Cartels are firing real bullets at American border patrol agents. That would never happen if Trump was still president. Sounds like war or at least a strong conversation with Mexico’s president.

Meanwhile, Biden’s State Department claims that America needs to protect Ukraine’s border to ensure that it stays a sovereign nation! … can’t make-up this stuff! What about the United States’ border and sovereignty?

Migrants from all over the world (150 countries) continue to pour-across America’s southern border with Mexico. Democrats, including Montana’s Sen. Jon Tester, won’t visit the border or even admit that it’s “open”. Materials for finishing the wall are sitting in a field someplace. Biden wants to sell them for pennies on the dollar and have nothing to do with continued wall-building.

Democrats used to be for the wall before Trump came along. But now, they are determined to go 180-degrees from anything Trump did. Democrats deny that there’s even a problem on the border. Montana Senator Tester’s reason for voting against the wall, which he voted for several years ago, is “eminent domain”. What a crock! Ranchers and landowners along the Rio Grande are donating however much land, free of charge, that Texas needs to finish building the wall. Contact elected representatives, like Tester, and ask why they want to protect Ukraine’s border and not America’s. Tester: 202-224-2644, 311 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington D.C. 20510.