California teachers voted for open border Democrats, but then went on strike to complain about over-crowded classrooms. Go figure! Speaking of Californians, someone anonymously slipped Gavin Newsom a note, hinting, “FIRE HYDRANTS AND RESERVOIRS ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE WATER IN THEM”. For some reason, that caused weird-thinking Gavin to come-up with his idea of a brilliant marketing idea, ie. voters seeing him everyday on his own podcast would help him in his 2028 campaign for President. Hey, Gav, that actually is a great idea for America. Perhaps the more available Newsom-transparency, the more the dense-people can catch-on to what an idiot he is. He’s destroyed California; yet, they voted him into a second term. Go figure! Just imagine how much damage he could do as President. If his ego insists that he run for the presidency, his best bet might be the Biden-plan …… hide!