Republicans have begun important investigations, which will expose important information, which has long been hidden from the American people and done irreparable damage to the U.S. Sadly, Biden promises to veto GOP bills, whether good or bad for Americans. Since Democrats vote in lockstep, it will be hard to get bills past Schumer and onto Biden’s desk, especially anything having to do with oil, gas and coal. He made a campaign promise to eliminate oil, gas and coal.

Tester (202-224-2644) flipflopped on the Keystone XL Pipeline, voting for it before voting against it. Before flipflopping, he said, “the pipeline would run through Montana and include an on-ramp in Baker for oil from the Bakken. It would deliver up to 100,000 barrels of oil per day to market.” “…and, help Eastern Montana”.

In 2023, Sens. Daines and Risch received the one-year-past due, required-by-law, accounting of the Democrats’ disastrous, “America Last”, seemingly, treasonous decision, to shut-down the XL. On Day One in office, two hours after Biden signed the Executive Order, 10,000 people lost their jobs and small businesses. The report admitted that XL would have created between 16,000 and 59,000 good jobs and would have had an economic impact of between $3.16 billion and $9.6 billion. The Democrats’ stated goal is to destroy the oil and gas industry. Call Democrats and tell them to stop this insanity!