From “Committee to Unleash Prosperity”, Issue #587, August 1, 2022 …

“One goal of the Manchin-Schumer bill is to outlaw all cars that are not EVS (practically paying people to buy Teslas). This has always been Al Gore’s dream … to declare war on the combustible engine.”

“One economic professor tells us, in discussion on environmentalism and global warming, ‘I started off by asking how many think that pollution has gotten worse in Los Angeles since 1960? Most students come from Southern California and should know the answer. 70% said pollution has gotten worse! Then I showed them the chart, measuring reductions in REAL pollution, like lead, carbon monoxide and smog (CO2 and methane are NOT pollutants). As it shows, there’s been a dramatic rise in automobile use in Los Angeles since 1960, but air pollution has dropped by 90%.’ ”