Today, Senate Democrats defeated commonsense pro-life legislation…

I introduced and have been fighting for two bills, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, as the Founder and Chair of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus.

The Pain-Capable bill would ban abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy – the point at which pain can be felt by a child, and the Born Alive bill protects children who survive failed abortion attempts.

Let me say that again, these bills ban abortion on babies who can feel pain and who are born alive. This isn’t political. It’s about treating all human beings with dignity.

It’s about protecting life.

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If you feel as strongly as I do to protect life, please join our fight today.

Every life must be valued, and every life must be protected.

So please help me put the entire Senate on notice – especially the Democrats! Join me and show your support for life today!


Senator Steve Daines