They did it again! Senate Democrats refused to pass a standalone $13.5-billion bill for immediate aid & defense to Ukraine … unless it was slipped into another one of their “omnibus spending” ($1.5 trillion with a “T”) bills. Every Democrat voted in favor of that kick-the-can tactic, successfully holding the Republicans hostage … sign it or hurt the Ukrainians and the U.S. government.

How do they always get away with genuine quid pro quos and Trump gets impeached for a fake one? Along with using blackmail for precluding the murder of innocent, Ukrainian men, women, children and babies, they used their “government will shut down and it will be Republicans’ fault” mantra as well. Needless to say, it contained a boat load of pork … hopefully, no money for buying Iranian and Venezuelan oil was in it!

Meanwhile, We the People are instructed to “sacrifice” for their inflation. They own it! They cannot blame Trump, COVID or Putin for their incompetence! Call Democrat senators (Tester is 202-224-2644) and tell them, emphatically, to STOP willy-nilly SPENDING taxpayers’ money!