Here is one for the books! In his ridiculous negotiations with Republicans on still, another, $$-multi-trillion Dems’ bill, Biden’s counteroffer is “leave Trump’s tax cuts in place”! Are you kidding?! American taxpayers are not stupid! Contrary to what congressional representatives (cr) from both houses might think, they are wise to the fact that the “elimination of Trump’s tax cuts” is synonymous with “an unconscionable, cruel, horrific tax increase on every level of income!”

Instead, why not do this? (1) leave Trump’s tax cuts alone, (2) cut the pork out of this so-called “infrastructure bill” and (3) publicize the names of every self-serving, cr-slimeball, who sneaked-in non-infrastructure garbage.

Biden and his pirates have, already, gotten away with hurting the least among us, with their hate-filled slop, in two previous, $$multi-trillion, ill-named bills.