Years ago, Tim LaHaye wrote “Left Behind”, a 15 volume Christian eschatological novel, based on “Daniel”, “Revelation” and other books of the Bible. It begins with the “Rapture”; when, in the blink of an eye, Christians and innocent children vanish!

Among those left behind were people who, before the Rapture, had been pseudo-Christians, ie. Christians in name only … no longer! Now, they sorrowfully repent and understand that the next seven years will be horrible. A few of them form an underground “Tribulation Force” for protection and Christian fellowship … much the same as Jews did under the mad, deranged reign of Hitler.

Led by powerful global elitists, One World Order (OWO) rears its ugly, anti-Christian, head. For centuries, the Rothschild family (central bankers), OWO globalists had planned for this moment. With a guise of humility, Nicholas Carliae, UN Secretary-General, slithers onto the scene as their leader. He is worshipped as their cult-like savior for peace. He is the antichrist! He rules from “New Babylon” … at the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates River (modern day “Iraq”).

Carliae declares Christians to be terrorists … “#1 Enemy of the People”! He seizes guns and Bibles. Sound familiar? He has thousands of secret labs, where workers in hazmat suits, spray millions of bibles with a deadly, highly contagious, virus, known as “anthrax” in an effort to annihilate all Christians.

Just as in our world today, things are grim; but, keep a strong faith.  In John 16:13, Jesus said “In the world you will have tribulation; but, be of good cheer, I have overcome the world”.