The alphabet agencies … FBI, CIA, DOJ, FN (Fake News), HHS, CCP, DOD, FEMA and the like, … have gone too far spewing anti-Trump hatred. Everyday Americans are sick of it. How many more times will Democrats try to convict Trump for one of their creative accusations? The Mueller Investigation, comprised of 20+ anti-Trump attorneys, more than a million subpoenaed documents and 100+ witnesses. The circus cost taxpayers over $40-million. They invented a hoax to paint him as a treasonous spy, who colluded with Russians and worse. After looking under every rock, they found … nothing! His real crime? He beat Hillary in 2016.

Hooray! The Democrats’ hateful, anti-Trump nonsense was over! Wrong! Every month after that for years, the Democrats trumped-up one new accusation after another against him … all bogus. The unrepentant fools are at it again.

A Soros-backed AG named Bragg (a narcistic man representing a small NY borough), will likely be forced to shut down his anti-Trump, fake hearing this week (3-22-2023). Attempting a “Stormy-Stormy-Stormy” rebirth, his star witness, Michael Cohen, was demolished by an extremely credible witness. Cohen was a big liar. He’s even served time for perjury. So, Democrats … what’s next? Are you too mean to give up? If it’s Georgia, they’ll call Stacy Abrams to testify. With typical Democratic delusion, she still thinks she’s been Governor for the last six years!