In 2013, Harry Reid’s filibuster overhaul cleared the way for Obamacare to pass. Without the filibuster, Obama would have an easier time filling the 15 slots on a controversial Medicare product. He was successful. It smoothed the way … instead of 60 votes only 51 were necessary to pass Obamacare. SCOTUS was okay with Obamacare, if the American people understood that it was a tax.

Republicans expressed concern over the power grab. Doctors-turn-congressional representatives, worried about the implications for the “Independent Payment Advisor” (whatever that is). Even Howard Dean, a rabid Democrat, had serious concerns about Obamacare. Other liberal supporters admitted that medical doctors and hospitals would be “squeezed”. Something as serious as Obamacare should have the 60 vote “nuclear” option.

The filibuster would cause D.C. gridlock and partisanship would get worse. Without the filibuster, free and open debate would be taken away from the millions of Americans who ask elected representatives to be their voice. No one would agree on anything.

Democrats, including Biden, used the filibuster more than Republicans. Yet, here we find ourselves once again … Democrats want to get rid of it in order to pass radical, unconstitutional policies by a vote of only 51 yea’s. When Republicans have a majority, Democrats will want it back!