February 10, 2021

How simple can the truth be? Memory … February 10, 2017 …

Freedom makes the American dream possible. The American dream is an individual quest, not a group thing. It is your PERSONAL responsibility.


February 8, 2021

Stupid is as stupid does. Memory … February 8, 2019 …

Our politicians continue to approve that there is no cure for stupid! But, isn’t that really a statement about those who vote for them. The socialist party puts forth a blithering idiot like AOC and she pushes forth the “green new deal”. Pure socialism, yet, these so-called, United States’ congressmen fall all over each other to say they support it. Have any of these morons read the Declaration of Independence? The Constitution? Do they know what FREEDOM is?

February 7, 2021

There’s so much that could be going on with whose coup is whose, worldwide pedophilia, the monetary system, traitors and reason, lying media, useful idiots, good guys, bad guys and all the rest. I would like to believe the reset has begun, and so I will. Remaining hunkered down, topping off tanks, storing provisions, and hording cash, until such time as we receive an “all clear”, or come to accept that America is lost. Pray for Trump and a few good men in the military, as they are last best hope.

2/1/2021 Randy’s Ramblings

I really needed to hear this on this particular morning … two year ago memory … 2/1/2020: 25,568! “4 a.m. skies” and I have only appreciated and shared properly the last 1,100, or so. Clouds and stars being mixed by hand, not a mixer. Scout. Girl Scout and Kit and I, basking in its awesome wonder. I feel like the ungrateful son of a Father, who has given me everything. Obvious gifts, like Love, wisdom and common sense. My daily bread and the peace to walk by still waters and fear no evil. Things we take for granted, like every breath of life. Teaching me to cherish giving and helping others, while being embarrassed to receive. I cannot remember a time when my days did not begin with magnificent, ener-gizing and promising sunrises, or end with equally beautiful, romantic and soothing sunsets. Blessed with an awareness that I am connected to all things through a common thread of Love that binds us all together, and the knowledge that what you do to the least of us, you do to all of us. I am an arrogant, ego-tistical and infinitely flawed human being, who promises to do better over the next 70 years, but like New Year’s resolutions, I know I’m lying, even as the words are forming on my lips. But, God and Scout dogs love me, so I’ll I push on, one 4 a.m. sky at a time. Happy Birthday Randy! Here is to the first day of the rest of your life! Please spend it wisely.


1/31/2021 Randy’s Ramblings

My 4 a.m. sky is shining top to bottom. Half a moon casting light across a frozen pasture using ice crystals to refract the light in all directions. Magic midnight morning moments! Dogs are fed, dishes done, homage paid to FB, God’s Love packed away for another day, and I await an awesome predawn show to announce the sun’s arrival. Scout and I will get a couple hours sleep while we wait.


1/27/2021 Randy’s Ramblings

2 a.m., 4a.m. and 6 a.m. all look alike, buried in a blanket of soft clouds. God’s love is always present, but you need to realize what a blessing a star-filled sky, or an over powering full moon, can be.


1/5/2021 Randy’s Ramblings

The 5 a.m. sky had gathering clouds that contributed to yet another magnificent magenta morning movie sequel to the sunrise collection being present at 6 a.m. I’m not sure any human deserves to be treated to such extravagance. Let alone, a reprobate like me.

February 14, 2021 shared a memory … February 14, 2019

No surprise, the clouds are back. At least they allow a smattering of stars to find gaps in the coverage. This is why we have memories. To remember the beauty of the day before. The life we’ve led. And, that’s why we have imagination. So, we might enhance those memories to edit them to our liking. We all are guilty of reflecting on a past of distorted illusion. Have you ever met someone, who believed in their reincarnation, and believed themselves to be a garbage man in another life? Realty is where the paths of our journeys intersect, and in that moment (and just in that moment) do we see the truth. Even as we walk our separate ways, we are creating new identities for each other, to be remembered later. I suppose that is why it is written, “to live life in the moment”. Make men laugh and Love all over your Valentine today and be remembered fondly on this special day, dedicated to lovers.