Woke’s “Population Control” is moving forward at full speed. Democrats own it. Their Communist beast feeds on crises like Covid and fake climate change, gullible voters, illegal voters and Democrats refusing to stand-up for what’s right. Every aspect of Wokism and Green New Deal is killing this Republic. Fear, lies, censorship, and other government deceptions are driving the America people sheep blindly to the slaughter. Call Democrat representatives (in MT, it’s Tester @ 202-224-2644) to question the non-common sense of their mindless hysteria.

Fauci is one of the greatest villains in American history. Yet, Democrats, Fake News, social media, Hollywood, Davos, and other fake “experts”, would rather eat glass than change course. Congratulations! Finally, NIH stopped funding gain of function experiments in Communist China’s Wuhan lab!

Now that the presidential election season has begun, another crisis will have to emerge! Ironically, Hunter’s straw-art is raising $-billions. With pockets full of cash, expensive, anti-Republican, mailing campaign brochures will flood mail boxes. Jailing Trump won’t be enough. It’s disgusting that anti-American wealthy donors, including adversaries, will smash the United States of America like a bug. What Democrats really want is global “Population Control”. Part of the evil plan to do that is to have an empty suit (Biden) and other incompetents in the White House. House Republicans need to claw-back Biden’s unspent $-trillions for the Democrats’ “fake” Climate Change and “White Supremacy” crises to save these great United States.