life is strange. This morning’s 4 AM sky was full of Vietnam realities( the good the bad and the ugly) And then, I’m watching Fox news and discover today is some kind of remember Vietnam Day! Remembering Kenneth Hodge and John Smith, K.I.A. April 1, 1970.

2 AM waiting on 4. Stars and gathering whispy clouds. No baby horses in Tracey’s pasture. Scout and I sit at Scout’s shrine enjoying the peace and serenity. Ringing ears, barking dogs, and highway noise in the distance. Memories of 49 years ago when so much was happening in our sector in Vietnam. Watching the same sky then, from atop an APC , taking my turn on midnight guard duty, as I watch from my white wicker rocker today. Old men remembering their pasts. Neither Scout dog cares about what “was”,(and neither should I). Our here and now is all that counts, and God has blessed us! Be happy, don’t worry!

4AM was overcast, yet the artificial light , generated by the surrounding civilization, cast a silver glow across the land, as it reflects off the low hanging clouds. A plethora of philosophic philler, from which to phind the lesson phor the day! If you live in Pflugerville, Texas, you might relate. A mind is a terrible thing to lose! Maybe, I have just misplaced it.

Depth, that is what you miss when the 4 AM sky is covered with clouds. You are deprived of that special gift allowing you to see and feel all the universe has to offer. Visibility will ground your soul and strain your heart. BUT, that is not the case this morning! My heart sings, my soul soars, and wisdom washes over me, as, once again, everything that has ever been is revealed in an endless 4 AM Sky!

A crystal clear 4 AM Sky. Half a moon and a trillion stars, poised and ready, to fade into the light of day, even, as midnight melts to morning. The freezing cold on hands and face as I check the pasture for foaling mares, just reassures that I’m alive. How blessed to be aware of sights, sounds, and senses. Filling my lungs with the crisp clean air that carries God’s Love straight to the heart. And watching Stormy, the colt beginning day 3 of life, as he trots along side his mother. “breathes there a man, with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said, “ain’t life grand!” ? ”

Two very faint stars, push their way through , into, an otherwise, blank space above me. It reminds me that life is a blank canvas and you are the artist. Paint not with a troubled brush. It can distort the truth, the beauty, that can be displayed, no matter the subject matter. Be it grief, joy, or all points in between.

4 AM brings a clear sky cleansing. Looking deep into the night and feeling the Love of all you see. Bizillions of tiny points of light we are trained to call stars, flying by, as they sit there motionless. Deity designed depression dissipaters. My Girl Scout sitting on my feet while Kit has my back, laying in the driveway. Amazing, not just how obvious their desire to protect, but the dependable dedication with which they go about, what they see as, “duty”. And so, the lesson is; that which we perceive as duty, becomes just that, and no amount of reason can dissuade us from delusion. Scout dog, it is my “duty” to love you.

A fabulous 4 AM sky greets the Girl Scout and me, as we go in search of new baby horses. Finding none, we moved to the arena to check on Stormy, the colt born yesterday. Mother and child are doing well. Wow! foals are cool. wobbling around and getting stronger with every step. Something about spring babies warms the heart and stirs the soul.

A fading 4 AM Sky. Midnight moisture moves across the dome, washing away the stars of a clearing 11 PM . And, just to show it was not kidding, the bottom fell from heaven’s water reservoir,(again), this morning. Huddled masses in the dry warmth of home sweet home, dream of yesterday’s nirvana. A perfect display of more spring to come. ( I hope) ————————————————–

Well, guess who watched the 11PM star studded sky, searching back and forth, in vain, between Orion and my Big Dipper, for shooting stars, then, went to sleep, and slept thru , not only, my 4AM sky, but the sunrise as well!!! Guess what else? They both, apparently, occurred without me!! It is hell when you realize you are not the center of the universe!

Love is a 4 AM sky. Draped, this morning, in, the thinnest and finest, lace. The hint of clouds does not translate into a ring around the moon. Sucking in God’s love, ingesting infinite wisdom, consuming common sense, soul soaring in the universe, and just enjoying the moment, with Scout and Kit. Love left there in the past for individuals in need, is still there and now is reinforced with heartfelt well-wishes.

Just another fabulous sunrise reflecting in the mirror of Tracey’s pond!! A hummingbird at the feeder, 2 geese on the water, and 3 big dogs playing next to a pasture of 7 horses grazing on emerald green grass!! Heaven is priceless!

If 4 AM must be redundant , then let it be a super moon and stars! Wisdom waits, common sense abounds, and God’s light and love envelope and inundate the heart. Seek the spirit of the soaring soul!

4 AM super moon consumes you as you walk into its theater. Scout and Kit are probably oblivious to the lunar lighting, as I think their night vision is just fine with or without. But, it certainly allows me to watch , not just their antics, but the waking world around me.Spring brings new life, rejuvenating heart and soul. And, if you are into pink, this morning’s predawn horizon should excite you.Yesterday’s investment in seed for the Free Will Aviary Cafe is reaping huge benefits, as at least a hundred birds share the buffet. Golden smoke on Tracey’s pond quickly dissipates in the background, as it evaporates into the 2nd day of spring.High on the list of things I’ll miss, in this world, will be sharing moments like this with, not only, God the artist, but, my loyal friends.

A 4 AM moon sparkling off the frozen dew, as Scout, Kit, and I march to the back of Tracey’s pasture in search of mares in foal. Just like the Scout before her, Girl Scout runs ahead performing her recon responsibilities, while Kit slinks along in the shadows of the fence line. Halfway into the pasture , the three mares come running up out of the trees in the “creek bed”, with no baby in tow. By the light of the silvery moon, they trot to meet the guy they expect to feed them. Girl Scout, unlike Scout, annoys them,(and me), by nipping at their heels. The walk back to the house seems longer than the one in search of babies. Kit is walking on top the fence over my shoulder and casting a spooky silhouette against the brightness of a huge full moon on the western horizon. WOW! Taking in the beauty and the Love, all around, how can you not know how blessed you are! 1st day of spring just happens to coincide with the 1st day of the rest of my life! How cool is that?

I am so sorry to gush, but how can I help myself when everything around me screams ,”look at me!” The Free Will Aviary Cafe is surrounded by miracles. Smoke on Tracey’s pond evaporates as it climbs into the morning sun. The greens are spread across the canvas with a broad brush and, but for the gold flecks, sparkling off the dew coated grass and cafe chandelier, you’d think it the only color on the painter’s palette.If your soul’s not soaring and your heart’s not thumping, it is time to dig yourself a hole and pull the dirt in top of you! Loving life and living large!

4 AM is back!! An almost full moon setting in the west lets a full compliment of stars share the stage. Is there a greater time of year? When life begins again in Spring! The birds are singing and dawn exposes all the flora and the fauna across the land. Makes you feel guilty for ever doubting God’s plan.

4 AM sky revealed a single star in a gap among the ever-present clouds. As we searched a few more came into focus, This, to show us, that, with the faith of a mustard seed, one can envision and create the universe. One point of light grows into four, then so much more! Exploding into a spectacular sunrise. Revealing all the Love your heart can handle. Let the darkness of your yesterday be washed away by the joy awaiting you today!

It has become ridiculous. Cloud covered 4 AM skies are a dime a dozen. If only we could save a couple for summer drought withdrawal. The chill in the air this morning contributes to the dismal factor. Deb’s worsening condition, my sore and aging body, the diminishing decency of the human race, the shear stupidity of the American people, and the desperate state of homeless dogs, all push me towards a bottomless abyss of depression. Hanging on by a thread of hope and the Love of God, Scout and I await the coming sunrise, and the promise of a new day!

2:15 AM , give, or take, a handful of minutes, this morning of March 15, 2019, and I’m sitting here stroking Girl Scout. It has been exactly a year and a half since Scout died in my arms in this exact spot. I regret to inform you that this memory has yet to become some kind of warm and fuzzy piece of my past.The pain is still real. Tightness in my chest and stomach, as graphic visions of how he looked to me for help between convulsions, and, helplessly, all I could do was hold him tight and cry. 4 AM sky produced a veil of soft white clouds that allowed only the strongest stars to shine, as we stood over Scout’s grave and remembered the happier times. And there were many. Love you Scout

One of the hardcore remaining democrats on my page, complained of mixing politics, (or freedom as I see it), with my 4AM sky. That is often difficult, as I utilize the infinite truth and wisdom offered there to objectively evaluate the facts , and activity , on this physical plane. But, I will try. Mixing metaphors tends to confuse us all. Is the universe not a metaphor for itself? Of itself? And is life not metaphoric? Metaphorically speaking, using one image to represent another, is at the heart of all good poetry. And yet, so much is lost in translation when one uses metaphorical analogies!Tomorrow’s lesson shall be on redundance.
( I really do find my self entertaining! Yet, some days, I can not find my self at all. Weird.)

4 AM sky, semi-clear, with many stars, (no moon). 157.8% humidity, diminishes brightness and visibility. A perfect metaphor for mortality and old age. Our stars begin to fade. Our focus, not as sharp. Then comes an awesome sunrise and life begins again. The winds of change are blowing hard this morning as clouds are blocking all the views. We know if we can just hang in there , “this too shall pass”.

2 AM was allowing a few stars to be seen in the gaps between the clouds, although they were feint and veiled. By 4 AM the gaps were greater and the veils were being pulled back. Even April’s big dipper was visible, barely. Hope burns eternal, and we look forward to a sunrise. Don’t know if I’m loving life, or life’s loving me. ( and Google refers me to the 4 AM sky for answers) Wisdom says,”look down” and Scout is at my feet. Not sure how that handles my dilemma.

Reality and mortality seem to ride the same horse. Both came visiting this morning as I watched my horses standing, ass to the wind, in the pouring rain.
Mortality, while having shadowed me along my walk, has done little more than harrass me til the last 10 or 15 years. Now, it’s in my face every morning. In my feet with every step. In my muscles with every move. In my mind as those around me begin to show the signs of aging. And, in my heart as friends and family succumb to its siren’s call.
Reality, while in my pocket every step of the way, has , at last, gotten my full attention. Change is inevitable. Life, and the associated physical deterioration, has taken much. Football, golf, and sex, among those I miss the most. But, the serious pain comes when it forces you to see the truth. The fact that my country is at death’s door and there is nothing I can do to save it , hurts most. Truth is, I can post all day long and never open the eyes of those who will not see.

Strolling into the darkness of a 4 AM sky, (enveloped in the common clouds of every day this year), I watch as Scout disappears into the shadows, and Kit Carson appears as if stepping from behind a curtain. A shiver of impending doom runs through me as my mind is transported to the jungles of Vietnam, and the potential death lurking just feet away in its foliage. Just as quickly as it flashed across the “big screen” of my past, it was gone. Leaving behind a stupid human, attempting to justify the wisdom of indiscriminate killing and destruction. Common sense and logic, need not apply for a place in this deductive effort to locate reason. God’s Love, takes no side in conflict, as good and evil are merely concepts of perception based on the extremely fallible minds of men. And, did I mention, humans are stupid.

The moon , a perfect, geometrical, half circle, delights it’s audience here below, as the centerpiece of a 4 AM sky. Stars, while not filling the night , make their presence felt. Freezing cold, I sit in a damp, white, wicker, rocker with my BFF Scout. Watching Girl Scout ,and Kit, in the moonlight, as they jockey for position in protection protocol . Girl Scout ends up sitting at my feet, and Kit takes up Scout’s abandoned post to the east. This level of awareness, and interaction with my surroundings, is a treasure to be stored only in the heart. Would anyone else notice? Would anyone else care? No matter, “anyone else” ain’t here. Love you Scout

A 4 AM sky that tests the limits of one’s depression. How many days can we survive without the moon and stars? Could this be the punishment of being placed in “the hole”? And who, exactly, is trying to keep us from the “light”, or keep us in the “dark”? Does the main stream media control such things? Is this some sort of self imposed sentence? Knowing there is a universe out there, or “believing that to be so”, suggests faith in a God that paints both skies. He simply says,”patience My son”.

A 4AM sky is cold and bleak and sad this morning. Diane Downey passed away yesterday, after suffering kidney failure years ago and all the struggles associated with that, she had a stroke and was just not strong enough to come back from it. Johnny was there for her all the way. Daily dialysis and weakness, imprisoned her at home and in the hospital, taking from her the feisty, independent woman she had been. Through the worst of it she remained positive and hopeful. As her friend and horseshoer I had the privilege to view her life through a prism of the love she shared with her horse. Once you know the soul of an animal, it brings out the kinder, gentler side of you, and allows you the peace that special bound develops. It is that peace I pray Diane has found. Love and prayers deposited in her name in the 4 AM sky.
Constellations, cold, clear, and cloudless! Moonless midnight morning making memories. Pretty, predawn, pastels, pinks and peach, to white, light, and azure blue. Venus vainly vanishing against her will at sunrise. God’s goodness grows and glows. Wisdom wins, without wasting waning stars. Souls soar, seeking separation from a phony physical world fiasco. Mental meditation mends a broken brain. And alliteration, as always, rules the day! Car’pe di’em! God’s Love, wisdom, and common sense, beg to not be wasted.
An awesome sunrise illuminates the land! How very much my soul has missed this! No one knows how many of these are in their future, but, I, for one, intend to enjoy each and every one. The Free Will Aviary Cafe, (now, sponsored in part by world travelling philanthropist, Tamara Hahn), is standing room only. Flocks of blackbirds, cardinals, dove. bluebirds, sparrows, and a cast of thousands, overflowing at every level. Green grass and a muddy mirrored pond, both direct results of winter’s rain, and soothsayers of a spring to come.My body made it for one more season, and looks forward to working out the backlog of untrimmed horses waiting for dry weather. Hope definitely springs eternal!

Crystal clear clarity, cold, and cloudless. Now, this is my kind of 4 AM sky! You would almost think it has been there all along! This leads to the predawn pastels placed appropriately on the eastern horizon. I’m sorry, but there is a joy in my heart, not found under continuously cloudy skies. Facing a fabulous day with morning meditation motivation! (and, a lot of awesome alliteration) Scout would be proud.

Woo Hoo! Complete cloud cover! Why do I feel like I’ve seen this movie before? All my animals are black, and disappear into the shadows. (they always come back)

Liquid Love meets the crew at 1 AM. Not much hope for 4 AM. Noah would have been feeling good about building a big boat, and feeling bad about shutting the door on unicorns. On the positive side, I can remember 3 days this year without rain, and beautifully visible starry skies. Yet, I count my blessings cause I know, come June, or July, we’ll be begging for nights like this. There is certainly a message wrapped in the metaphors of a messy morning’s midnight.

Midnight storms are entertaining. ( and, becoming all, too, redundant) The big dog Raven, coward that she is, squeezes underneath the bed. I have been trying to sleep with my head propped up on pillows since about 8:30PM and finally give it up and follow Scout into the night, where the prayers and healing wishes of so many, wash over me like a mountain stream hurtling across its rocky bed. So much surging Love lifts your spirits.

What’s on your mind Randy? Facebook asks the question friends should ask of one another. In a quiet, but cloudy, 4 AM sky, introspection comes easy. This morning’s focus, quite naturally, is the cancer surgery scheduled for 7 AM. A simple out patient procedure on the least aggressive form of skin type, but, it is located half an inch below my eye, and if they take as big a margin as they did on my arm, or go as deep,(how deep can you go on one’s face). How do you not affect muscles and nerve endings that control facial expressions? I’m sure it will be fine and, at 70, vanity is not nearly the concern it once was. Actually, the only thing I’m concerned about is the pain of that first needle’s pin prick in such a sensitive area. I am such a pussy.

At 3 the clouds were full of gaps, allowing small clusters of stars to peek through. By the time my 4 AM sky arrived, the gaps were gone. Think I’ll focus on yesterday’s springtime. There’s a message, and a song in that somewhere!

9* and we have ice on the pumpkin (grass and frozen bird feeder)? And, yet, all the signs of an early spring are upon us. Budding trees and growing grass and weeds(started mowing yesterday). Let me just say, it is too late to do those projects you put off for winter.

1,2,3, 4 AM all run together when it’s raining! While the aesthetics are greatly diminished, the spiritual value remains. Be quiet and listen. Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain( some remember the lyrics, and”what a fool I’ve been”), to the beat of your heart, messages found in a quiet mind, and the peace of a silent soul. Wisdom and common sense, wrapped in a cold, wet, infinity.Love you Scout

At 1 AM, still cussing Dixie for dragging me out of bed, the Girl Scout and I stumble out beneath the perfect dome that will become a 4 am sky. The brightness of half a moon , opens your eyes and leads your heart down a pre-destined path, to where God’s Love is waiting. The wisdom of a star starved universe(lunar light obscures our view), reminds us of a time that’s near, when once again we can sit and listen to it’s teachings for hours on end.Common sense suggests we missed many opportunities to glean these secrets from a cloudy sky we felt unworthy of our time.

A 4 AM sky for which to die! (but, don’t, it is more fun to enjoy) Clouding back up, but, 50% clarity beats what we’ve had this year thus far.

I wondered why God would call me out at 1 AM, waking me from a rare deep sleep. Obedient, as it has taken me a lifetime to become, I stroll outside with everyone in tow, Girl Scout, Dixie, and a Kit cat. We are greeted with our reward for having faith that clouds, too, shall pass. Better than half a moon is lighting up the midnight morning and bouncing off the tin top of Tracey’s barn. Nameless stars and April’s big dipper adorn a sky that once again stirs my soul and invites us all to stay. Scout and Kit resume security, as though they never left their posts, and Dixie, well, is just Dixie. Reuniting with a 4 AM sky at 1, brings joy to my heart, and a smile to my face. This lesson is too easy; You don’t really appreciate what you have until it is taken from you. Scout’s headstone is a grim reminder. Count your blessings every day, and know that the darkness of your clouds is there to make you treasure the sunshine in your heart. Thank you God for Light and Love. For the wisdom to acknowledge it, and the common sense to enjoy it while I can.

An explosion of driving rain at 2 AM. Is there no respect for sleep? Once awake, Vietnam comes calling, and once its out there, there is no putting it back in the tube. So, the dogs and I start our routine. Down the stairs, out the door, pee in the front yard, watch the sky, listen to God, allow common sense to chase us back inside, and bore my Facebook fans with our adventures. Best part of midnight morning insomnia is making “breakfast”! Today will be sausage and french toast. By the time I greet a 4 AM sky, I’ve cooked, cleaned, and consumed enough calories to assure my continued obesity.

2:30 AM and getting up to pee for the fourth time since going to bed at 10 PM. Seemed like a sign that a 4 AM sky was waiting. Scout and Dixie accompanied me to the viewing stand, and, guess what? Total cloud cover, cold and damp, but, if you focus you can see the distorted image of a full moon hiding deep inside its cloudy cocoon. Somewhere in there is a message of hope and beauty, waiting to burst forth and spread its wings. Fill your heart with butterflies, of Love and light each morning, sharing them with all you meet. It will set your soul free.

Scout was pawing my arm and whining at 2:45 AM, demanding I go downstairs. Raven the 200 lb Great Dane, was already upstairs, hiding under the bed on Deb’s side, even though the lightening, thunder, and driving rain were still 20 minutes to the south. We stood outside in awe and wonder as the storm rolled in. Scout apparently did not need a bathroom break, but did not want me to miss the show. A painfully redundant rainy 4 AM sky pens us in the house, Kit Carson curled up at my feet, and Scout wedged into the chair she outgrew a year ago. It appears to be a team effort to have me on time for my 8 AM eye appointment with the VA ophthalmologist.

And so it is raining yet again,( or, would that be, still?) 4 AM sky? Seems like I haven’t seen one in years. And, yet, here it is. Not just “right in front of me”, but running down my face. Every one is different, and, “each night begins a new day”. What will you see in yours? Will you feel God’s Love in your heart? Common sense in your mind, or wisdom in your soul? Will you find the peace and beauty hidden there?

The 4Am sky, fearing that I might sleep through it, had Deb jump out of bed and walk around the room saying something like,”I can’t find her”. So, I took the bait and asked what she was doing. “Looking for your grandmother”, was the answer.Both my grandmothers are long gone. One passing 47 years ago, the other, thirty something. Deb and I met 12 years ago and have never discussed them. Thinking, it must therefore, be important for me to see , I stuck my head out the door, only to find pretty much what I expected. The slight haze of moisture in the air , with half a moon, no Orion, and less than a full compliment of stars. I’m sure I missed the big picture, or universal truth, hidden there, for all to see, but , in my defense, I was recovering from a day of clearing brush, shoeing horses, re-gripping golf clubs, hitting balls, and under the influence of 800mg IBProfin. Crawled back in my cocoon, only to have the sunrise use animals to get me up. Three dogs wanting out and 1 cat wanting in, all at the same time the sun was gracefully easing out of hiding, coincidence? I don’t think so. God goes to the trouble to create this kind of beauty, and demand my attention, who am I to ignore it. And, yes, it was fabulous, foretelling , yet, another day in paradise! Please squeeze every drop of “enjoy” out of this day!!

Is there anyone out there so ignorant, as to be surprised by the 16 socialist states of America filing suits against the American border wall? The only socialist states not on that list would be Washington, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Clear boundaries for the coming Civil War II. Pick a side. I choose American freedom and our duly elected patriotic leader, Donald Trump!

Explosions and light shows in the southern windows. If you are to have clouds, at 4 AM, this is how you do it! Beautiful, and a display of pure power! To think that surges through our bodies every day, and we have no concept of how to tap into it, is very sad. Oh, what dreams may have come, had we not discovered, and chosen to follow, the “knowledge” of man.

8PM, warm and breezy. A semi clear sky was bidding farewell to a crescent moon as it crashed behind the silhouettes to the west. Orion was center stage and moving slowly, but surely, towards the same fate as the moon.Girl Scout laid at my feet as I rocked while searching for shooting stars. In vain. Scout asked why I wasted my time looking for a single, momentary burst of awesome, when the universe was laying out all its wonders for me to enjoy. Simple, I am very shallow. Love you Scout

I have cluttered my life with arrogance and self importance, probably because I lack self confidence. I convince myself that what I say has relevance. I seriously need to clear my mind and fill it back with humility. Something about,”old dogs and new tricks” suggests it is too late for me, save yourself!

Silver silhouettes and shadows. Security sitting stoically. The joys of 4 AM abound once more. Sitting in a white wicker rocker, at the headstone of my Scout, with Girl Scout at my feet, and Kit positioned behind me in the driveway. A late night morning to remember and file away forever. Adjusted eyes, pick up moonlight diffused through piles of clouds, and civilization’s reflection off their low hanging bottoms, to see just fine in modified twilight. Tilting my head back, to take in all above, brings on vertigo with its spinning nausea. My grandfather’s wisdom speaks to me, from infinity’s collection of such things, to say,”I can fix that for you Randy. Just don’t lean back”. And, just like that, I was cured. How much pain could we avoid by listening to the elder’s sage advice? And, why is it, now that we’re the elders, no one listens?

A moon at eight did not translate into celestial clarity at 4 AM. Total cloud cover as a slightly more than half full moon is being overwhelmed and dragged beneath a western horizon. Drizzle washes the uplifted face, but can not dampen the God-filled heart. Love and life are one. We are connected, not just to each other, but to all living things. Feel the world around you, and know that it is you. Love it, respect it, and treat it as you would yourself.

Soft clouds greet us at 4 AM. We have succumbed to accepting them as a way of life. Moon and stars are overrated, and partial sunlight, come this summer, will be delightful. God’s Love is present, rain, or shine. And, wisdom and common sense, are available upon request, (requiring only that you disregard what man considers knowledge). But, still, my soul misses celestial travel and mingling with infinity, ( yes, of course, it exists beyond visual limitations, but, I’m too shallow to explore its depth). You never know, butterflies and rainbows, could change my mind. Am I fickle, or do I choose to live in the moment?

Find a special place for compassion in your heart today, as we live with some who won’t remember what the roses on the counter represent , or where they came from. Understand the terror of being forced to watch yourself forgetting who you are, and live in the moment with whomever that person thinks they are. I’m guessing that is Love.

No surprise, the clouds are back. At least they allow a smattering of stars to find gaps in the coverage. This is why we have memories. To remember the beauty of the day before.The life we’ve led. And, that is why we have imagination. So we might enhance those memories to edit them to our liking. We all are guilty of reflecting on a past of distorted illusions. Have you ever met someone that believed in their reincarnation, and believed themselves to be a garbage man in another life? Reality is where the paths of our journeys intersect , and in that moment.(and just in that moment) do we see the truth. Even as we walk our separate ways, we are creating new identities for each other, to be remembered later.I suppose that is why it is written,”to live life in the moment”. Make men laugh and love, and you shall be remembered fondly. Pour your love all over your Valentine today and be remembered fondly on this special day, dedicated to lovers.

Woo Hoo!! STARS!! Clear and cold, is good as gold. My ears are ringing, but my heart is singing.Infinity is served best with endless vistas and hot chocolate. God’s Love is omni-present, but certainly feels more powerful when you absorb it through all your senses. An energized heart lifts an anxious soul, to sore among the heavens once more. Happiness, is being blessed with the awareness to accept this gift! Rip it open and enjoy the day inside! Then share it with those less fortunate. (Anxiously awaiting sunrise and “what dreams may come”)

Large drops of the 4 AM sky crash into a tin roof overhead. Breathes there , living in the country, a soul so dead, who never to itself hath said,” Damn, I love that sound!” Its a comforting feeling that makes you spoon your lover tighter and pull the covers a little higher. Scout squirms and runs away! (just kidding) Actually, Scout whines and paws my arm, insisting I get up and go downstairs. So, here I am, since I can’t go outside to stair up at my sky, for fear of doing that whole turkey drowning thing.(do you have to be country to understand that analogy?) . The Love, the wisdom, and the message are always waiting there. No matter what the weather.

The clammy clouds of 1 AM hug your body like a wet sweater. It is obvious that the universe no longer exists and we are being blinded for our own protection. “We can’t handle the truth!”. If this is how it feels to be buried alive, SHOOT ME NOW! Aah, but then, Scout and Kit will bring you back from the deepest dark depression. Playing cat and dog, illustrating the joy of life and Love, while showing you,”What Dreams May Come!” The universe, God’s Love, and all infinity, flow through your heart, and not your eyes, your soul, and not your mind.The grandeur of it all, the light, the sound, the color, the feeling, emanate from within, and not without. So, paint rainbows and balloons on your canvas of doom and gloom! And have a great day! Car*pe Di*em!

The groggy mind in another fog-filled four AM, struggles to make sense of life. Where did it all begin? Or did it? Where does it end? Or does it? Why do we speak? To hear ourselves think? To prove our ignorance to those who listen? What were we supposed to do with these magnificent machines we call bodies? These extraordinary instruments we call brains? The essence of the heart and soul? How do you explain existence? If the question is always,”why?” , is the answer always,”Love” ? We are obviously little more than,(but, certainly no less than), artificial intelligence, programmed with the questions, not the answers. Our thoughts open the doors to a million rooms, but never turns on the light. Don’t you just Love a foggy 4 AM?

4 AM sky seems like a never ending fog. How many days this year have we actually seen the sky? Faith- the belief that an infinite universe exists.We have the same faith in God’s Love. We “feel” its essence, its presence, and see it in the acts of all living things. And, just like the fog blocks the universe, hate and evil obscure our view. There are so many levels, so many perspectives, on so many planes, that the fog of doubt and confusion can cause you to get lost. Yet, the faith of a mustard seed can guide your steps until it clears and the rainbow of Love and wisdom, light your path once more.I guess, the short version message would be to hang on in the darkness, for this too shall pass.

4AM, no moon, no stars, more importantly, no driving cerebral urge to stay up and save the world!! Back to bed.

4 AM and the joy of being alive to share the cat and dog games erupting at my feet. Scout and Kit are a riot! The morning train is bouncing its roar, and intermittent screams, off the low hanging clouds to sound like it is coming through the pasture. Eight stars dare to sparkle in the only portal to the heavens, leading your thoughts to the universal beauty, just beyond. The peace is putting me to sleep. Dixie snores and Scout adjusts his position in his chair. Raven and the sun decide to rise, amid the tangerines and purples of the dissipating morning clouds. Plans change.

I helped a new moon set behind the forest silhouettes in the 6 PM sky. Its sliver of a thumbnail clawing at the horizon as it slipped away. Old age, allergies, depression, and a long day, caught up to me before 9 and put me to bed. So, of course, I was up at 1 AM to view the precursor to a 4 AM sky. A few dimly lit stars struggled to be noticed through a veil of thin white clouds.Scout and I have come to expect cloud covered, moonless nights. We listen better without the distractions of an infinite universe. Some mornings you hear the message, some mornings you hear the train, and some mornings the train IS the message.

The 4 stars we could make out, among the midnight morning clouds, at 1 AM, gave us hope for a 4 AM sky. Instead, we were greeted at 4 by a redundant cover of clouds. No stars, no moon, But, lots of Love, peace, and wisdom. We soaked up, took in, and replenished, as needed. Proving, once again, a successful 4 AM sky is not dependent upon a resplendent and aesthetically pleasing star-filled dome. The common sense derived from simple meditation can help you mitigate the confusing issues of your day. Step one is LISTEN, with all your heart and soul. If you do, there is usually no need for step 2.

A procrastinator’s dream. A memory I can share, so I don’t have to take the time to create a new one.

Is there anything more honest than a 4AM sky! It never wavers from the truth. You quietly become one with it and share its infinite peace. Only when you attempt to interpret and convey to others, does the message get distorted. Humans are staggeringly stupid and incapable of comprehending all that is, or ever was. We must be able to put knowledge in a box, whose parameters have been dictated by those who dealt unsuccessfully with its contents before us.I realize that communicating the essence of the universe, of God, of life, of love is an exercise in futility. Given the limitations and inadequacies of a language developed by a species with no concept of “being”.
Sorry, all I really wanted to do was comment on the anti-American protests taking place around the country. Like , the so-called”women’s march, or “free speech” disturbances, (where you shut down free speech). I wanted to pass along what my mother told me. She looked at me lovingly and sympathetically as she said,”Son, it is OK to be stupid. Just please, quit opening your mouth and proving it.”

Fog at 4 AM. Good only for introspection and reflection, both, in my case, not worth repeating. Scout and I are going back to bed. Wake us for the Superbowl.

This is where you take a moment and thank everyone for birthday wishes. Thank you, one and all! I did attempt to “like” each one,(seems more personal), but, if I missed you I apologize. 2 AM ahead of 4 is moonless, but, cloudless, and full of stars. A 4AM sky is much the same and welcomes me and Scout. God’s Love engulfs us, while the infinite wisdom of the universe, does its best to permeate my thick skull.And so, we embark upon the path that leads to 71. One shuffled step at a time. Each step a decision, resulting in the path you take, yet all roads end the same. So, whoever said,”life is all about the journey”, was pretty smart .Be careful not to step in dog poop! ( I am getting old. A younger me would have said,” dog shit”).

A Randy memory from his sister Nancy:

It’s Randy’s birthday.  He stopped me from singing the whole “happy birthday” song after one sentence!  He couldn’t take it beyond that.  He’s 70.  I told him the story about what happened when they brought him home from the hospital.  They put him into my baby bed without a heads-up to me.  I grabbed and shook its rails and threw a huge temper tantrum.  For years after that, I tortured him for revenge.  He still whines about the time I tied him to the swing set and left him out there in a rain deluge.  

Well, here is my schedule for my 70th birthday. Of course, I begin the day with a healthy dose of 4 AM, standing in shorts and a sweat shirt,(you gotta love the south), beneath a sky of clouds and stars, with all my friends, Scout, Girl Scout, Kit, and you guys,(that’s yankee for ya’ll). I believe I’ll bake myself a pineapple upside down cake, before going down to Tannehill’s garage to check on the truck that suddenly quit running,not 100 yards from his shop yesterday. Then its off to trim 15 horses with my good friend John Perry. Crawling back to the house I’m sure I’ll take a nap before going back to work on a closet/dressing room I am building for Deb, with a goal of putting up the rest of the drywall, and hopefully first coat mud. Feeding horses and loading the buffet line, at the Free Will Aviary Cafe will have to be squeezed in there somewhere. Fortunately, my fabulous next door neighbor, and daughter Tracey, made chicken spaghetti for me, so I won’t have to cook. Deb and I will top it off with a redundant evening of watching nothing on TV. God, I hate people like me that regurgitate their every move onto the pages of Face Book!

25,568 ! 4 AM skies, and I have only appreciated and shared properly the last 1,100, or so. Clouds and stars being mixed by hand, not a mixer. Scout, Girl Scout, Kit and I, basking in its awesome wonder. I feel like the ungrateful son of a Father who has given me everything. Obvious gifts, like Love, wisdom, and common sense. My daily bread and the peace to walk by still waters and fear no evil. Things we take for granted, like every breath of life. Teaching me to cherish giving and helping others, while being embarrassed to receive. I can not remember a time when my days did not begin with magnificent, energizing, and promising sunrises, or end with equally beautiful, romantic, and soothing sunsets. Blessed with an awareness that I am connected to all things through a common thread of Love that binds us all together, and the knowledge that what you do to the least of us, you do to all of us. I am an arrogant, egotistical, and infinitely flawed human being, who promises to do better over the next 70 years, but, like New Years resolutions, I know I’m lying, even as the words are forming on my lips. But, God and Scout dogs love me, so I’ll push on, one 4 AM sky at a time. Happy Birthday Randy! Here is to the first day of the rest of your life! Please spend it wisely.

4 AM extravaganza! Golden thumbnail moon, resting just above Venus like her crown, and one more star, (to be named later) hovering over both. All fixed in one of the only areas of the sky not affected by the morning haze. The cold air letting you know you’re alive, and chilling your lungs as you gulp it in. Kit and Scout are playing cat and dog, feeling frisky, and nearly knocking me down. Love lights the darkness, and wisdom tells you ,”pay attention”. Back inside the warmth of home and feeling pretty cocky about interpreting the universe, God sends me one more message,’Look down genius”. In following His directions I discover I have put my shoes on the wrong feet!!! Message of the day- HUMILITY

4 AM brings more than clouds. More than 27* biting cold. More than God’s Love,(is there more ?). More than wisdom and common sense. More than a golden thumbnail moon draped in a thin veil of morning mist. More than the remnant of visible stars. It brings the essence of life itself. The validation you have survived another day, and the promise of an opportunity to do it all again. So, go ahead, cherish the moment and take advantage of the offer.Live this day for all its worth, and pray you’re here for sunrise! I hear, that can be spectacular!

Can’t see the 4 AM sky for all the fluffy white chunks floating aimlessly to the ground.Staring through the looking glass at all the falling snow, and being very thankful I have no where else to go! Something oh so mystical about it dancing in the light, how it takes you back to snow ice cream, and little kids delight. But, then the “adult” sees the eminent future slush, and worries for the lives the ice might somehow crush. The surprising lesson out of this all, is how we view the world. From eyes of blissful ignorance and childlike naivet’e, to those that filter everything through wisdom and experience. I know which I would rather be, having been there once before, but here, the latter sets you straight, reminding that there truly is no going back.40 minutes in, the snow comes to an end. Somehow the endless messages and magic metaphors give way to happy sleeping dogs and thoughts of apple cider.

Walking through the door at 1 AM with Scout and Kit fighting to be the first one through, I was greeted by the big yellow grin of a Chessar cat moon, sitting atop Tracey’s barn on the eastern horizon. Stepping into the moonlit drive, I could see Orion above the silhouettes of the trees to the west. Looking over my head, and above the house to the north, hung the Big Dipper, as if poised to pour forever across a 4 AM sky. A clear night with as many stars as you are allowed when living this close to “civilization”. My heart welcomed the rushing refill of Love as it pushed out yesterday’s trash. Infinity’s wisdom, soothed the mind, as my soul shook the shackles of a physical world. Loneliness, depression, and confusion do not exist in a 4 AM sky. No matter what time of day. Believe Scout and I shall go back out, and top off the tanks.

4 AM and exactly half a moon presides over a field of stars as they rest in a valley among the mountains of clouds. God is Love and the universe contains the infinite wisdom. Both, available to anyone with the common sense to seek. A cloud- stifled sunrise caused you to appreciate even more, the morning extravaganza from the day before! Watching now, as Scout, Raven, and Max, (three big dogs), play along the banks of Tracey’s pond, and fill my heart with Love and gratitude for my many, many blessings.These are truly HAPPY dogs, and I can only hope that I contribute to that happiness in some small way. Let me recognize the fact that all my friends on facebook, and even those in my daily life, certainly contribute to my happiness, and I thank you very much!

2 AM, precursor to a 4 AM sky, Scout and I are reveling in the moonlight, and sopping up the gravy of an infinite stew of stars. God’s love floating in a broth of wisdom and common sense provides sustenance for the soul. A sensational smorgasbord, and, its free. Back out for seconds and dessert at 4. Sharing with Venus and the big dipper, having just missed Orion. Oops, Am I name dropping? Looks like they are pulling a laced table cloth of morning clouds across the table. Are they telling us to go?

4 AM sky is painfully redundant. Total cloud cover,(all be it very thin), allows 2/3’s of a strong moon to push its light through the foggy filter. Diffused and diminished, it is still able to light the world around us. Metaphors abound, but you’ll have to extract them yourself, God and I are tired and brain dead.

3AM to 4 and the skies are trying. Big fat white clouds, full of gray, floating around the sky, like foam on the water’s surface. A fabulous moon and scattered stars poking their reflective faces through the gaps. The silver lighting, the springlike temperature, the cat and dogs lying around, the peace and quiet, the Love, the wisdom, the common sense, and one old, fat white man, perfect!

4 AM sky brought a simple message ,”here today, gone tomorrow”. The incredible beauty of last night’s clearly visible eclipse and backdrop of an infinite array of stars, has been replaced by the complete cloud cover we have become accustomed to this year. So, I don’t know if we’re saying to treasure every moment, or to count your blessings and appreciate God’s gifts. Did God clear that one specific night just so I could see the show? I like to think so.

The magic of the last 12 hours , from 6 PM to 6 AM. Giant full moon rises, totally eclipses, clears, and sets as predawn colors burst above the opposite horizon.There are an infinite number of metaphors, analogies, similes, and simple physical descriptions associated with what we witnessed and felt. It would take a lifetime to relate just this one man’s perspective. The Love that fills the heart. the images that overwhelm the eyes, the thoughts that boggle the mind, and the essence that fuels the soul. These are the rewards of the faithful. We that knew the 4 AM sky was still there , behind the curtain of clouds that separated us, for this whole year. A grand re-opening to be sure!

watching shadows slip across the moon, you can not help but wonder what those who came before were thinking at the sight of such a spectacle.It started with a full bright moon that snuck up through the silhouettes and left its reflection bouncing off Tracey’s pond. By 10:00 PM it was half devoured by the devil’s darkness. Checking back at 10:30 there was just a fingernail surviving. Didn’t know it went so fast.And then it all was covered and darkness filled the night, where only an hour before had shone the brightest light. Guess I’ll have to stay, to make sure it slides past, and lunar light returns at last. But now it shows an orange red, looks like a Chinese lantern. It seems to linger as it hangs directly overhead, I may not stay to see it through, this is where faith comes in. I have to believe it will be clear again by tomorrow.. I’ll check back at 4 AM.

Four AM falls to the ground. Lightening illuminates your way. Scout doesn’t care and Kit sits under the eve. Sitting at my puter, I have Dixie wedged between me and the arm of my chair, Raven(200 # Great Dane) wedged between my chair and the wall, and a Scout dog on my feet. Nothing like a thunderstorm to bring a family together! Wow! That’s the lesson of this 4 AM sky.

Silver horizons, passing through endless shades of grey, dissolve into the darkness of a cloud covered 4 AM sky. It is not like there is nothing to see, as cracks and crevices permeate the dome, exposing hints of universal light and wonder. Memory plays a large part in solving the mystery of its source. And, as one contemplates the meaning of it all, it becomes apparent that comprehension is way above our pay grade. The very illusion, that represents our existence, is beyond the capacity of the mind that creates it It is clear that our irrelevance offends us, so we create myths to explain it, then go to war, and fight to the death, presumably to decide whose fiction is fact,and who “loves” each other more. (did I mention humans are stupid?)

The 50 shades of grey that greeted a 4 AM sky had a very clear message,” common sense is seeing things in black and white”. Wisdom is not only understanding, but recognizing, the simple truth when you see it. And brevity is the key to sound communication. ( drop the “mic” and walk off )

4 AM sky of all consuming cumulus clouds engulfs me. No stars, no moon, no problem. My security crew and I have adjusted well. Cat and dog games go on as usual, unless the sky is falling in droplets of H2O. The basic difference is the amount of time I donate. Shallow, as I am, without a deep, star-filled universe to project its infinite wisdom I find myself less receptive to the message, and less likely to hang out. God’s Love, infinite wisdom, and common sense are there for the asking, no matter how its packaged, and, if the truth be known, we probably would absorb more without the distraction of all the shiny baubles. But, as any marketing expert will tell you, if you want people to hear you, use beautiful women to sell it. However, if you want people to listen, appeal to the heart.. A crystal clear 4 AM sky sucks you in with beauty and softens your heart with Love. God knows how to sell it. Are you buying?

When you go to bed at 8 PM, getting up at 2 AM is no big deal, and, of course, the rewards are priceless. The thumbnail of a new moon, visible at bedtime, has long since passed behind the western treeline silhouettes, but a clear sky allows a buzillion points of light to illuminate the morning night. I’ve had a little problem with vertigo the past two nights, getting nauseous and dizzy when tilting my head back to watch infinity rolling by, and so my viewing , and subsequent interaction has been limited. But, God’s Love is omni-present and engulfs me, filling my heart, regardless of my cluttered mind’s inability to assimilate the wisdom being offered. Anchored in my recliner as I write, the queazy feeling hovers all around, ready to pounce should I attempt to rise. The lesson here has to do with distractions of the physical world, both mental and physical, that block, and/or prevent, you from receiving the blessings of a 4 AM sky.

From a year ago today: Johnny Mathes’ misty moonlight, moves to morning mist’s, moving, magnificent predawn pastels painting pictures in precipitation, between the 4 AM sky and 6 AM rising sun. Did I mention, Scout loves alliteration? Love you Scout

A magnificent morning sky with Venus at her brightest and a streaking shooting star. What more could one ask? God’s Love is given freely and requires no special request. But, selfish me, I make the conscious effort to seek wisdom and common sense,by clearing my mind of man’s clutter. In that moment , request was granted, as the void was filled with infinity’s simplicity. And then, I asked for even more. I asked that all that Love and energy be cast back into the 4 AM sky to heal, not just my Linda friends, with cancer and stroke related paralysis, but all who seek. The peace of the pastel pre-dawn promise of yet another sunrise, suggests my work here is done, and it is time to address the chores that come with a rising sun.

Another rainy 4 AM sky. I watch Scout through the window, as he lays there in the mud. So many times I wiped, and dried, him, head to toe. (Most times, without joy in my heart). How I wish he could come inside and shake the muddy water from his shaggy long hair, or put that “wet dog” smell in my truck, as he positioned himself in the passenger seat, to accompany me, where ever I might be going. Not yet 4 months gone, and it feels like forever. Inprisoned in the heart ache .and the loneliness, left in his wake. Looking for Girl Scout to fill that void is asking too much. So much could, and should, be written on the value of Love, and the time, wisdom, and experience it takes to cultivate. But, of course, a million words , a thousand books, a trillion poems, have been recorded, only to fall upon deaf ears . I can hardly wait to submit my works, and contribute to that collection of useless rhetoric! Love you Scout

Muscle relaxers put me down. My head is still in a fog 12 hours later. Got run over by a thousand pound horse and my 70 year old body doesn’t rebound like it used to.Apparently, I still bend and don’t break, but, Damned if it doesn’t seem to hurt a lot more and take longer to heal. I’m guessing 4 AM was
overcast as it is now, at 5:30 PM. The time between was pretty much a blur. Clear headed I resume the human race. Does not seem as though I lost my place.

4 AM and a half moon sits in the center of a perfect circle. The moisture in the air obscures and diminishes the brilliance of the stars.Frigid temperature prevents star gazing and the hunt for streaking meteors.Scout and I exchange niceties and confirm that brevity is the key to sound communication. Love you Scout! Stepping inside to a warm room, with peaceful dogs scattered about, sleeping under the blankets of trust and security. If life is like the movie,”Groundhog Day”, (a redundant loop of recurring events), then this ain’t no bad scenario to be trapped in.

Be yourself this year. I am an American patriot, born to parents from the greatest generation, and raised in the greatest state,(Texas), in the greatest country, at the greatest time in American history. All my teachers,(school, family,friends, and church), taught God and country. As far as we knew, the media still reported the news, honestly, and objectively. Boys still wanted to be men, and girls wanted to be women, wives, and mothers. So, this is where I come from when you read my posts. I am deeply offended by “men” with no character, “leading” our country into darkness. That is why I support Trump as the only true leader and American patriot in 20 years. But, the bigger problem is the ignorance and apathy of the American citizen, the American voter. I will continue to post the truth and facts pertaining to saving this nation, cause, THAT IS WHO I AM.

Going to bed at 7:30 PM results in getting up at midnight. It is so easy to shutdown my brain when it is tired and/or depressed, but once recharged and running, there is no slowing it down.( I know better than to end a sentence with a preposition, but I am in the south and that’s how we roll) Scout and I are standing in the midnight sky, which appears now to be drying, Orion is hovering in a clearing between clouds, fading in and out.(maybe you can end with a preposition). Don’t know where the light is coming from, that reflects off all the standing water. Little Dixie has come to join us, steps six inches off the sidewalk to squat and pee, then jumps back on and heads back to the house.She is now wedged in beside me in my recliner, sleeping as I write, while Scout is stretched out on the couch, and Raven sleeps beneath the stairs. Who is providing security for who? I just know the whole room is awash with Love. A peaceful feeling overcomes me as I recognize God’s presence. ( could also have said,” God’s presents” ) We get so caught up in a meaningless physical world that we miss His message. We will promise to do better next year! Happy New Year one and all!

Walking into the clouds at 4 AM, suggests the sky is falling, or the house is levitating. neither scenario instills a great deal of confidence in the future.I sometimes find it hard to believe that no one else hears this ringing in my ears, or relives the symphony of explosions that brought it on. The roaring engines and rattling tracks of tanks and APCs. The main guns, fifty and sixty caliber machine guns, and mortars firing missions in a daily concerto of death and destruction. The occasional visit to a firebase producing the rock and roll of 155’s and even 8 inch guns in a battle of the bands that literally bounces the tracked vehicle you are “sleeping” in off the ground, disturbing the ammo can bed and the other two occupants of the spacious 4×6 room you share, within. It is strange that I don’t remember any screams or crying, as seen on TV. Maybe the loss of hearing, like the numbing of the mind, and the hardening of the heart, was a blessing. If only you could have suffered temporary blindness and long term amnesia. Sorry, I appear to have absorbed my dark , dreary morning sky, and appear to be regurgitating it all over you. I like to think, that like the year 2018, I will soon be putting it all behind me! Happy New Year!!

 One year ago we had ice and a full moon? Today is overcast, damp,dreary, and a repeat of the last 200 days! Day one of ’19 looks like day 365 of ’18. The space and time aspect of last year’s post, certainly applies. Resolve to commit an act of kindness every day in the new year! Resolve to lose 1/2 pound every day! Feed your heart and soul from the menu of the 4 AM sky, and share your blessings. Above all,” Don’t worry, Be Happy!”

As I have wishes for the new year, I will post them whether you like it or not,(hope you will do the same) My 1st two:
1) I wish that everyone will reap the rewards of a 4 AM sky, Love, wisdom, and common sense. Resulting in Peace.
2) I wish that the half of our citizens that believe in socialism and the slavery it creates, will suddenly see the error of their ways, and revert to American capitalism and the freedom for which it stands.

The magic of the morning is holding off the dragons of the night, while I seek solace deep inside my self. Curled tightly in the fetal position, in the comforting confines of the cocoon that is my heart. OMG! Staring through the looking glass at life in all its glory. Chickens and birds of all sizes shapes and colors are sharing the bounty of a freshly filled buffet at The Free Will Aviary Cafe. The sunrise gold reflecting off the chandelier, the reds, the greens, the burnt umber leaves of fall, and the smoke rising gracefully off Tracey’s pond, provides the kind of backdrop artists have aspired to recreate since the dawn of time. I might spend a lifetime attempting rhetorical descriptions and never do it justice, Certainly, there is no way to convey the very essence of all it represents. I wrap it all in God’s Love and send it forth in the 4 AM sky , hoping it will find its way to those who need it, like my Linda friends, H and W, who are facing challenges in their lives that we can not pretend to understand. Love is really quite amazing. The more you share, the more you have.

Rough night. The Call of the god of war was raging in my mind. ” Into the heavens there drifted a cloud, sinister black and alone. On it there sat, mist veiled in a shroud, Mars, god of war on his throne”. And the dogs of war were unleashed! War is not romantic, it is the lowest form of the human experience. Scout and I rushed into the beauty of the 4 AM sky, where I regurgitated all the ugly visions and feelings into a universal trash bin that emptied into infinity. It felt as though I was throwing up for hours, resulting in the pain of dry heaves, as I poured the darkness from my soul. In reality, it was instantaneous. I exchanged hate for God’s Love, Darkness for light, under the dome of a moonless star-filled night. Sucking into my heart the invigorating, rejuvenating elixir of God’s sweet Love, as infinity washed from my mind, the filth that is the “knowledge” of man, replacing it with wisdom, common sense, and understanding. Like rinsing oil-spill crude from the wings of an eagle, it sets my spirit free to soar once more. Far better men, and certainly, better writers, than I, have attempted to share the simplicity of all that is the 4 AM sky. And, as the magnificence of a predawn horizon uses a palette of pretty pastels to announce the coming of a new day, Hope burns eternal!

Meteor, or space junk, it was streaking west to east, as it burned up in our atmosphere, greeting me at 4 AM.It brought a smile to my face and a giggle to my lips. Encouraged by the radiance of Venus and the beauty of the night, Scout and I strolled towards the barn to try to catch a glimpse of Orion before he slipped beneath the faintly visible silhouettes of the western tree line.Too late we were, but treated just the same to sights and sounds of morning life. By looking west for Orion my eyes were drawn to shadows moving through the light of Billy’s driveway security. Several deer were moving from our treeline to their’s. In the moonless dark they were no more than silhouettes in a shadow box. Scout never made a sound as she charged after them challenging them to race to yonder trees. She lost and heavy panting marked her movement as she came running back, her black hair rendering her invisible. Taking in more Love than my tiny heart can handle. I walk back to the house, escorted by the Girl Scout. We walk in silence, like the night.

OMG! Scout dragged me out at 2:30 AM, I got scared and ran back in. She comforted me and said,” Dad, there’s nothing to be afraid of, those shiny things are stars”. I eased back outside, and sure enough the joy of a crystal clear 4 AM sky swept over me. I could see literally forever. Through your heart’s eye you can see and feel the infinity of God’s Love. Wisdom and common sense sweep the stupid from your mind.( This unfortunately lasts only until you encounter your first interaction with the ignorance of the human race and the physical world ) So, I think I will sit in the cold and enjoy the euphoria as long as I can. Thank you Scout

SURPRISE! Still raining! I wonder, at what point did Noah realize a boat might not be such a bad idea? Love, wisdom, and common sense are all around you, whether you listen or not.

SURPRISE!! Raining at 4 AM! That makes it every day this year! The Moon and a clear sky full of stars was last seen sometime back in 2018! Thank goodness God’s Love permeates all environments. Sucked in a heart full, and let it wash the crud away. The peace of wisdom and common sense is quickly disturbed by interaction with the ignorance and apathy of the human race. New year, same stupid humans. We can’t help ourselves. That is how we are programmed. Stand and watch the gentle rain. Let the rhythm soothe your soul.Think not of problems man contrives, for they are but illusions, and can be dealt with later.(or, not at all). This year, let’s work on physical, mental, and spiritual health.(the Holy Trinity) Make your goals short term and achievable. Be happy, don’t worry, and wield the sword of Love as a weapon!

Still enveloped in a chest and head cold fog, but, my 4AM sky was so powerful it pushed 4 one hundred pound dogs to seek shelter at my feet and me to report on it! Being a Texan from Ft. Worth and Austin, I am no stranger to violent weather. Electrical storms that arc across an endless Texas sky with drenching driving rains, accompanied by tornadic winds. Excluding the death and destruction, I have loved watching them roll in across Benbrook Lake, Lake o’ the Pines, and the Texas hill country for as long as I can remember. Ah, rolling thunder! The dogs squeeze closer. I choose to mistake it for “love”. Enjoy every moment of your New Year!