In downtown Ft. Worth, TX, on 11/22/1963 in a cold rain, my grandfather and I huddled together under an umbrella in the parking lot of the Texas Hotel. We were there to listen to JFK. Unscripted, he addressed a crowd of us, who could not afford the $100 breakfast inside. Afterwards, feeling uplifted from his words, we returned to our nearby jobs. A few hours later, he was assassinated in Dallas. Years later, the Warren Commission (government-appointed investigative committee) issued its findings about the murder and the murderer(s). It tried to convince the little stupid people that Oswald, working alone, shot the President from the 6th floor of the School Book Depository Bldg, which the Kennedys’ open convertible had just passed. The committee claimed that a shot from that location hit JFK from behind. The report was frozen, not to be opened until 2017. So, why wasn’t it?
Meanwhile, witnesses from the “grassy knoll” near Kennedy’s car, swore that one, or more, other bullets were fired from somewhere in the opposite direction from the School Book Depository Bldg. The “kill shot” hit the front of JFK’s head from that location. One-by-one, those “witnesses mysteriously disappeared. Over the following years, books exposing different theories about the assassination, surfaced. The best one was called “Six Seconds in Dallas”. It is out-of-print and copies of it are hard to find. When 2017 rolled-around, D.C. bureaucrats decided that We the People were still too ignorant to handle the truth. What are “they” hiding?
Fast forward to President Donald J. Trump’s second administration. He believes that We the People actually can handle the truth; we just want to know what we’re up against. During his first several days in office (2025), Pres. Trump ordered the immediate release of the assassination files for MLKjr, JFK and RFK be opened, unredacted, to We the People.