Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, gave Communist China $275-billion in 2016 (under Obama). Communist China represents $3-trillion of the company’s market. Tim, along with NFL and other unpatriotic sports celebrities, prefer big money and looking the other way regarding both United States’ border-crossers’ and Communist China’s internment camps. Both are barbaric.

With Apple’s podium, hundreds of millions of good people around the world could be alerted to true atrocities, which should be exposed and fought against.  Tim Cook chooses money over humanity.  Apple and Communist China deserve each other. People who have anything to do with the products of either are just as culpable.

Add into those inhumane horrors, the torture, murder, rape and amputations taking place right now to the tens of thousands of Americans (including military families, children, women), green card holders, translators and allies, whom Biden left behind enemy lines in Afghanistan.  It would have never happened under Trump’s leadership.

Take a guess as to why Apple and other Big Tech companies worked so hard to kick Pres. Trump, patriotism and democracy to the curb!