The good news is that CNN has lost 90% of its viewing audience and ratings are in the tank. The bad news is that it won’t go away. Whoever owns CNN, and other Fake News (FN), want podiums with which they can push their never-ending anti-Trump narratives. Repetition is the number 1 tool of indoctrination. FN outlets parrot each other with whatever narrative the owners want. Who’s shouldering the financial burden for FN?

FN is primarily composed of NBC (Comcast), ESPN (Disney), ABC (Disney), CBS (Viacom), Washington Post (Jeff Bezos), New York Times (Jeff Bezos), USA Today (Gannett & GateHouse), MSNBC (Microsoft, ie. Bill Gates), CNN (AT&T’s Warner Media), AP (Reuters). They parrot each other with whatever the owners want to be the day’s story and can be turned into permanent false accusations. They have one agenda … destroy Trump and his supporters!

The Russia/Trump lie was carried 24/7 for years by FN. Their hosts and writers won Pulitzers for FN, raked-in a lot of ad money and cost taxpayers $-millions. They pushed lie after lie and, when proven, no apologies offered. During Summer 2020, FN barely covered 540 riots, even though 25 human beings (mostly law enforcement) were killed, thousands injured, countless businesses destroyed and, all the while, chanting “defund police”!

FN gushed over Michael Avenatti and desperately tried to paint Rittenhouse and Sandman as white supremacists … hate-filled insanity. Dr. Ford and military-bounty stories were trumped-up. FN lied about, and still does, about the deaths of patriots in Benghazi and Afghanistan. The list goes on and on. The bottom-line is don’t trust FN!