Fauci’s 15 minutes of fame were up over a year ago. It became painfully clear that he was a narcissistic fraud. Unfortunately, he fit nicely with Team Biden’s COVID “emergency” narrative. So, the White House, Democrats, “Squad”, other radical Left infiltrators, Fake News, Big Tech and Big Pharma, continue to hold him in high esteem as the nation’s “medical advisor”.

The rest of the country recognized that Fauci has been straight-out lying … from the beginning. He lied about masks. He lied about school closures. He lied about lockdowns. He lied to Congress (a felony).

Fauci told the U.S. Senate that he did not fund gain of function research. In July, thousands of documents to the contrary had already been made publicly available when Sen. Rand Paul called him out on it. Since then, 900-plus more documents have been released exposing Fauci’s NIH grant to an organization for gain of function research at the Wuhan Virology Lab. He oversaw taxpayers’ dollars being used in a grant for exactly what he says he knew nothing about.

Why has Dr. Fraudenstein not been fired? Why is he not being tried for the alleged murder of millions of Americans?…and lying to Congress?