John Kerry: “I was for the Iraq War before I was against it.”

Jon Tester: … for XL Pipeline before he was against it.

Biden (9/24/2019): “We didn’t lock people up in cages.” LIE: Biden and Obama built acres of cages. See AP’s June 2014 photos of them, showing hundreds of migrants sleeping on floors behind chain-link fenced cages. Photos include one of Jeh Johnson (Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary) and AZ Gov. Brewer touring one of their cage facilities.

Jon Tester: In 2006, Tester had MT roots and a six-figure net worth. He promised not to take lobbyists’ money. By 2012, he’d already joined the D.C. Swamp and was ranked the second-biggest recipient of “DARK MONEY”. By 2018, he owned a $850,000-plus D.C. mansion; that’s in addition to his net worth being five times more since making that promise in 2006.

Jon Tester: At an American University event in DC, on Dec. 4, 2018, Tester announced that, after leaving the governor’s office, Bullock would be running for MT’s other senator spot (presumably against Daines). On Dec. 6, 2018, in the Billing’s Gazette, Tester’s chief of staff walked it back for him, saying that “Sen. Tester had misheard a question.” A video posting of Tester’s misstatement on Facebook was removed.

Steve Bullock: After saying that he would not run for president, Bullock announced that he would. After receiving 0% of the vote, he withdrew. After saying that he would not run for senator, he met with Schumer and Obama about plenty of campaign (dark) money. After that meeting, he said that he would run against GOP (presumably Daines) for senator.

Shifty Schiff: “I wish that we could know who the whistle-blower is; we’d like to talk to him.” Was it a lie or a memory lapse? His daughter’s “then” boyfriend, Eric (aka “alleged whistle-blower”) was standing and smiling with the Schiff family on their 2018 Thanksgiving card for friends and family.

Tom Fahr Steyer: Jan. 2019, Tom announced (quite assuredly) that he wouldn’t run for president. August 2019, Tom announced (quite assuredly) that he would run. Instead, he says that he’s prepared to donate his entire worth ($-billions) against GOPs in order to defeat Trump.

D.C. Swamp rats: Led by Pelosi and Schumer, adamantly, wanted millions of DACA amnesties … until Trump offered amnesty for twice as many DACAs. Then, they wanted zero, out of fear that it would be another victory for Trump.

Biden/Obama: They were for a border wall until Trump wanted it. In 2013, Schumer’s Senate passed Sen. Bill 744, “Border, Economic, Opportunity & Immigration Modernization Act”. It included $4.6-billion for a wall on southern border, but, when Pres. Trump wanted it, Pelosi, Schumer, and their obedient puppets, flipped into being emphatically against even $1 toward it.

D.C. Swamp Rats: They mocked Trump’s vow that Mexico would pay for the wall. But, now that Mexico’s more than paid for it, it’s crickets.

Biden: He was loudly against PAC money until his presidential campaign ran out of money. Now, he’s drowning in it … from both U.S. and foreign dark PAC money.

Biden: He claimed to know nothing about the anti-Trump Russia hoax/scandal until he remembered that he was at the 1/5/2017 Oval Office meeting about it.

Obamacare: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Campaign Obama/Biden (2008): Pledged “no new taxes” on middle class. By 2010, they’d slipped-in 18 deep, new tax hikes via “Obamacare”. Chief among them: 1) 40% excise tax on health insurance plans; 2) increase in hosp. ins. portion of payroll tax; 3) payroll tax on investments; and 4) savage individual mandates. By 2013, tax revenue had tripled.

D.C. Swamp Rats: They berated John Bolton mercilessly until Trump fired him. Then, he became their darling.

D.C. Swamp Rats: They screamed for Pres. Trump to fire Brennan, until he did. When Trump stripped Brennan of his security clearance, they screamed for Trump’s impeachment. Now, Brennan is a fake news commentator.

Obama: Told Detroit that the first thing he’d do, after his 8 years’ presidency, would be to buy an electric car! Now, 3.5 years later, crickets.