In its July 10, 2023 issue #810, Committee to Unleash Prosperity had this to say:

“Government was the fastest growing industry in June. In an overall disappointing jobs report for June, guess what industry hired the most new workers?


“Even worse is that when netting out the downward revisions in jobs created from April and May, there was a net increase in total employment of only 99,000, of which 60,000 were additions to state, local and federal payrolls. In other words, government accounted for more than half of the net new jobs created in June.

“Meanwhile, Congress is adding thousands of fake private sector jobs that are a result of the Biden’s spending and borrowing sprees. The only way government can get the money to pay for government jobs programs is to pull money from the private sector. We should have learned from the Obama years that government subsidies to industries just lead to fraud and bankruptcies … remember Solyndra and Fisker? … A productive economy increases private sector jobs and cuts extraneous government jobs. Biden is doing the opposite.”

And, so it continues into 2023’s Christmas season. Democrats continue to beg for 87,000 new, armed IRS agents. This week (Dec. 19, 2023), U.S. Steel is selling-out to Japan for $18-billion (approx.).