Obama’s Gunwalking Scandal Started the War at US/MX Border

Both Barack and Michelle in their post-presidential-administration books made a specific statement that they “left office with no scandals”. No! That is not true! There were many, including Benghazi. But this article is about Obama’s and Eric Holder’s despicable Fast & Furious (F&F) scandal. In December 2010, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by one of the 2,000 guns, which were purposefully given to Mexican cartels by Obama and his Attorney General. They should be credited for first shots fired and the first death officially incurred in the still-undeclared War at the US/MX Border.

Obama’s gunwalking plan began in 2006. It allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal, “straw” buyers, hoping to track guns to cartel leaders for the purpose of arresting and dismantling them. ATF field agents and cooperating licensed gun dealers questioned the stupidity of it. So right they were. None of the targeted high-level cartel figures were arrested. It was a bust and left an American dead! It doesn’t get any worse than that. Like many other scandals in that administration, Fake News covered-up the significance of the egregious harm it did to We the People, who knew nothing about it until Terry’s murder in 2010! Sadly, it’s unlikely that today’s students are being taught the truth about it.