8/8/2022 … Sen. Jon Tester voted against a slate of amendments that would make the ‘Inflation Increase’ bill less painful for Montanans, including Danies’ amendment to remove harmful policies that would increase costs on Made in Montana energy … especially COAL!

Before Democrats passed their latest, reckless spending bill, Daines spoke on the Senate floor, regarding important facts to debunk misinformation contained in the Democrats’ bill, saying “It increases taxes on millions of low-and-middle-class taxpayers. According to analysis from the Joint Committee on Taxation, in 2023 alone, those earning less than $200,000 per year will see a $16.7-billion tax increase. By 2031, nearly two-thirds of the increased tax burden under the Democrats’ plan will fall on those earning less than $400,000 per year.”

“It supersizes the IRS by spending over $45-billion to add over 80,000 new IRS agents to audit small and medium-size businesses and assert control over the lives and finances of Montanans. It gives thousands of dollars in tax credits to RICH PEOPLE for electric vehicles. Individuals making up to $150,000 are eligible for a $7,500 check … paid for by taxpayers … to buy expensive EVs.”

“It enacts massive taxes on local oil and gas producers, raising costs for Montanans fueling-up their vehicles to get to work.”

Ask Tester about it. Also, watch what he is busy doing for Montanans at YouTube, Jon Tester & Cory booker. 202-224-2644