The world is a dangerous place; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who are complicit and encourage evil.

Recently, on Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, former presidential candidate, explained why she was politically ousted, silenced and censored. She dared go against the grain of power elites by asking, “Why did no one question Hillary Clinton?” She dared to challenge the Clinton machine. For that, her fellow Democrats, led by Hillary, accused her of “alleged ties to Russia”. What? No “racist!” No “Nazi!”

Gabbard wondered how the American people could believe a narrative that defames a sitting member of Congress on the Armed Services Committee and who put her life on the line for this country.  “Politicians and media are expected to obey the agenda of the ‘Left’ or face the consequences of cancelation.”  It is a sad reality that many people don’t know or care what is going on in our government.

Hillary created and paid for Spygate, which was far worse than Watergate, with false accusations and complete mainstream media support. Hunter Biden was bribed by the wife of the mayor of Moscow; Hunter accepted $80,000/month from Ukraine’s Burisma, an oil company which aligned itself with Russia. No questions of impropriety there … what could possibly go wrong if Hunter’s dad is President of the United States.

If Trump destroyed 33,000 subpoenaed emails, as Hillary was allowed to do, anti-Trumpers would throw him in prison and throw-away the key. If Donald Jr. had done even a tiny piece of what Hunter got away with, he would be crucified.

The ‘left’ couldn’t control Trump or Gabbard so they had to be destroyed.

Biden, Austin and Mille should be charged with treason for abandoning tens of thousands of Americans and allies behind enemy lines in Afghanistan … not to mention giving $86-billion worth of military equipment to the Taliban. Instead, those same three traitors remain in office and are part of the “A-team” decision makers for Ukraine.

Rather than do nothing, people should call Democrat representatives who go in lockstep with Swamp-elites getting away with extremely serious crimes, which hurt legal Americans. In Montana, that would be Jon Tester 202-224-2644. It is a small step; but the word from constituents is what is supposed to matter … enough phone calls might knock some sense into these alleged representatives.