Democrats become more ‘America-Last’ every day. How can they now be so excited as to nominate a SCOTUS judge, who doesn’t have a definition for “woman”? The time may be coming soon when knowing the truth about that word becomes a SCOTUS necessity.

She says that she’s “not a biologist”. What does that have to do with anything? One person, who objected to a man competing in a women’s swimming competition, said “I’m not a vet, but I know what a dog is.” These days, level-headed people are baffled that there is some other definition than a woman, unlike a man, has two X chromosomes. Also, God made woman second. There’s never been a third person created … He left that up to Adam and Eve.

If all of that isn’t bad enough, she answered 15 easy questions with “I don’t know”. The only reason that she’ll win the lifetime position and be a lifetime puppet for Democrat puppet-masters, is because Democrats control the whole show … president, representatives and senators. Like empty-headed Kamala, she was picked because of her race and gender (if there is no such thing as ‘woman’ why does it matter that she is a ‘woman’?) Republicans were not allowed to see her writings, sentencings, etc. That’s just wrong! That’s not how America works. Call your Democrat representatives and explain to them the obvious wrongdoing of this whole charade. In Montana, that would be Jon Tester (202-224-2644). Who the heck does he think he’s representing?