Comments on the following two subjects represent opinion only:
(1) Tester, allegedly, won for the same reason that Trump, allegedly, lost. By 3 am, following Nov. 2018 election night, Rosendale was ahead. But, some-how, during the next wee-hours of the following morning, when the counting was, seemingly, done, 10,000 ballots appeared from out of nowhere … all for Tester. An anonymous whistle blower, from one of Helena’s precincts, called Patriots’ Sirius FM Radio to report it.
(2) Trump was hundreds of thousands of votes ahead at several swing-state polling places, when GOP poll-watchers were told to go home and come back the next morning to resume ballot counting. No sooner were they gone, when Democrat poll workers pulled-out suitcases full of ballots from underneath the counting-tables … ironically, they were all votes for Biden . This was, irrefutably, caught on tape. Also seen on tape, the Democrat poll watchers were caught on tape, running those ballots more than once through the voting machines.