Every Democrat senator voted to advance Tracy Stone-Manning’s nomination to be Director, Bureau of Land Management. Having been one of his previous staffers, Sen. Tester led the charge. She agrees with Democrats that “Climate Change” is the #1 threat to national security. Like the “Squad”, she advocates “population control” as part of the solution to that global “problem”.

In 1989, ecoterrorists, like Tracy Stone-Manning, participated in “tree-spiking”, which is a felony. It was an evil fear-tactic used to maim loggers by inserting a long metal nail into the part of a tree trunk where the saw would go. Their goal was to shut-down the logging industry in certain regions of America, specifically for the protection of Spotted Owls. It worked. For more than a year, thousands of hard-working, American families lost their livelihood.

Her more recent claim-to-fame as a radical environmentalist was that she raised millions of dollars and donors to be used in the fight against the XL Pipeline. Once again, her success resulted in thousands of hard-working, American families losing their livelihoods.

Along with millions of Americans, Republicans on the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee were outraged that someone of her radical, cruel mindset would, even remotely, be considered for that position.