Anyone who’s not getting Judicial Watch (JW), is missing out.  Ditto for information exposed by The Hill, a few people at FOX News, FOX Business and, of course, the well-edited  The information that JW obtains through lawsuits and the Freedom of Information Act continues to expose the swamp creatures who dwell within the Deep State.  JW also reports on plain old news … sometimes serious, sometimes laughable, and sometimes down right scary.  For instance…..
            *     11/4/2019, Joy Behar alerted Dems not to tell American voters that they’d [sic] take-away their guns”  “wait until you’re elected to do it”.  “That’s what hurt Beto.”
            *    Pelosi’s 10/31/2019 vote endorses an abusive process that steamrolls over the rights of President Trump and undermines the rule of law.  It’s not an impeachment resolution … it’s a Deep State coup resolution featuring a Pelosi-Schiff complete disregard of the Constitution of the United States of America.
            *    11/2/2019, “El Salvador said on Saturday it had ordered Venezuela’s diplomats to leave the Central American country within 48 hours, arguing that the decision was in line with its position that Venezuelan Pres. Nicolas Maduro is illegitimate.” … “U.S. government extended temporary protections for Salvadorans living in the United States by an extra year.”
            *     Government-owned Los Alamos National nuclear laboratory in New Mexico, long plagued by scandals and security breaches, is in trouble again for recklessly managing controlled substances, including enough opoids to kill more than 1,700 people.  The tax-payer funded compound mishandles other illicit narcotics, such as morphine, meth, codeine and cocaine, which are routinely used for research.  This is the same facility where JW exposed a Chinese Communist scientist that stole nuclear secrets two decades ago.