FACT:  Epstein was a longtime friend and multi-million dollar donor to the Clintons. FACT: Despite lying-Bill (“I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky”) saying that he went to Epstein’s evil island “only 4 times” (1 time is bad enough!), flight plans and Secret Service say differently.  He is shown to have been to the island 27 times! Fact!

As expected, the ever-predictable destroy-Trump FAKE NEWS and Deep State is insinuating that President Trump (aka citizen-Trump) was also a close friend of the slime-ball Epstein.  That is a BOLD FACED LIE!!!!  Truth is that citizen -Trump was a key player in putting Epstein behind bars for his sex-trafficking during 2002-2003. FACT: Sixteen years ago, Trump kicked Epstein permanently out of Mar-a-Lago and all other Trump properties.
Democrats are going nuts as, one-after-another, their lies and false accusations against President Trump, his family (even Barron), associates, and friends, are slammed solely in the hope of smearing and destroying the only man (with the help of AG Barr) in America who has the unmitigated guts to stand-up for us and our beloved country!