No student in America should be allowed to graduate from high school without knowing about 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. Both were brutal attacks that shook America to its very core. Generations since these events are too young to remember  and appreciate blood-curdling horror that patriotic Americans felt on those days.

On 9/11/2001, thousands of people died when Islamic terrorists seized control of passenger planes and flew them into the Pentagon and the twin World Trade Center towers.  A steadfast symbol of American military might, the financial district, small businesses and big businesses, came to a halt on that very dark day. These nightmarish suicide attacks left the world stunned, yet resolute in bringing the instigator behind that attack to justice. That would be Osama bin Laden.

It is the responsibility of parents and teachers alike to discuss the significance of 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and the many wars where brave Americans fought for American freedom. Many of those soldiers lost their lives so this generation can enjoy American exceptionalism.  Freedom is not free!