Fauci, the man who is responsible for millions of COVID-19 deaths, met with CIA on a regular basis prior to the diseases’s release from China’s Wuhan Lab. To this day, Democrats, including Fauci, have never been held accountable fortheir dastardly involvement in the deaths of those souls.
Dr. J. Bhattacharya was the first to expose the harms of COVID, including Fauci’s preposterous “lock-downs”. The good doctor exposed the truth on numerous guest-visits to Laura Ingraham’s show on FOXNews. He fought tirelessly for scientific transparency and an end to “Fake News’s” censorship of the truth about COVID-19. For that, he was mocked and censored by Democrats. He authored “The Great Barrington Declaration”, calling for an end to Covid lockdowns. Old Twitter blacklisted him. He was unmercifully harangued, smeared and defamed by Democrats, the United Nation’s World Health Organization and Fake News. When the truth surfaced about their lies and the proven fact that Fauci granted taxpayers’ money for the Wuhan Lab to conduct research and experiments, the brave, patriotic doctor was vindicated. After that, scientists called for the immediate reinstatement of licenses lost for saving lives during the pandemic.
The good news is that Dr. J. Bhattacharya is Trump’s nominee to head-up the NIH. He is the perfect choice for restoring integrity to that branch of government, which, under Fauci, went horribly wrong. Trump chose well for the American people. Hopefully, Democrats will join Republicans in quickly approving this exemplarily, very important nominee. Patriots, call your Democrat senators!