As mentioned from time to time in the past, recommends Judicial Watch for keeping up with what’s going on. 1-888-593-8442, 425 Third St., SW, Ste 800, Washington, D.C. 20024 It investigates federal open records laws, Marxist, anti-American Critical Race Theory and other Woke propaganda. It supports strong borders, using Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and lawsuits. JW challenges Biden’s illegal immigration crisis, the Left’s “radical racialism”, Black Lives Matter, First/Second Amendments, parents being labeled by the rogue DOJ as “domestic terrorists”, government cover-ups and all the other injustices, which are being slimed-upon and financed by American taxpayers.

American citizens should be grateful to JW for its legal fighting on our behalf. But, regardless of that, people should read its weekly reports just to stay up-to–date on current affairs. Democrats, no doubt, hate it. It’s a good organization to support. It has been successful in cleaning-up voter rolls in some counties, which are within NY, NJ, PA, IL, LA, MN, VA, WVA, CO, CA, MS and NC. It’s incapacitated millions of dead people from voting. If nothing else, We the People should be calling our elected representatives and raising “caine”! In Montana, that would be Tester at 202-244-2644.