In the News …

Oh Boy! Just as we didn’t think it could get worse than Jen Psaki, her replacement is an anti-Israel activist married to a CNN correspondent, Suzanne Malveaux. No ethical concerns there! She was a national spokeswoman for MoveOn.Org, a far-left, anti-Israel group known for supporting boycotts of the state, which was popular among the Obama crowd. It is likely to further strain ties with Israel, which is already strongly opposed to the Biden administration’s efforts to ink a new deal with Iran.



Before buying Twitter, Elon Musk was the darling of the Left. Hollywood, the Squad, Fake News, Democrats, and the rest of the anti-fossil fuels gang, were buying Teslas “faster than a speeding bullet!” But, Twitter was considered to be one of their communication arms … good for censoring those, who disagreed with them. Musk bought it to “restore First Amendment rights”. So, New York Times, an ever-loyal part of Fake News, lost no time writing a hit piece on him, accusing him of being pro-Apartheid. As usual, CNN’s famous lack of research on subject matter, backfired. Musk’s entire family was very vocal about its dislike of Apartheid. Elon was so against it that he left South Africa when he was 17. He’s inspired, more than ever, to end Twitter’s censorship team, saying, “I’m on the warpath!”