A few months ago, Obama said “there wasn’t a smidgen of corruption during my administration”. The April 2019 indictment of Gregory Craig, White House counsel to former President Barack Obama, says differently.  Like Manafort, he pled “not guilty”. Unlike Manafort, there was no pre-dawn raid or 8 months in solitude for his victims. In socialist and communist countries, people aren’t “innocent until proven guilty”. It’s a revered liberty in America, so why didn’t it work for Finicum, Bundy, Ronny Jackson, Coventry boys, Duke LaCross, Kavanaugh, Ferguson, Carter Page, J. Corsi, Donald Trump, Jr., Kutchner, Popadoupoulos and wife?

Now, it looks like “Spygate” was, allegedly, being run out of Obama’s Oval Office. If proved true, that is more than a smidgen of corruption.  The infamous anti-Trump insurance policy (Mueller investigation) boomeranged.  “Potus wants to be kept informed” emails, and episodes of Obama contacting Hillary via at least one of Hillary’s illegal servers are coming to light. Upper echelons of Obama’s intel- departments (DOJ, FBI, CIA and State) were, allegedly, corrupt. If they are found guilty, any of the following might serve prison time: Comey, McCabe, Stryok, Page, B. Ohr, N. Ohr, Baker, Coats, Mifsud, Simpson (Fusion GPS), Lynch, Brennan, Yates, Powers, Rosenstein, Steele, Richardson, Reid, Kerry, certain employees of Fake News, Jarrett, J. Podesto, T. Podesto, Abedin, Weiner, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Sidney Blumenthal. Statute of Limitations has probably run on Clapper. Susan Rice (sacrificial lamb for Benghazi lies) probably has immunity. Obama, Hillary and Soros might get a slap on the wrists.

Perkins Coie Law firm is up to its neck in the biggest scandal and abuse of power in the history of this country. It represents Hillary, Obama, Kerry, DNC, Boeing, Amazon, Starbucks, Costco, Craigslist, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Intel, AT&T, Zellow, REI, Ventures, Expedia, T-Mobile, Safeco, Dale Chihuly, Quora, Nintendo, Dems Senatorial Campaign, Dems Leadership Council and Congressional Campaign committee. Their clients own many other companies, including mainstream media (ie. “Fake News”). Marc Elias (Perkins head lobbyist and big-time Hillary advisor) represented tech companies in their push-back-against regulations on political ads. Marc Elias retained Fusion GPS for op-research services; a product of that was the phony Trump-Russia collusion dossier.

The individual and corporate list of “cards” that may fall goes on-&-on. Schumer, Pelosi and the other “Gang of 8” have known about all of it, including the contents of four FISA apps, 302s, phony dossier, “insurance policy” (Mueller), Soros (dirty money), surveillance (aka “spying” on Trump Tower and Trump’s campaign), Hillary/Obama’s involvement, congressional hearings, Chicago, liars, leakers and K-Street. Pres. Trump is out-playing them!  The House of Cards is falling fast.