Today, August 15, 2023, is the second anniversary of when Biden and his DOD
severely botched America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. They left behind
hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans and allies to be tortured and murdered.

Thirteen American soldiers were killed. $82-billion worth of Top Secret
military equipment and two strategic, Afghan air bases were gifted to Taliban
terrorists. None of it had to happen. Trump had a good withdrawal plan in
place. But, Democrats refuse to use any of his policies and plans, lest he be
credited with something good. Biden and his global puppeteers, seemingly, don’t care.

The same policy goes for the US/MX wide open border! ISIS-K, a horrifically new, much worse
branch of al-Qaeda, grew out of that despicable withdrawal. It is estimated
that hundreds of them, as well as other terrorist groups, have slipped into
America by way of Biden’s open door policy! It is a deadly lie to claim otherwise!

Americans should be furious!