“Bidenomics” would be laughable if not so sad for “poor people”. Committee to Unleash Prosperity #855 (9/13/2023) said, “the poverty measure soared in the new report for every measurable group. Old people. Blacks. Hispanics. Whites. Children. Single mothers. The child poverty rate has more than doubled. This is a complete and tragic reversal from the Trump years when poverty fell to its lowest level EVER recorded. … And Bidenomics has surely not worked for middle-income Americans. Median household income has fallen by nearly $3,000 since Trump came into office.”

The Left complains that poverty went up because “We aren’t spending enough on welfare.” Fake News will do nearly anything to cover for Biden’s screw-ups and there’s no better example than how major news outlets attempted to shield the White House from these new atrocious numbers on the economy.

With inflation, taxes went up for every level of people. Biden lied when he said, “no taxes on those who make less than $400,000.” The White House’s employment numbers are rigged … a big percentage of “new jobs” come from new government hiring … feeding the beast. Unleashed: Biden’s budget: A future that’s built on government dependence. … How can the fools in Washington spend $1.2-trillion on anti-poverty programs and yet we still have nearly $40-million people in poverty.”