“Bolshevik” is defined as ‘a majority member of the Russian Socialist Democrat Party’. In 1903, under Lenin, Bolsheviks advocated for a Socialist state, which included banning guns, capitalism and Judeo-Christians. Sound familiar? Bolsheviks subtly set in motion the Russian Revolution.

Fast forward to the American Socialist Democratic  2016 convention. God came within a few voices of being kicked out of their platform. It will be interesting to see what they’ll do with Him this year.

Just as they want to eliminate police and ICE, today’s Bolshevik Democrats have already begun their anti-guns ideology by demanding stricter gun regulations, including making it almost impossible to buy ammo. Like true revolutionaries, comrade AOC and her moon-bats “Squad” are leading the charge to block gun ownership and to boycott anyone and/or any business, which doesn’t comply … translation: elimination of our Second Amendment!

Far left liberals and K-Street lobbyists sit on boards of big companies and Soros-backed non-profits. “Crazy Bernie” has always endorsed Socialism (aka Bolshevism and first step to Communism … or worse). In 2020, he promised, among other horrors, a cabinet position for AOC and for Beto to be in charge of gun removal.

As yet, addled Biden hasn’t figured out that he’s nothing more than a puppet for elite Bolshevik swamp rats who, by hook-or-crook, must win the presidency. He’ll do whatever they tell him to do. And, now that AOC has passed Pelosi in fundraising, there’s no telling what “hook-or-crook” means. Hopefully, by November, we’ll know.