Discussing prescription drug costs with seniors at the Touchmark Senior Center in Helena.

Top Story – Fighting to reduce prescription drug costs

One of my highest priorities is reducing the cost of prescription drugs. I have heard from many Montana families and seniors about how these high costs are making it hard—and sometimes impossible—to get the prescriptions drugs they need.

The Senate Finance Committee, on which I serve, recently held hearings to hold pharmaceutical companies and the so-called “middle-men” in drug pricing negotiations, Pharmacy Benefit Managers, accountable for their policies that drive up costs. During these hearings, I called for more drug pricing transparency and pressed for solutions that will lower costs for patients.

I recently helped introduce the CREATES Act, which help improve Montanans’ access to lower-cost generic drugs. In the coming weeks, I will also be working alongside my Senate Finance Committee colleagues to write additional legislation that combats high drug costs. There is much more Congress can and must do.

Nursing homes must be safe

Many Montanan seniors rely on nursing home care. Unfortunately, some of these facilities in Montana have not always followed procedures designed to keep seniors safe.

At a recent hearing I highlighted growing concerns about the safety of seniors in nursing homes. In response, CMS announced that the agency will be reviewing current regulations and guidelines related to the safety and quality in nursing homes. Abuse and neglect should never be tolerated, and I will continue pressing the agency to ensure that Montana seniors are safe.

Visiting the Kalispell Regional Medical Center to discuss the rise of meth addicted newborns.

My bill to protect Montana seniors with Medicare Advantage

I recently introduced legislation to ensure that Montana seniors with Medicare Advantage (MA) plans receive their full benefits. Unfortunately, 16,000 Montanans with MA plans are currently not receiving their full benefits due to an Obamacare policy.

Here’s the problem: High-performing MA plans receive bonus payments which MUST be passed on to enrollees through better benefits. But Obamacare also puts a cap on payments to MA plans, which is preventing many high-quality plans from actually receiving bonus payments. And a result, thousands of Montanans are not receiving their full benefits.

And here’s my solution: My bipartisan bill would fix this problem by ensuring that bonus payments actually get passed down to seniors on Medicare Advantage.